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Que tal la semana guapis?🤍✨

De momento estuve ayer de chill en casita, hoy y mañana tengo cita en salud mental, y también voy a ir al gym con una amiga. Semanita sana por así llamarla jajaja 😊
Liked by: N⚡ Noelia. Kela Aras

Consejos para bajar de peso?

Empieza sacando tu IMC, luego de eso hay una fórmula en internet para poder calcular de manera fácil cuántas calorías son las que necesitas para el simple hecho de vivir, de ahí habrá que checar tu nivel de actividad física para poder empezar con un déficit calórico sano y empezar a a bajar poco a poco.
En mi caso particular también empecé a buscar cómo suplir la comida chatarra o ultra procesada a la que estaba acostumbrada, como avena en vez cereales, leche deslactosada o light, pan blanco o refinado por integral, pan francés y bajé mi consumo de azúcar utilizando adulcorantes y por supuesto agregando frutas y verdura a mis comidas, llevé una vida sedentaria mucho tiempo, así que empecé con ejercicios de cardio por 10 minutos diarios, luego conforme me cansaba menos aumenté el tiempo y tenía un amigo que siempre iba al gym, como a mí me daba pena le pedía consejos a él y me enseñó varios ejercicios de fuerza que podía hacer en casa 🏠 🥰.
Espero te sirva lo poco que he aprendido yo ✨. Lindo día 💞.

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How do you find balance between work, personal life and self care??

It’s a tough one. I used to be a full-time student, who used to work and hit the gym all at the same time.
But the past year has been exhausting, the gym part took the biggest hit even when I don’t have to worry about my studies anymore.
Finding the balance, for selfcare i.e gym, working out, you have to have consistency, more than motivation. 1 din gym jaa k don’t skip 4 days. What I did is just pay 3 months of your gym fees in advance, phir to apke daddy bhi jayen ge hxhx.
Regarding the personal life, you have to spend atleast 1 hours talking with your family. Its the best therapy one can have. Think of it as they need someone to talk as well, so do it for them. There are weekends as well, have chai with your boys, talk shit/business or whatever you want to. Sometimes you wont like going out, but trust me its worth it. 22-27 is the age of saying goodbyes. Most of my friends are leaving and we’re all scared. The best moments of my life has been with them, all we can do is maximise whatever we have left.
Yes, work is important, but so is your mental health. Paharon me jaa k thora time guzaro, sb yaheen rehe jana he.

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haces un resumen del día de hoy?

Me he levantado a las 5:30, a las 6:30 ya en el curro. ADORO mi equipo y los actores no puedo estar más contenta encima de la confianza que hay en mí y de todo. A las 19 he venido a casa despues de tooooodo el día, me he apuntado al gym y ahora duchita y a ZZZ.
Ea, resumido.

Why do people take out all of their aggression or past pain on somebody brand new who has never done anything to them what are they thinking now that's psychotic if you ask me who does that and why do they do it it makes no sense they ruined something before it even has a chance to start so sad

I’m only like this with family members but I do try to make up for it by trying to get my act together and by apologizing for the way I’ve been taking out my frustration and anger on them every once in a while. The reason I’m like this is perhaps because I don’t have any other outlets to release my anger/frustration and it’s quite easy for me to be triggered by the things most people would usually overlook. I do care about my family and hate when I upset them but at the same time, I can’t get myself to enjoy other hobbies or go workout at the gym to release the excess energy and/or my frustration inside of me due to social anxiety and depression holding me back from truly enjoying this life that I have on earth. I currently don’t see a therapist and couldn’t find one that I truly connected with over these past few years so that’s also been taking its toll on me, my overall happiness as well as my ability to make others happy.

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Liked by: KittLo Maxsi Crybaby37

Patrick Bateman als role model? Seriously, I'm too old for this s*it. American Psycho war literally eine Satire auf Kapitalismus und Konsumismus und Ellis sagte später, dass er sein eigenes psychisches Vakuum mit Konsum zu füllen versuchte - und es gibt Idioten, die DAS als Vorbild sehen? Geez ...

