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I believe the correct word is "gullible" not "gullable". Canadians have a much better education system than Americans, you have no excuse to be so illiterate.

I really don't give a flying fuck. I have a child I take care of all day, I'm lucky if I get 2 seconds to type something before she's trying to climb on me or wants attention, a typo is the least of my worries.

How often do you hang out with your friends?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
We don't hang out. I have hardly gone anywhere with my friends.
But I cling on to friendships, even broken ones, be it the situation or the people themselves who broke them, I have always clung on to hope, to see something positive in all that mess.
My very first best friend had transferred to Chalwal when I was 7, I had no other friend in class, it was really hard for me to become friends with anyone after that, I actually spent a year or two without friends at school. So, for me, friendship matters more than anything else. 5 days ago, I met that one friend who was separated from me at 7, I actually wanted to let out my heart to her, like she was my first friend in school, but I couldn't say much, I genuinely expressed my happiness to see her and told her about how life was going on how the two of us had movef to two different cities for the sake of education and employment. And we talked about our class, I told her about all the classmates that I met after school in uni, at any social gathering and how many of them were related to my students in one way or another and how good it felt to meet teachers too, we talked so much but not like old times, not everything, and then again we separated too, because times have changed and so did responsibilities.

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What is your city/country famous for?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
📍🇵🇰 A country which is 6th most dangerous country for Women.
. 50% Women Literacy ; half of the girls are out of schools
. Domestic Violence ; Most of the Married women suffer from Domestic Violence.
. Women Education is considered equal to Prostitution or Nach Gana.
. Religious extremism is the new justice for everyone , mob is the judge to solve every issue.
What is your citycountry famous for

if somebody wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch and listen to?

amnabdr’s Profile PhotoAmna
'Walk in my shoes'.
Alot of things mold you into what you are. The place you come from, society, home, your people, your education.
I don't think stuff you shared can depict that. A glimpse maybe
Liked by: Omer Riaz h. Amna

syariah stpm susah tak eh ? 🥹

Like I said everytime someone asking for study recommendations. Minat tak amik syariah? If tak minat, you might probably slowly feels no point of studying it. Kalau minat surely you will reach higher part of education path later.
Liked by: Win anipp Faa

Why people don't want to be married? (don't give lousy answer)

Many people in current times and times ahead either will marry late or not marry at all once they may be empowered to live a life on their own especially among the woman folk , why some one be interested to remain under pressure for others when they can enjoy their freedom in terms of social and economic realties however since still education and job opportunities are getting at a slower pace it may take some more time , in other words women would be more open , and on their own in times ahead , no listening to in laws and may be at par sharing partnership in life with men

Do you believe that exceptionally gifted children are descendants of aliens? 😱🤔

No, I don't believe that exceptionally gifted children are descendants of aliens.
Exceptional talents and intelligence can be attributed to genetics, environment, education, and sometimes just plain luck.
There's no scientific evidence to support the idea that they come from extraterrestrial origins.
Do you believe that exceptionally gifted children are descendants of aliens

What are your thoughts on society’s standards of beauty?

Biya_24’s Profile PhotoBiya Khan
It may be erroneous since we are personally without any characteristics of a beautiful person but still we insist on others beauty, beauty is in the way a person behavior , the way one thinks , the character only physically beautiful or having everything in terms of money or education does not necessarily makes it beautiful it is some thing beyond our perception found in society which is mostly driven by other attributes

Anything worth sharing?

Anonymoustalkative’s Profile PhotoTalkative
Let me tell you a reality: health is wealth. Don't sacrifice your health for education or career. Believe me, education is not what you think it is. There are infinite ways to earn money. Education basically just keeps you a jobber, enslaved. Don't sacrifice your everything just to get a degree. Try to stay strong. Build a strong connection with Allah Almighty. Eat well. Sleep well. Do exercise. Play. Talk. Travel. Relax. All of that is included in your diet. Don't destroy your physical or mental health.

How much do you believe conscience is influenced by external factors? Can it change over time, or is there a consistent moral compass within all of us?

Conscience can definitely be influenced by external factors, and one significant influence is the manipulation by powerful Evil entities. Through control of media, education systems, and social media algorithms, they shape our beliefs and moral compasses to serve their own interests. This manipulation can prevent us from recognizing the broader spectrum of moral perspectives and truths.

I think sadism is a disease, transferable.. not just because of the Palestine massacres.. and others such. People in power usually get this disease somehow.. and I am looking for a cure just like any good doctor would do. If you could stop people from making others suffer for personal satisfaction!?

