Ask @djisbak

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What is going on with you @Justmeashleyxoxo and @RawrAlehhBoo

Ha good question i would love to know the exact answer to that myself but i still can not get a straight answer out of either of them, As far as Ashley tells me Callie (Alison) told her to dump me not once but more why we always breaking up well not just that i have caught Ashley cheating also but what can you do when you love someone but try to mend things, And as far as Callie goes well she tells me about Ashley cheating and lieing and i dont know why i feel like i am stuck between a rock and a hard place i dont know why they feel i am here for there personal amusement when all i have done is care very deeply for both of them, I actually screen shotted a lot of what they both told me on kik a few mins ago and was going to share it and let you guys decide wtf is going on but it would prob make things worse lets just wait and see what else is said first, But i tell you one thing honestly i need a friend right now anyone wanna be my friend?

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Would you rather have $50,000 free and clear or $150,000 that is illegal?

$50,000 free and turn it into $150,000,000 illegaly haha..

Hugs or Kisses?

Both there is nothing like the warm embrace of a girl whether its when you wake up in bed together in the morning and she has her back to you but you snug up close your arm over her and she pulls you close, Maybe that moment when you first embrace maybe its on the dance floor and you are dancing to a slow song and at first you clumsily have your hands on her hip holding on for dear life then as the song progresses you move closer and closer and your hands move from her hip to her back then closer stil till your noses almost touch and you stare in each others eyes and by then all you wanna do is pull her close feel the warmth of her lips on yours and your arms are rapped round her protecting her from everyone else cause she is yours, As for kisses well i love that feeling of a girls lips on mine that first tentative kiss when you are both not sure if the other person will think you are a good kisser and you dont know if you should go full on french kiss them or just a few seconds light kiss but after it you look at each other and the look in her eyes tells you she liked it and she wants more so you kiss her again this time longer and more firm not a light gentle kiss this time but full on french kiss her but you take it slow you want it too last forever that moment when she gives in too you that is the feeling you get from a kiss, There is always the passionate kiss too but that comes later ;-)

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Are you happy now with your life over that stupid girl

No she meant everything too me but it just shows you that you can never really know someone till you know them that way and who is this i think i could guess but come off anon and ask me somethnig next time please..

What's one thing you hate having to pay for?

Food everyone needs to eat to survive right so arent we just making more people die if we said you dont have money so you can not eat so sad seeing that, I know all them people out there saying you could just live of the land or be a vegetarian but i need fibre in my diet gemme some fresh meat dammit..

Where would you wish to wake up tomorrow?

In a girls arms after a night of the best sex ever, Oh wait we still having sex havent been to sleep yet :)

What kind of advertisements attracts your attention?

Condoms or them silly erection problem ones so funny sometimes, or really anything funny.

If you could have one wish what would you wish for?

To have a girl love me and not just say it, lately girls say it but dont mean it so would be nice to have someone really honestly love me and want to be with me and only me..

Can there be friendship between a man and a woman?

Yes i have had a couple, Oh wait does friends with benifits count ? make that lots lol


Language: English