normanz9761’s Profile Phototh1rsttrap
Jep, like I said: Keine Ahnung von der eigentlichen Lore und lediglich ein Herunterbrechen auf oberflächliche Stereotype, die man augenscheinlich zu Gesicht bekommt. Bateman karikiert ja quasi durch seine strenge Routine eine Art hypermaskuline Disziplin, an der sich viele Gym Bros ein Beispiel nehmen. Die jeweiligen Hintergründe des Charakters bzw. die Meta-Ebene des Films sind dabei bedeutungslos oder werden für das Sigma Male Trope erst gar nicht näher in Betracht gezogen. Die männlichen Protagonisten werden für dieses Narrativ unglaublich simplifiziert, was ja auch irgendwo patriarchale Strukturen widerspiegelt. Ich verstehe beispielsweise nicht, was Officer K aus Blade Runner dort zu suchen hat. Oder Batman. Es scheint sich dabei wohl auch eine Art einsames und auf sich alleine gestelltes Märtyrer-Syndrom durchzusetzen. Es wäre ja mehr als amüsierend, wenn es dabei nicht reale Untertöne hätte. Diese Trends lassen sich ja zum Teil auch bei weiblichen Personen mit dem "femme fatale" - oder "femme fragile" - Phänomen beobachten, die sich genau der gleichen Séxismen bedienen. "Dark and light female energy" und andere Bullshît-Konsorten dieser Art sind seit geraumer Zeit schon Nischen im Internet, die sich soziokulturell aufs Alltagsleben übertragen. Zu meiner Zeit war das wohl das Tumblr-Girl-Trope oder irgendeine andere Subkultur, die digital Ausdruck gefunden hat (aber noch lange nicht so gefährliche Ausmaße annahm). Das klingt alles zunächst unglaublich trivial und dumm, aber so erstarken Rollenbilder heutzutage. Im digitalen Zeitalter. Und viele sind vollkommen d'accord damit, ohne das näher in Frage zu stellen, weil es auch wieder ein Aufbegehren ist.

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Was sind Sigma Male Edits?

RyoMcCauley’s Profile PhotoTyler Durden
Sigma Males sind in der Incel-Nomenklatuer quasi die unabhängigen und intellektuellen Cis-Einzelgänger, die sich darüber profilieren, keiner externen Anerkennung (vorzugsweise von Frauen) zu bedürfen. In solchen Edits werden meist stereotypische Abziehbilder dieses Tropes (aka Patrick Bateman) mit Phonk-Musik inszeniert. Diese Videoedits sind meist kurz und sehr catchy und in den Kommentaren sammeln sich dann regelrecht misogyne Dreckspaten an, die sich in irgendeiner peinlichen Gym Bro Manie befeuern, sich gegenseitig gut zureden und sich mit den gezeigten Charakteren identifizieren. xd Es findet auf so vielen Ebenen eine soziale Zweckentfremdung von fiktiven Gegebenheiten statt, aber es ist ein Phänomen, das man so gut dekonstruieren und analysieren kann. Manche dieser Edits sind sehr selbstironisch und bedienen sich lediglich auf künstlerische Art und Weise diesem soziokulturellen Phänomen. Es ist jedoch kein Geheimnis, dass das in vielen Kreisen eine weitere Dynamitgrube für Frauenhâss darstellt.
Hier ein Beispielvideo ("The Ultimate SigmaVerse"):
https://youtu.be/1un3EP4L3FE?si=Vwj6-Km4CtuDShgmfeytality’s Video 173465198136 1un3EP4L3FEfeytality’s Video 173465198136 1un3EP4L3FE

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feytality’s Video 173465198136 1un3EP4L3FEfeytality’s Video 173465198136 1un3EP4L3FE

Can we bully men into not posting 21435353 shirtless pics? Like, good for you, you're a gym rat, congrats. Do it for yourself not to brag about your abs.

Or, you could just let people exist and do what makes them happy? You don't HAVE to follow their social media if you don't like gym selfies yanoe, and if someone is proud of the result they have achieved why try to ruin that for them? How cruel and bitter.

Can we bully men into not posting 21435353 shirtless pics? Like, good for you, you're a gym rat, congrats. Do it for yourself not to brag about your abs.

No. We can't. Are you unhappy? Unfollow. Block.
You don't need to bully anyone just because their life triggers you.

Whats your favorite outdoor activity? 🏕️🌞

Going to places like chipotle, poke bros, or subway throughout the year since where I live isn’t very warm unless it’s summertime so I only ever go out to eat or workout at the gym from time to time again. During the summer, I like swimming in a pool or the ocean or playing volleyball.
Liked by: Smile Maxsi

Fuck Yaar it's been 7 years now and still my eyes fill up when I think about her or she wanders into my dreams. Any solutions for that?

