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How many people don't question religion strictly due to fear of what would happen to them if they do? Little, some, allot, everyone?

Seagullicarus’s Profile PhotoShahaf Yefet
By all means do question
I agree that very few people question their religion that’s the reason they know little to nothing about the depth of their own religion.
And question other religions as well then you will automatically come to a certain conclusion that which is the true religion that you should follow.
I know people who ask questions & have studied entire books bible,Torah,Quran..
And then they came to the conclusion that Islam is the only complete & true religion that exist in the world right now and its influence will only increase till the end of time.
How many people dont question religion strictly due to fear of what would happen
Liked by: Shahaf Yefet

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I don’t understand people who don’t appreciate the blessings Allah has bestowed on us
Ask the people living abroad what’s Pak is worth to them
Don’t get me wrong,I am all game when it comes to traveling to some country anywhere in the world for a month or so but for a year Nah!!!
the freedom,the vibe,the wholesome package of seasons,landscapes Etc
you enjoy here you cannot get anywhere else on the face of the earth 🌍
So,the answer to your question is
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Write something to someone here (on Askfm), without saying who it is!

Seagullicarus’s Profile PhotoShahaf Yefet
I’d like to say I know exactly what she’s thinking and when she’s thinking it,but a woman like her is a mystery even when she’s not trying to be,because she doesn’t think like most,she may want you but she doesn’t need you.She is okay with being alone.And all I want & desire is for her to spend some of that alone time with me.


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