
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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Regarding worldbuilding, do you sit down and plan everything or most of the things out or do you simply wing it as demanded by the plot?

I do a lot of prep work. I always want to get the ideas, principles and goals behind the project as clear and solid as I can before I put anything on the page. When things need to be changed due to world, plot, or whatever, having everything explicitly laid out makes rational, controlled adjustment possible.

Is sticking a pan full of batter into an oven the cake equivalent of hardcore porn?

The porn is mixing the batter and pouring it.
The baking is just having one in the oven.

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Since you live in Montreal, how well do you speak French?

I don't. At all.
Pretty much everyone speaks English, though, so I'm fine.

Thinking back, did you ever imagine yourself as you are now when your were younger/ a kid? Or is the trajectory too weird to comprehend?

Nope. I way less accomplished and way happier than I thought I'd be.

Will metal fist ever be revisited? I was really excited for it and still visit the graveyard for it.

Yeah, it's not dead, just on hold. There are some skills I need to build up on this vampire waifu thing first -- like action scenes, frames, etc.

You're using a cintiq now, right? What do you think about it?

I can never go back to an intuos now.
There are a few things that need improvement, though:
1) the gap between the screen surface and the drawing surface needs to be smaller.
2) It's heavy
3) pen is still laggy
Mostly better tech needed, but that's just a waiting game. It's a very nice machine. I don't even turn on my desktop these days.

any advice on how to write a successful story?

I'm the wrong guy to ask!
Hm for short stories, though, I try to do the following:
1) Get clear about the idea
2) Boil it down and trim the fat
3) Amplify what's left until it reaches comical/grotesque proportions
4) Jump into the abyss and drag the reader down with you, screaming
5) laugh all the way down
Good example might be T42R 388-395

What's Cupcake's favorite kind of person?

Someone who gives her lots of attention and presents and cake so you should definitely do it. No neckbeards, though.

So, what's your favourite kind of sandwich?

Three-layer sandwich:

Do you plan on adding any more stuff to the store on your site?

I'll probably put Paper Eleven back on the shelves.
Maybe waifu commissions? Though people also keep telling me to get on Patreon and maybe waifu rewards would be a better fit for that...? Not sure,

How many different conventions have you sold at? Did you have a favorite?

Otakon (2 or 3 times)
Gen Con Indy
I liked 'em all for different reasons.
Otakon was my first con and I got to hang out with other webcomic guys and meet long-time readers, so I'll always remember that. I took a lot of pictures of folks holding a stuffed version of Nana. A cosplay duo dressed up at Tomoyo/Sakura and also bug-eyed Sakura from Paper Eleven... it was amazing.
Gen Con Indy really opened my eyes to table top gaming. I didn't follow up on that interest much, but it was really cool to get a look into that world. It was fun getting to know the staff there, too -- I even worked together with 'em to design a mascot for the anime section of the con.
TCAF was fun for the after-the-con stuff. There was a great tea party (Miss Orange Dress was there, too) and I got to hang out with @montiray and company.
Otakuthon was a con in my home city - convenient and my most relaxed con by far.

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Do YOU think I have a good grasp of the basics? Or do you not do judging and such? :x

From your twitter images it looks like you're thinking in 2D -- everything is like a paper cutout doll with hinge limbs projected flat against the page. Everyone's like that at first, but I think nailing drawing basic shapes in 3D will help you avoid bad habits. Grab Loomis! It helped me a lot and continues to help me.
Liked by: Dimunsis

What dark secret lurks in your heart?

I'm going to die alone in a bed of half-baked comics and regret everything.

Dan I've always wanted to ask you this! How did you develop your own style? How did it come about, what are your biggest influences art-wise?

Fifty Shades of Decu
It was all guided by function, actually!
I wanted to start work on a dark, experimental comic (later to become Paper Eleven/PXI) and I needed a style that:
a) fit the mood of the work
b) was fast to draw
c) was forgiving for low skill users
At first, I tried to copy Nihei but I naturally drew things with 'blown out' highlights. It looked good, the dark blacks left a lot to the imagination, and it was fast. All good, so I ended up exaggerating and refining that more and more.
For my lineart style, I really only started to develop it to do Cupcake. I couldn't draw her cute enough, so I worked on that... then the cute style didn't look good in action drawings so I looked to Studio Trigger for help --- so a bunch of styles were mishmashed together on the basis of functionality, ha ha. Now I'm trying to make modifications so that things look good with freehand perspective (as opposed to precise perspective).

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Where can I find aforementioned drills and whatnot? I really want to step my skill up to your level. I'd like to think I have a decent grasp of the basics.

Ah, for drills, if you already have a good grasp of the basics it's going to be a case of finding the problem areas you have, finding out how experts do it correctly, then trying to draw just that thing for a couple hours. See exactly what you did wrong, then get it right, then keep on getting it right. Burn it in by brute force if you have to -- like learning how to play piano.
Trying to draw things in extreme perspective and doing rotations can help reveal problem spots.
Also if you see an image that does what you're trying to do but does it better, find out exactly what they're doing different. You don't have to copy it, but do try to understand it.


Language: English