HaiderAli686’s Profile PhotoHaider Ali
Looser mentality.
Turn this into motivation and make changes in your life to be better physically, mentally, financially.
Read books, watch a movie to divert your mind. Hit the gym like a fkin animal for your body.
Take the risk, start a business and you’ll forget that person even exists. Yes, they’ll appear in your mind out of nowhere on a random Tuesday, but fuck it, ball, work.
More important shit to do and people to take care. They were never that much, just an illusion in your brain.
Sit with your boys, roast the fuk out of each other, laugh until you can’t even speak. Only then you’ll notice they didn’t even matter.
Be with people on your own terms, not just for the sake of it.

Any hot sexy stories as of late?

Had an alpha/sub scene in a gym locker room but never saw the guy.
Basically, I went into an open shower stall and ended up jerking off, putting my load on the wall.
Messaged him when I left, letting him know where I busted. He eventually went in and used my load to jerk himself off.
Twenty minutes later, I had $500 in my Venmo account.

Have you encountered many men asking for a date when you go to a gym? Frequency per month?

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoScooch
Yes, it is a really pervasive issue. Lots of treadmills available then someone gets on the one right beside you to try and chit chat. You have to take your ear buds out and it ruins your workout and your flow. When you politely decline their attention, you have to worry about retaliation. “You think you’re too good for me?” “You’re ugly anyway” etc. Then the ones who see you lift weights and come over to “correct” you, which includes touching you and getting super close. Men don’t walk up to other men in a gym to correct their lifts. They are banking on you being polite and docile.
You could be forceful and say loudly, I’m not interested, please leave me alone. But again, it’s a real gamble on the reaction. You don’t want to be followed out to your car in the parking lot.
I think that these men ruin it for the good guys because it forces women to be wary of everyone just in case. Good men really underestimate the level of aggression some men have at rejection.
Women pay for gym memberships to work out, not to be hit on. There are dating apps for dating.

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dieser Moment wenn ...?

..... irgendson halbstarker Dude dich im Gym fragt, warum du so eine ineffiziente Übung, wie Kreuzheben machst.
Ich will das alles echt nicht mehr. Sponsort mir jemand ne Garage und Equipment, damit ich nicht mehr mit solchen Menschen sprechen muss?
Liked by: zzyzx rd. Rye

Tips on bulking and gaining weight ?? I feel like I should put some weight on but it’s really hard any advice?

Eat at a caloric surplus but avoid excess fat. ...
Consume protein with every meal. ...
Perform light cardio during every session. ...
Add nuts and nut butters to your diet. ...
Perform compound lifts over isolations. ...
Use carb timings to maximize workouts. ...
Get plenty of rest.
~ Successful weight gain requires that you increase your daily intake of carbohydrates. Avoid low carbohydrate diets. Eating vast amounts of dietary protein won't make your muscles grow faster and will put unnecessary pressure on your body, especially your kidneys. Avoid high-protein diets.
The trick to bulking ~ To maximize muscle growth, follow proper nutrient-timing strategies to fuel and recover from exercise, including having a carbohydrate and protein-rich snack within 30 minutes of your workout. Consistency is key! Eat every few hours each day to meet your nutrient needs to support weight gain. I used to weigh around 195 /197 and I have dropped my weight down to 188 cause I have been doing early morning gym sessions !!
~ In order to bulk up and gain lean muscle mass, you need to be in a state of positive nitrogen balance — this is when muscle synthesis (building) is greater than muscle breakdown. To do this, try to eat some protein (about 20 g) every 3-4 hours — key times are with breakfast, post-workout, and before bed.

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If you go to the gym, at what time of day do you prefer to go? Why then? 🏋️🕓

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I prefer to go in the morning because then you have the whole day ahead of you and it’s usually quiet, but due to my work I can’t lol.
So I work out somewhere between 16:00 and 18:00 and I noticed this works perfectly as well! During dinner time it’s usually very quiet too :)

If you go to the gym, at what time of day do you prefer to go? Why then? 🏋️🕓

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
You know what? This is the third question about sport/gym and right now my membership is paused for six months to save a bit of money. And you give me almost BUTTERFLIES BECAUSE I CAN'T WAIT TO GO BACK TO THE GYM. 😭 May is the month. I'm getting really excited.
And - to answer your question: I like going in the mornings. It's pretty empty at that time and somehow the people who are there are almost "zen". They seem so deeply relaxed and are friendly. They greet you with a "Good morning" and a genuine smile on their face. No gymshark-posers in sight. No jugdy young adults that spent too much time on instagram.
There are often elder adults or even seniors and I looove them so much, because they are nice, relaxed and have this "I don't give a crap about how you or I look"-attitude and I LIVE for that. One time there was a young woman (maybe 21-23) who did pull ups. I swear her back looked like it was part of a marble statue and elder women stood there with this typical expression while watching her pulling herself up like a bag of feathers. A combination of 😯(eyes) + ☹️(mouth) and a subtle nodding as the cherry on top. I've never seen this kind of respect and appreciation in the afternoon. The people are kinder and joyful in the mornings. I like that, as my anxiety also can't handle people flooded areas and I like this warmth that you can give and receive from strangers. It kinda makes ones microverse a better place. ❤️

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Und optisch Haarfarbe ? Körper ?

