
Gnib Kerm

Ask @gnibkerm

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A man will cheat on a woman he love but will NOT cheat on a woman he RESPECTS!!!!!

Grac3fulBella86’s Profile PhotoJaiBella
A man that cheats respects nothing, especially himself...but there are other ways for a man to show that...like giving away his heart and placing a woman at the center of his universe, who doesn't even include him in hers.

You’re not loyal and we’re never my friend we were just bored

Doesn't matter anymore so why hang up on thinking we need to agree on it. So what is it that you want from this statement? Maybe I can give you that, what else do you want now from me??? Cuz slim are the pickins, I'm all out of love, tears, good days, heart breaks, we even out of crazy around here...ill let you know what's available still left...plenty stupid, regret, confusion, reflection, couple of melodies left and one big ass giant empty universe...ohh and long road with 4 flat tires that ain't even in alignment. Take your pick...it's all from...for you

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Do you think your soulmate exists?

I used to think so, but I had to wake up from that dream. As real as they may seem, every dream ends when you open your eyes. You realize it was all in your mind, and it's not more than a memory, it never existed.

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Have you ever been faithful to an ex after a break up for a long period of time? If so how long ?

There is no such thing, being faithful only exists within a relationship. It is impossible to be faithful to nothing. But it is responsible and honest to chose not to start a relationship with a person when you still are emotionally connected to the EX. Best to stay alone rather than hurt someone. At least be honest with them and make it known you have ties so they can make the choice for themselves.

Why do your girlfriend lie about hanging out with another dude?

She didn't have too, if she did, I wouldn't fucking know. I got shit I'm trying to do. She's a big girl I ain't her fucking baby sitter...but she is my EX...girlfriend for me reason so what's it matter to you any way, nosey ass bitch. Mind you own business...what's fucked in your head to ask a question like that. Find your role, keep your ass in it...or don't I couldn't fucking careless about you, just get your ugly as face outta my fucking space.

Why would a man want a woman who’s obsessed with getting attention from other men

go figure, a woman won't find a man attractive unless he does have the attention from other women. As long as I know I got her heart, what's a man's attention good for? Before my ex I never had the doubts now I just I don't know. I guess inside me, I really don't want to be forced into having a second child in a broken home, even more than I miss her. Part of me knew that would be the case, the smarter part of me...but I willingly made my choices, like Luke said, If I knew you'd be the reason this heart breaks, I would have loved you anyway. Garth said If I knew the reason the king would fall, I might have changed it all, beter left to chance, I would have missed the dance. 😔 It is too late to chage it all or get to dance. So what do I do? Noboy wants to be the forbidden tragedy story...the universe is left scattered apart, no forever after all. Ppl aren't ready for there dreams to be left lost for nothing. But that is what happens in life.

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I miss having you next to me.

Why? If everything you say about me is true 👍 should be happy I'm gone

Has anyone tried calling Sage to see if he is okay?

Nope, I think he is just pretending cuz he read a book once

My friend is judging me for doing OF, saying it might ruin my reputation. Is she just jealous?

Fuck it

why do some people choose to isolate themselves when they're going through something instead of looking for support?

Don't burden me with that

If you had the power to permanently forget your last heart break, would you?

Too soon...still gotta get some make up sex

OK since. I still haven't talked to her by 4 I go give the feds all I got makes no difference to me either way I don't talk to her so might as well jamm up people who no


What kind of sick person does someone have to be to stalk and harass someone for so many years?

8 years, just some loser nobody with a chip for a dick

Why would a guy leave you on read if they are the ones who message you first? He reaches out to me first 99 percent of the time. then, after a little bit, he leaves me on read. When he reached out to me first. Why does he have to be this way

Well 99 to 1 times you show him he doesn't matter, probably just checking back to see if you will unlock the door for him this time, but ya don't.

How much does it affect you if/when others don’t believe in your potential or underestimate you?

Ohh I have the opposite side of that


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