
ASKfm Help

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Hey, can you mend the block feature it doesn't work. I'm getting the same fool over and over and they don't stay blocked.

Hi, let us help you.
Please before blocking the user, report the content by clicking on the three dots next to the questions that this user is sending you.
When it is done, please contact our Support team via support@ask.fm. After your reports, we will be able to check the reported user to understand the issue better.

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How to use this apps

ASKfm is a global social network where you can ask anyone your burning questions, anonymously or publicly.
Want to know more about your best friend or your crush? Looking for good advice on how to handle life's little challenges? Just want to ask an inspiring person you've never met on the other side of the world about their lives? Go for it! Others will ask you in return, about anything. The more interesting your answers, the more your followership will grow.
Now go to Discover feed and find new people to follow. Use Shoutout and ask random peoply nearby. In this way you will find new people to follow and interact with.
Any other questions? Click here and find all answers: https://support.ask.fm/hc/en-us
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntrxbEiYL6caskfmhelp’s Video 151278500067 ntrxbEiYL6caskfmhelp’s Video 151278500067 ntrxbEiYL6c

Hello! I always receive a question every three days while nobody knows that I have a profile on ask. Would it be possible for questions to be preprogrammed by a computer? In addition I saw the same questions on the profiles of other people.

It seems you have received Shoutout question.
When user asks questions via Shoutout, people nearby get it. This is the reason why you and people around you have received the same question.
If you are not interested in this feature, go to your Settings and turn it off.
Have a good day!

Hello ! I had an account askfm has been more than 5 years while I thought it was delete but suddenly with a little search on google with my name and first name I shocked with the activation of the account and it is still exicting! I do not remember the password and the email of this account to remov

If you find anything embarrassing on ASKfm, you can always contact our Support team and they will help you to remove this content.
Email to contact us: support@ask.fm
If you remember your password and just want to remove your old account, follow this link: https://support.ask.fm/hc/en-us/articles/115008686388-How-do-I-cancel-my-ASKfm-account-

I need to be more active to get my account verified. Is 4 answered question per day enough? Or how much?

Hi, to add the blue badge to your profile we check your long term activity and the content of your posts (it needs to be popular too!)
4 posts per day is definitely enough! But pay more attention on what you ask to other users and what you answer to the questions you have received.

I can't log in because I forgot my password.. the email that is used to change the password I can't remember it's password too .. Help me 💔

Just like in every good team, there are always people who can help you.
In ASKfm this is Customer Support. Write us via support@ask.fm and we will give you back access to your account.

Hi, there is a problem with your New update. I can't see anyones answers, it's just a blank page. Everyone Who updated the app is facing the same problem.

RedaMadi’s Profile Photo日达
Hi, please contact us via support@ask.fm and explain the issue in details.
It seems the issue is caused because of your phones language settings. Meanwhile we suggest you to use mobile web browser to access your account.

How do i rid get of all my ask FM accounts except for one

if you are still able to log into your old accounts, just follow this link to remove them: https://support.ask.fm/hc/en-us/articles/115008686388-How-do-I-cancel-my-ASKfm-account-
But if you do not remember their passwords, contact our Support team and we will help you remove the accounts you do not use anymore. Our email: support@ask.fm

I can not log in because I forgot my password. The email that is used to change the password has been changed by a hacker ... I need a new password so I can change the email !?

Hi, to change a password we need that you contact us via email.
We will send you secret link that will help you to change both email and password.

Why I can't edit the information in "About myself" until I change my email address? I don't have that many emails!

Hi, you do not need to change email every time you want to change something in "About myself" section.
If you notice any notification saying that you need to change email, contact our Support team via support@ask.fm and they will check the issue you experience.


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