

Ask @gulraizsaleem

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I respect your opinion, but you're romanticizing war. It's not "winners or losers" is the count of how many people died, of lives lost, there's no glory in war, only immense sadness and pain, and it's something most leaders don't understand sadly. War brings more pain and grief than we can imagine

Seagullicarus’s Profile PhotoShahaf Yefet
I am so not..I am just writing facts..Harsh but facts..
And you are wrong,It is not my opinion,it is my experience..
You obviously haven’t seen someone who meant the world to you get killed & I pray that you never have to go through the pain..the helplessness..
People only kill when they believe that they can get away with it..and they do get away with it all thanks to our extraordinary judicial system.
On top of that if we also do nothing & let them be on their merry way then They will make this world living hell..
As far as War goes..It is about winners and losers,,winners portray themselves as good guys and losers as bad guys,,all the so called democratic champions of the world side with winners..Exploit the spoils of war,label the losers as terrorists,,feed on their natural resources like pack of wild dogs..
There’s no glory in War I agree..But when there is no option left War is the only best option..
Who is initiating these wars??
It is hypocritical of you to think that the one who is taking revenge is the one initiating war
The war was already initiated when the killer killed their person
America killed Irans Army chief,now if Iran responds then everyone starts blaming that Iran is a terrorist state who is waging war...
Holyyyy Fuckkkk the Hypocrisy in this world..
How many countries did Iran Attacked??
USA=50 plus
The killer(USA) thinks they can get away with anything,killing millions,throwing atom bombs/mother of all bombs like tantrums,..
Look what happens when a killer goes unchecked,unchallenged and unnoticed 👀

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Liked by: Shahaf Yefet
+4 answers in: ““I’ll kill you because you killed my friend” will continuously create war - What do you think of this?”

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your philosophy isn't helping anyone, it's only promoting more and more death....

Seagullicarus’s Profile PhotoShahaf Yefet
On the contrary,it is creating a deterrence
It is your philosophy that isn’t helping and promoting violence,someone should kill your loved one & all you are supposed to do is to sit on your merry ass & wait for your turn or someone else’s..
your philosophy isnt helping anyone its only promoting more and more death
Liked by: Shahaf Yefet
+4 answers in: ““I’ll kill you because you killed my friend” will continuously create war - What do you think of this?”

Do you think video games should be considered as a "Sport"?

I am so against the idea although I have played my fair share of video games as a child but we also used to enjoy other activities and we enjoyed playing outdoors much much more than video games.
Compared to our time when I see kids and even adults now they have less concern for anything except their video games and it’s just not healthy enough physically,mentally,spiritually.
Liked by: Raito Senshi
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