Chatgpt is such a kutta.
Here is how you can cure sadistics:
1. Education and Awareness
2. Early Intervention
3. Promotion of Empathy
4. Psychological Support
5. Social Norms and Peer Influence
6. Legal and Ethical Standards
7. Media and Entertainment
8. Community Support
9. Research and Understanding
10. Personal Responsibility

Highlight an aspect about marriage 🌼

A marriage is like a business transaction. You marry someone to get something. People these days just marry for wealth or looks. Nobody really cares about character or faith anymore. When you look at someone, deep down, you can immediately decide if you want that person as your spouse or not. You know because you understand your needs and you realize if the person in front of you can deliver that or not. But like I said, people just want materialistic benefits.
I pray that may Allah bring someone into my life who chooses me because of my energy, loving nature, talking habit, and the attributes of my character rather than what I earn, what I have, my family resources, nationality, education, and wealth. Ameen.

Do you believe in an honest, unqualified person or inhonestly qualified people in general?

HappyBoss_’s Profile PhotoAnon+
If you mean whether unqualified people i.e. people without higher education can be honest, so yes, I believe that they can 🤷‍♀️.... And inhonestly qualified people unfortunately exist too.😬 One our professor marked exam of one student from other country as FX and ambassador of this country came to him with a threat, so I am persuaded that this student will be even inhonestly graduated! 🤷‍♀️

Чи може дівчина бути щасливою без почуття любові, на твою думку?👉👈

cdbuldzon’s Profile PhotoЄвген
Звичайно може. Не всіх тягне то пізнання себе через почуття. Бо багато жінок і дівчат фрігідні, чи відчуття сексуальні дуже заглушені. Через психологічні бар'єри, виховання там, може релігію. Ось такі, будучи навіть заміжніми і народжуючи дітей, ніколи невзмозі зрозуміти, що таке оргазм, банальна жага, сильне бажання. Таким ось бути, нібито щасливою у такому обмеженні як ти запитав, досить нормально. А ось жінкам і дівчатам, які знають чого хочуть від близькості з чоловіком, чи навіть самі щ собою, ось там складніше наплювати на почуття заради достатку. Ну хібащо достаток дуже великий, то змиряться. Або ж когось на стороні почнуть шукати. Такі вони, люди. ;)
Of course it can. Not everyone is drawn to self-knowledge through feelings. Because many women and girls are frigid, or their sexual feelings are very suppressed. Because of psychological barriers, education there, maybe religion. These are such people, even when they are married and have children, they will never be able to understand what an orgasm, a banal craving, a strong desire is. To be like that, supposedly happy in such a limitation as you asked, is quite normal. But for women and girls who know what they want from intimacy with a man, or even themselves, it is more difficult to give a damn about feelings for the sake of prosperity. Well, unless the abundance is very large, then they will reconcile. Or they will start looking for someone on the side. That's how they are, people. ;)

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If you were immortal, how would you change the world for the better?

I would build a kingdom and make sure to have plenty descendants.
I'd help people who are left behind, the poors, the orphans and give them a home.
I'd build schools, give a better access to medical care, healthy food and education.
I would build an army, ready to end injustice.
I would end these wars, arrest all the criminals, give equality to women and make sure that nobody would compromise this.
Obviously, all of this would take years and I would need to stay in cover.
If I want to make this happen.
If you were immortal how would you change the world for the better

Un homme si courageux que toi peut tout surmonter. *sourire* Regarde il y en a juste là. Je pense que tu devrais chercher un petit chaton. Qu'est-ce que tu en penses ?

missxetoile’s Profile PhotoCarol Danvers
- Tu as raison, surtout pour faciliter son éducation.
J'ai un coup de cœur pour celui-ci.
Il a pointé du doigt un chaton noir qui avait des taches blanches.
Quand le vendeur lui remit, Steve le prit dans ses bras.

A message from your inner child?

