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What is the difference between a GEEK & a NERD ?

igotamatch’s Profile Photoigotamatch
Nerds are smart, people who lack much of a social life. They often have very few friends. Nerds don't talk much, and don't expect others to talk much to them. They are usually nice people, but don't have the social skills to go out and meet new friends.
Geeks are different from nerds in the fact that they have social lives. However, these social lives are often spent pursuing some passion that the geek is obsessed with (i.e. Yu-Gi-Oh!). They spend all their time thinking about their one obsession, and play it in all of their free time. Geeks are usually only friends with other geeks, and attempts to converse with geeks is futile, unless, of course, you want to talk about Star Trek or whatever the certain geek is obsessed with.

Did your parents have those glass thermometers for when you got sick where there was one that came in a blue case and another that came in a red case?

Liked by: Tayyaba

Life lesson: girls get creeped out when you compliment them because they get complimented too much, so stop complimenting them. Guys love when you compliment them because they don't get complimented enough, so start complimenting them.

😄😄if they dnt deserve it nvr do it

From the legendary V man 0_o : Two guys are walking down the street and see a dog on the lawn, licking his b*lls. One guy says to the other, "Man, I sure wish I could do that". The other guy says, "Don't you think you ought to pet him first?" 😉

I sure wish i could do tht?i wish i could do tht ✔️


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