
My Name Esteban

Ask @esteban060513

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Do you agree that one cannot judge a book by its cover?

Yes, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but it doesn't hurt to look. A book's cover will usually give you a hint of what the book is about. If you see a cover that interests you, read the back cover of the book and a bit of the first chapter. If it catches your interest, you've found your next book to read!📖🖤🙁😀😊😁
Do you agree that one cannot judge a book by its cover

Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship?

Yes and No. No relationship will be stable until both of you have completed the journey of a lifetime together. A long distance relationship online has more obstacles than a normal relationship; even more so when the two of you have never met. You can't say that it definitely won't work, but it will be difficult. 🙁😐😀😁🙂😕
Have you ever been in a longdistance relationship

Alguien quiere ser mi amigo/a, tengo 23 ummm soy universitario actualmente curso mi 3er año en la universidad, estudió ingeniería en alimentos mmm mi signo es Acuario me encantan los super y la magia... no se si alguien se anima a formar una linda amistad xD

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Te amas a ti mism@?

🌠💦 {M€ toco a mi mismo} 🎭💢

[Verso 1]
Me amo a mí mismo
Quiero que me ames
Cuando me siento deprimido
Te quiero por encima de mí
Me busco a mí mismo
Quiero que me encuentres
Me olvido de mí mismo
Quiero que me recuerdes
[Verso 2]
Tú eres el que me hace venir corriendo
Tú eres el sol que hace Yo brillo
Cuando estás cerca Siempre estoy riendo
Quiero hacerte mía.
[Verso 3]
Cierro los ojos
Y te veo ante mí
Creo que moriría
Si me ignoraras
Un tonto podría ver
cuánto te adoro
me pongo de rodillas
, haría cualquier cosa por ti.✨😝👀


Language: English