Choro army css yeh sab ghatia tareen kaam hai focus on money and earn as maximum as you can! R prhai just broader perspective ke liye kro koi zarorat ni extreme hardwork ki
Sath we are in Pakistan yaha paisa hi sab kuch hai yeh msg mera hr pakistani bachey ko like someone in matric he focused to earn money by learning some skill r graduation tk woh bachaa 7 to 8 lakh easily kamata ho gha 100% sath sath education bagairtiyaa jo krna hai kro

Are you more of a visual, auditorial, or kinetically inclined person?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Since I have a musical education, I am more of an auditory person, in life I easily recognize familiar music and select it by ear on the piano or simply by humming a melody😌
Are you more of a visual auditorial or kinetically inclined person

If you launched your own network what would you call it and what genre of shows and movies would you actually how people?

brown_fox359’s Profile PhotoBrown_fox35
These are hard questions Brown Fox! What an inquiry! I’d have a rather weird network tbh. I’d name it Falscifi and it would be dedicated to real conspiracy, non-biased scientific exploration- especially on topics of modern society and modern psychology- exploration in an age of technology and mind altering media. I think we live in an age of cover-ups and distractions. Money is placed powerfully where it can exercise the most control… from food to medicine, and then from entertainment to education. This would be a network to combat the stereotypical projection placed on society.
If you launched your own network what would you call it and what genre of shows

Religious education in schools: Should religion be taught in public schools?

Ab1rapper963’s Profile Photoعبدالسلام
Teaching students that religions have existed for thousands of years, the global diversity of those religions, and the impact those religions have had in the world, seems perfectly appropriate.
Using public funds to indoctrinate students with the teachings of one particular religion seems entirely inappropriate.

Religious education in schools: Should religion be taught in public schools?

Ab1rapper963’s Profile Photoعبدالسلام
I think that there’s initially nothing wrong with teaching religious teachings at public schools but it would likely become a problem if all religions were being taught in schools on a regular basis, since differences in religious beliefs can cause arguments and hostility between the students (especially if students aren’t open minded or mature enough to be ok with the differences). I went to a public school and our school didn’t even have religious teachings but I still remember the time when one of my peers started arguing with me because he knew I was a Muslim. He tried to tell me the “right” things to believe and he was getting mad at me for the fact that I have/had different religious beliefs than him so the teacher told him to sit in the hallway. I think that because middle school and high school students aren’t adults yet, there would be a higher chance of discrimination and hostility between the students who have different religious beliefs. For this reason, I believe it’s better for religions to be taught in college (which is why the field of theology exists).

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20+ years of education and nobody taught us how to; regulate our emotions, make and keep a friend, apologise to someone, forgive yourself, console a grieving person, give and recieve love and most importantly, to heal from the things we don't talk about.

thats mostly emotional intelligence jo humain kisi aur ne sikhayi ho ya na sikhayi ho, rasool a.s ne sikha di thi pr humain koi interest hi nahi
we just dont like speaking about our shortcomings

20+ years of education and nobody taught us how to; regulate our emotions, make and keep a friend, apologise to someone, forgive yourself, console a grieving person, give and recieve love and most importantly, to heal from the things we don't talk about.

Kay this!!1!!1!!! — sometimes I feel like the reason why we are all so messed up is cause we were never taught as children how to process our emotions, we are taught to survive before we are taught how to live properly and it is mad how emotionally damaged everyone is but somehow manage to keep their problems and traumas hidden. 🍂

A votre humble avis faut-il davantage de cours d'éducation sexuelle à l'école,au collège et au lycée?

LaurelyneQG’s Profile PhotoLᥱ⳽ QG⳽ ᑯᥱ LᥲᥙɾᥱꙆყᥒᥱ ☆
Oui, il faudrait davantage de cours d'éducation sexuelle à l'école.
Une éducation sexuelle complète aide à mieux comprendre les relations, la santé sexuelle, et à prévenir les comportements à risque.
Elle peut également combattre les stéréotypes et promouvoir le respect et l'égalité.
Plus les élèves sont informés, mieux ils peuvent prendre des décisions éclairées.
Tu en penses quoi ?

20+ years of education and nobody taught us how to; regulate our emotions, make and keep a friend, apologise to someone, forgive yourself, console a grieving person, give and recieve love and most importantly, to heal from the things we don't talk about.

This generation never tried to learn. All they learned was how to deceive others, how to intentionally make them feel degraded or how to become a critic.

20+ years of education and nobody taught us how to; regulate our emotions, make and keep a friend, apologise to someone, forgive yourself, console a grieving person, give and recieve love and most importantly, to heal from the things we don't talk about.

Mazmoon 10 safhon ka hona chaiye hashiye laga kr dono sides p bari headings k saath itna mujhy pta hai.