Muss nicht aber gym wäre nicht schlecht und Haarfarbe eig dunkel aber wie gesagt kommt immer drauf an wirklich man sagt so und so soll es sein aber dann ist es komplett anders Gesamtpaket muss stimmen
Liked by: BG aywaa arjan w lamar

Have you been at the point where you just gave up on the human race?

David_Blanes’s Profile PhotoJluen (Dante is dead)
No, but I did reach a point where I was about to completely give up on the thought of my life changing since I’ve pretty much been living the same life since 2020. I see others having a life outside and wish that was me but I also realize that I get anxious in public places and as a result, I lower the likelihood of making great friends and doing things that would most likely benefit me (like working out at the gym) due to the fear of being watched and constantly being judged negatively. I realize that I can’t control anyone so the only person I’m controlling too much is myself these days and that’s only hurting me. Once I’m at peace with myself, I’m sure life will start to look better for me and my insecurities wouldn’t get to me as much. A part of me says there’s still hope for a better future but another part of me tells me to just forget it and that I’ll never be genuinely appreciated by anyone. I wonder if people even mean it when they are being nice to me these days, since that might be them just tolerating me and wanting me to get lost deep down.

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Wenn du im Gym warst, was hast du Trainiert?

Enes25_1453’s Profile PhotoEnes
Zuletzt wars eine schwere Deadlift-Session und Bankvolumen aus der letzten Woche, was ich noch einsammeln musste. Powerlifting ist toll.
Liked by: vanessa Enes

https://ask.fm/mrsefron80304/answers/17376 1672175 la mayoria de gym comen bien y tienen poca grasa abdominal, y con 2 dias de descanzo, y un entrenamiento no muy grande de 1-2 horas 5 dias a la semana no desgasta tanto como los que entrenan 4-5 horas

Creo que no me entiendes. Una cosa es entrenar 4/5 días y otra cosa muy diferente es entrenar exactamente el mismo grupo muscular todos los días porque eso no sirve de nada. Y lo de que la mayoría de gente del gimnasio comen bien y tienen poca grasa abdominal es muy discutible, pero bueno
Liked by: Tuscobello Melanie.

Vi un tio que lo llevaba por miedo, y porteros y jugadores de futbol lo usan si tienen de por si un problema de lesion previa o directamente temen lesionarse, es un casco acolchado y muy grueso comodo que protege la cabeza

Ya, bueno, pero literalmente casi todo el gym son mis colegas, no tengo necesidad de cascos. Máximo algo para las manos que me las han retorcido tres veces desde ayer JAJAJAJA
Liked by: Tuscobello Melanie.

If you go to the gym or have been in the past, what are some things other gymgoers do which bother you? 🏋️‍♂️😤

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Oh. I HATE when they don't put weights back.
We have a ladies area in our gym, so I can't talk about the general free weight area (I'm too shy to even walk in there) BUT I hate it so much when I want to use a bar and the weights are still on and in an absolutely chaotic order. Like, beginning from the inside: 0,5kg, 5kg, 2kg, 10kg, 0,5kg [...]
And if you want to organize them you have to accept that the racks look exactly like that, too. They don't give a shit and I just hate it so so much. 🥲
What I dislike, too is when they don't wipe the equipment with disinfectant wipes that are EVERYWHERE in the gym and leave their sweaty butt cheek prints air drying on the equipment because they don't even use a towel (properly).
I hate the disrespect - well, it's not even disrespectful. These people just seriously don't give a single little f*ck about other people because they are incredibly self absorbed. One may think that I'm too sensitive, but think about it... why is the world as f'ed up as it is? It's because people are ignorant and self absorbed and you can see that perfectly in little acts like that, where they don't think about others and think the world revolves around them.

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Hola guaposotes y guaposotas. ¿Qué tal estáis? ¿Qué tenéis pensado hacer este fin de semana?

Pues este finde lo tengo a tope, mañana a la mañana me voy al gym, después a comer con la familia y a la tarde depende como vaya quedaré con el padre de mi hijo, el domingo por la mañana he quedado con una amiga que está a punto de dar a un (última quedada antes de conocer a la pequeña) y a la tarde voy a ver a un amigo que juega un partido de fútbol 🥰
Liked by: Tuscobello Melanie.

