
My Name Esteban

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Which sound makes goosebumps on your skin?

Music can send chills to some people (including myself) and give them goosebumps. According to new research, this could mean they experience more intense emotions. Goosebumps are actually part of our fight or flight response. It could be related to the release of dopamine, a reward hormone in our brain. 📱🏡🙁

Que superpoder te gustaría tener? Volar, ser invisible o inmortal?

Desearia las 3,
No obstante eligiria 'volar'.🍁🌞
Que superpoder te gustaría tener Volar ser invisible o inmortal

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Would you rather suffer extreme cold or extreme hot?

The cold also facilitates sauna-snow activity, where you go straight from sweltering to freezing and learn to enjoy it. The cold brings the crispest, most refreshing sunny days you can experience. There's nothing quite like the wintry air combined with the mellow warmth of direct sunlight on your face. ☺️

Teneis apodos?? Yo tengo unos cuantos

De mi parte no respeto y me respetan. Aja cómo cuales sobre nombres tiene?
Teneis apodos Yo tengo unos cuantos

Tell about the most exotic food you have eaten!

Complex questions / at the same time a sense of intrigue however here we go with the answer.
At the age of 18, I have not yet tasted exotic foods, so it implies valid / sufficient / justified arguments temporarily, since as the years evolved, my perception would change respectively. I live in a nation in which practically null exotic dishes are not practiced and in conclusion it is premature to offer you an event of that nature, added to that, it causes me curiosity, tension, and dismay the nations that do practice.
It occurs in Asia (Myanmar) Europe (France) America (Colombia) to say a few.
We will see in a few years ....
It really was not the answer I expected but the occasion deserves it. 🙃🙁

Qué hacer cuando te sientes sol@?

Si se siente solo / triste (a), sepa que abundan iniciativas de recuperar la conexion.
~Nombrelo / Validarlo~
Comentar a otras personas que te encontras solo puede causar terror, pena y autodestructivo. Sin embargo, expresar ese sentimiento puede ser comienzo de liberarlo.
"Tendemos a estigmatizar la soledad en USA, equiparandola ser un solitario / perdedor" dice Kory Flyod, 'Ese estigma nos anima a evitar admitir cuando estamos solos. Negar nuestra soledad solo la perpetua, en tanto antes de que podamos restablecernos, tenemos que ser honestos, al menos con sigo mismo, acerca de lo que experimentamos. 😊

Que piensas sobre la ideología de género?

Movimiento anti-genero es manifestacion / movimiento internacional que se opone a que se refiere como 'ideologia de genero', *teoria de generoismo*.


Language: English