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Why do we fall in love with someone we are not supposed to end up with?

AmJayKay0102’s Profile PhotoNoName NoPain
We confuse love with possession
It’s not always about possession,it is all about appreciation.
If you don’t end up with them doesn’t mean that you don’t love them.
Why do we fall in love with someone we are not supposed to end up with

Don't name them. Don't mention them. But describe the person who made your 2shitty22 better.

The funny thing about not being expressive is that you could have all the right people in your life willing to understand you but there’s just a part of you that’s too tired to talk about anything that’s going on in your head.

Why Ronaldo is benched today against Switzerland?

Sending Goncalo & benching Ronaldo was a Bold Bold move,,Risk paid off though
It turned out pretty great in the end
So all is well that ends well 👏🏻
Why Ronaldo is benched today against Switzerland
Liked by: Amany Abd Elfattah


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