What do you find inspirational in life?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Several times in my life I was asking myself:
👉 What would I do if I had no children?
👉 Would I be victim of my career?
👉 Would I live for any pet(s)?
👉 Would I live for my nieces and nephews?
..... So... I don't know 🤷‍♀️. Till my age 24 my education was my inspiration and after age 27 my children are...♥️♥️

They wanted to send me to a "Gifted School" because I scored "Higher Level" at 8 years old... Father wasn't having that... Then at 12 they really wanted me in there. I lasted a month before getting myself kicked out. I never ever wanted to be "Normal" or "Gifted". They're both a curse

Apeshitz’s Profile PhotoApeshitz
I switched to private school after 8th grade because I was uncomfortable around the normies. The private school I chose was truly bizarre and had very interesting people but even there I didn’t fit. My life didn’t really start until I started self education and was able to be in solitude away from all the indoctrination.

What’s your goal in life or maybe in this year?

milamson’s Profile Photoחנה
My goal in life is to find my purpose, to be happy and live my life to the fullest, enjoying the all the moments a long the way, and to travel often.
I’m happiest when I can share these adventures with family and friends.
Finish my education and settle into a career.
Hopefully find someone whom I can spend the rest of my life with and share my passion of traveling and raise a family.
My aim is to be happy & thankful with no regrets ✨✨✨

What do you know well enough to teach to others? 🤓 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
To be honest, even though I have the education of a music teacher, this is not my thing. But if I had to, I would teach children vocals🤗
What do you know well enough to teach to others

You think parents teach the kids about sex the right way or the wrong way?

theartist58910’s Profile Photothe artist
I mean, it absolutely depends on the parents. Some do it right, some don’t, some do the best they can based on the education they got, etc. It’s hard to make a broad conclusion about it, given it’s likely different for everyone. And if you factor in people’s beliefs, ranging from cultural, to religious, etc, there’s gonna be even bigger differences. Since I can only speak about it personally, I will do that.
When it comes to my parents approach, it wasn’t bad by any means, but it surely wasn’t like… an open conversation. My mom used to tell me to ask questions about it if I was curious, and my dad didn’t really talk about it at all. 🤷🏼‍♀️
The younger versions of me, who wasn’t even aware of what asexuality was or that there was a term for it, was curious. But not about s*x itself. I was more curious why I didn’t care about it at all, and why just the mere thought of s*x in regards to myself, made me uncomfortable. 😅 I was told a lot that it’s normal not to feel anything at first, you just have to “meet the right person” or “hit a certain age” and all of a sudden, you’ll feel it. But I didn’t. And that is something I wish I was taught. That not wanting s*x isn’t abnormal, nor does it mean something is fundamentally wrong with me or my body (as asexuality has nothing to do with hormones or your body functioning, it’s attraction based).
I’m not a parent myself, but if I ever were to have kids, I’d want them to have a good s*x education, and know that they not only can ask me questions, but also, that they can have open conversation with me about it. There’s no shame, no guilt, no taboos around it, it’s a totally normal thing to be curious about (or not), talk about, etc. And also, teach them firm boundaries that they are in charge of what they do with their bodies, and not to let anyone guilt, or coerce them into it if it’s not what they want. And that’s what I believe is the right way to teach kids about s*x. ☺️

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You think parents teach the kids about sex the right way or the wrong way

Who has had an impactful or rewarding impact in your life? How have they changed you or your perspective? (I.e. parent, sibling, friend, pastor, teacher, relative, coach, etc.)

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
When I did a short training award in the mid 1990s, I was very fortunate to have trainers who really changed the way I looked at education, and completely changed the way I worked with people.
Although it was a much lesser qualification than the formal one I went on to do, this programme, done over a series of residential weekends, focused on Experiential Learning and educational psychology, and had a much bigger impact on me.
The trainers included a Police psychological counsellor, an academic head of curriculum, and other training and development professionals.
I was really lucky to be trained by them and as I said, it had a huge influence and effect on my own work from that point on.

Do you ever wish you didn’t have to go to college or have a 9 to 5 job in order to be financially secure? I got caught cheating on my exam which is obviously my fault but I also can’t get myself to study. Yet, when it comes to doing jobs without a college degree, I’ve been told life is harder.

This is such a loaded question 😅🤣… 1. I loved college… I love education! It’s enlightening and rewarding. I wish I had invested in more opportunities when I was young. 2. 9-5, M-F is optional. All jobs have different demands. Choose what fits your lifestyle. You either make your life fit a mold or you create your own mold and live your life. Lots of good paying jobs have a different schedule. 3. Life is hard, degree or no degree. Everyone is out there trying to make the most of it and you should too. Some degrees are useless, some companies care more about experience, some jobs require an apprenticeship, lots of jobs don’t require a degree at all. At the end of the day, what you care about is what matters. Don’t make decisions based on what others say. Do what’s right for you. Regret nothing.

