
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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Will I be able to understand your work if I haven't watched Elfen Lied? No offense, but I've heard it's an edgefest.

You should definitely be able to enjoy it. I've seen a lot of people say that they didn't even know what Elfen Lied was until after they read Nana's Everday Life.
And is it an edgefest? Or is it comedy? You decide.
Liked by: Evil Steve Trash

Are the Kirkhammer and Ludwig's Holy Blade really that OP?

Not really. All the weapons are pretty good tbh. I want to try out that whirlysaw and bow/blade thing once I have the upgrade materials I need.

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¡Dan, I feel tired all the time! ¿What can I do?

Have a little sip of coffee in the morning and do some pullups. You'll feel amazing for the rest of the day. Remember: we're just natural creatures and our bodies and minds are tuned to a certain range of inputs. Without those inputs, we go off kilter, and that can manifest are tiredness or depression. See that giraffe in the picture, anon? That's us. We did it to ourselves. But it's okay -- unlike the giraffe, we can make all kinds of substitutes goods for ourselves: exercise to replace the hunt, games and sports and novels to replace tribal battles for stuff and status, etc.
Anyway, good luck, anon. Gimme a shout later and tell me how it goes!
Liked by: Sora seangole Tomas Aziru

Speaking of Dan Kim style happy endings when are we close to the edge in Himehorn's daily life yet? You keep saying it's close but come on.

Prepare your body, anon.
Liked by: Trash Evil Steve

Oh thank you a lot <3 I also read something about cakes? Cakes are great but which ones are there? I'll go and learn about himehorns now, greatly appreciating it <3 have some internet hugs and affection for you and the himehorns~

The cakes are Cupcake, Darkcake, and Pancake.
They are my "a cutest and best" daughter, "almost a cutest" daughter, and "a mega cutest" daughter, respectively.
Cupcake takes a lot of butt selfies for some reason.
Liked by: Evil Steve

Mind explaining the whole himehorn thing? They are adorable but I just recently became a twitter follower and I want to learn about them :3 so please <3

No problem. =w=
Here's the himehorn-only comic:
Here's the original comic they come from:
Here's the encyclopedia entry where you can learn all about himehorns:
Enjoy! And thanks for reading! =w=

W-we could make a surrogate herd, or like a facsimile one...or maybe invent something that gives them their musclehorn scent back until they pass normally and get to be buried with the rest of the herd!!

That wouldn't be good for the herd! The haremhorns would end up wasting precious food on an old musclehorn that can't even work. And that herd scent could cause all kinds of confusion if it got passed around or spilled somewhere.
Just think of the old musclehorns as dead skin being shed by the herd as it grows. That's the way it's gotta be, I'm afraid...
Liked by: Evil Steve Leedah

Do Himehorn fart?

As long as they eat normal himehorn food they don't. Sometimes a cake or bad squid can cause problems. Anyway, the haremhorns control what the herd eats so it's digestion problems are quite rare.
Liked by: Evil Steve

>Where's the haremhorn? When you're dirty a haremhorn is supposed to come... ... where's the haremhorn...? Where is she...? Maybe it's okay to just lie down here for a while... just a little rest... she'll be here soon... | STOP IT I WANT TO JUST MAKE THEM HAPPY CAN I MAKE AN OLD MUSCLEHORN CHARITY

Musclehorns need to be in their herd to be happy. They wouldn't like being cleaned and fed by nohorns.
Well... not that being cleaned by the haremrhorns is all that great either. But in their own way, they kinda enjoy it...
Liked by: Evil Steve

> An old musclehorn lives her last days confused, afraid, and alone. | Why ;___;

It's okay, most of them don't live that long.
The ones that do though just kinda shuffle about listlessly in the forest until they get tired and and dirty and have to sit down. Where's the haremhorn? When you're dirty a haremhorn is supposed to come... ... where's the haremhorn...? Where is she...? Maybe it's okay to just lie down here for a while... just a little rest... she'll be here soon...
... An old musclehorn's last thoughts are probably something like that.


Language: English