عادي انزل جيم ميكس وانا بنت

لو مُسلِمة ودينك الإسلام : يبقا لأ.
لو مش مُسلِمة : يبقا براحتك.
لكن في حاجة جميلة لو عملتيها هتدخلي شريكة في ال Gym نفسه.

Describe an average day for you? 📅

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I wake up at 6:30 and get ready. Then I work from 8:00 to somewhere between 16:00 and 17:30. Then go home, relax a little or I go to the gym. After that I have dinner and after dinner I game with my boyfriend until it’s about 21:30, then I go to bed. 😊
I am usually not into ASMR, but I found an ASMRtrist that really knows how to trigger me well lol. When she’s streaming I fall asleep in like 10 minutes. 😂 it’s incredible. So I usually watch her after 21:30.

No te gustaria entrenar culo? El muay thai tambien debe molar, pero pense que tmb hacias gym

Cuando puedo hago pesas los sábados, pero solo entreno Thai. Hago 2h diarias. No me da la vida para hacer pesas también, aunque quiero hacer para coger peso porque es la única manera en la que puedo subir algo de peso. Y, si hago pesas obviamente no es para hacer culo, sino para hacer todos los músculos y que me sirva también para el Thai. Por ejemplo, me mola mucho hacer espalda y es lo que más hago cuando puedo aunque con el Thai también se fortalece mucho la espalda.

How do you go about keeping a good posture? 🚶‍♀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
That's a very good question! Let me explain it:
I don't. 😄
The last six months were so exhausting, I stopped hitting the gym and keeping track of anything that could be good for my body in any way. The only activity were the doggo-walks.
But (!) I have some exercises that I want to start doing again. For example: Pressing your back against the wall and stretching your neck, while pushing your chin down to your chest - without losing contact to the wall, of course. Tense your belly muscles while pressing against the wall and try to press as much skin against it as possible. Do it a few times during the day, hold it some time (I have no idea for how long exactly; I do it for like... a minute or sth.?) and that's it. What I did as a child: my grandma made a game out of balancing a book at the top of our heads. It worked wonders.
Another exercise is: Laying flat on your belly and holding a towel with strechted arms above your head, while facing the floor; don't move your head in any other direction. Hold the towel with both hands at a distance that your head could fit in there and then pull the towel outwards, while tensing your whole body and lifting your feet and shoulders as if there was a string attached. Keep your head facing down while doing so. Hold it for a minute. You'll feel this in your whole back. :D and the rest of your body. Hell, I felt it in every fiber when I first started it, as I was very stiff and had to start with baby steps again.
These are three very simple exercises that fit in every time schedule. I mean... i could've done all of them instead of writing this answer. 😄
Oh, and I hope that my way of explaining is understandable. I can imagine that one have absolutely no clue what I've tried to describe. Maybe I I'll find a tutorial (if necessary) that I could attach to the answer. :)
And sorry for any errors or spelling mistakes that could impede the reading flow.

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Me hago una idea de por lo que dices de Alfredo, pero en verdad no lo entiendo porque tienes un cuerpazo, currado como tu dices no creo que te haga falta que llegue a recordártelo.

No, no te haces una idea no, porqué no sabéis de que habláis, y los temas de autoestima no están relacionados con el físico, puedes pesar 100 kilos y tener una autoestima por las nubes que vas por ahí que te comes el mundo, y puedes ser una Barbie y tener la autoestima baja, porqué eso está en el interior.
Y yo se de sobra cómo soy y no necesito que venga nadie a recordármelo claro que no, pero no os penséis que 4 piropos arreglan un problema de autoestima.
Y yo no tengo un problema de autoestima, ya no, pero lo tuve muchos años, ahora me miro al espejo y me gusta lo que veo, soy mi propio trofeo.
Estoy orgullosa de mi misma, en mi casa tengo un cuadro con 2 fotos, una de ahora y otra de los primeros días que empecé el gym.

Si hasta Andre me dijo vi a tu compañera en el vestuario del gym y joder el cuerpazo que tiene, y yo le dije no le hiciste una foto pa tu pobre marido? Y illa no, pero bueno, intentaré seguir viviendo jajajajaja ni caso Sarita y si a Spiderman le hubiera sentado asi el traje...el duende k.o.

ffaa4ever’s Profile PhotoI❤️T❤️A
Sino? 😂😂😂😂😂 Un dia te va a matar esa mujer y con razón claro jajajajajaja que arte tienes capullo.

Language: English