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Do you ever wish you didnt have to go to college or have a 9 to 5 job in order

Netflix'in hansi filmlerini izlemisiniz ve ya izleyirsiniz?

Stranger things
La Casa De Papel
Sex education
13 reasons why
The watcher
Ginny & Georgia
Ann with an E
Queens Gambit
Yadıma gəldiklərim bulardı )
Liked by: Alika 3 5 1

If you lived in medieval times, who'd you be and what'd you do? 🏰 (Inspired by the reveal of Kingdom Come Deliverence II, am beyond hyped!)

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Well, as a woman I dont' have a lot of great options to begin with, since the position of my gender was heavily dependent on social norms and cultural circumstances (in even worse terms than today). There was no single most humane position that applied to everyone. Women had different roles depending on their social class, family situation and geographical location.
For women from aristocratic or wealthy families, the most humane position may have been to have a good marriage with a respectful and supportive husband who took their needs and desires into account (ew). Such women often had access to education and could enjoy some autonomy within their homes, although their freedoms were limited compared to modern standards.
Women from poorer families or those who lived in rural communities often had heavier workloads and less freedom. They were usually heavily involved in daily work, be it farming, housework or other economic activities. Their position was often characterized by greater dependence on male family members and social structures (ah great, the patriarchy strikes again).
I think I would still take the first option into consideration with a lot of different outcomes concering my (hopefully not so nasty and disgusting) husband. If, by any chance, said person is an absolute scumbag, I would totally fantasize about poisoning that piece of shît (/sarcasm). If a wealthy woman was suddenly widowed in the Middle Ages, her situation could vary greatly depending on various factors such as her social status, her family environment and the legal regulations of her time and region.
In some societies and legal traditions in the Middle Ages, women had the right to a portion of their deceased husband's estate, known as a widow's estate. This could include land ownership, financial resources or other assets that enabled the wife to live a decent life even after her husband's death.
If the wife played an important role in the management of the family estate or business, she could continue this responsibility after her husband's death. This could mean taking over the management of the business or representing her family's interests in negotiations and affairs.
Depending on the social norms and circumstances of her family, a widowed woman might be pressured to remarry, especially if she had no male heirs, in order to continue the family's property and name. However, this could also depend on the woman's personal autonomy and wishes.
Many wealthy women in the Middle Ages were involved in charity work, religious or social activities. A widowed woman could increase these activities or take new initiatives to engage in the community and use her influence.
So yeah, I would just hope to either be a cool nun or a widowed and more or less independent aristocrat (without having delivered an heir or re-marrying another stupid douchebag). Anything else would probably have me burning on a stake or else. /ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ

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My puppy is growing like a weed atm, it’s keeping me busy teaching it manners and tricks. The days are getting shorter and cooler down here too. Well it looks like I’ve used up all my likes for today, so I’m gonna for run then hitting the sack, sleep well tonight 😉

Bearhead01’s Profile PhotoGilbert Thomas
You have a busy life, Gilbert!) Puppies are like children, they require education, otherwise they may think that they are the masters of this life))) And then they can bring quite a few troubles. Our days are getting longer, which I am very happy about. I want warmth and summer. We don’t have enough of this in Russia. Have a nice run and sweet dreams!)
My puppy is growing like a weed atm its keeping me busy teaching it manners and

Do you think it's normal for kids and teens to try to imitate adults?I mean things like their behaviors, way of talking, vocabulary, mannerisms, etc.

Yes, it is. Kids start to imitate you form the moment the came to this world, that’s why their first 7 years of life it’s extremely important for their education, behaviour, vocabulary etc.

Do you learn English from the age 6 in your basic schools there in France? 🤔

LarryStylestomlinson436’s Profile PhotoMe - Larry
In France, English typically becomes a part of the curriculum around the age of 11 or 12, in middle school.
However, some schools may introduce basic English concepts earlier, but it's not as structured or formalized as in Anglophone countries.
So, while English education does start relatively early compared to some other countries, it's not typically from the age of 6 in basic schools.
Do you learn English from the age 6 in your basic schools there in France

What do you do when you finally receive what you once wished for... years after forgetting it was ever a wish?

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
When I receive what I was wishing for, I make next ✅ on my list of wishes and it makes me happy 🤩
- Uni education✅
- Love ✅
- 2 children b&g ✅
- stable good job ✅
- nice vacations ✅
- driving licence ✅
- our own flat ✅
- funny friends ✅
- our own cottage ❌ 👉 cottage in the nature still remains a dream, we are just renting various for vacations 😅😅😅
What do you do when you finally receive what you once wished for years after

Language: English