@Hadacol#70 🇬🇧

Herbert Henry Asquith

Ask @Hadacol

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PAP of where you want to be right now?!

The problem is tho, anon, I want to be there in autumn, not today... as a photographer, I've been so busy since recovering from my thyroid, but most of my pictures are spring or summer. And I'm after pictures that capture what is recognisably the same place, but in different seasons, so I need yellow and brown leaves for that. Autumn needs to rush up :)
PAP of where you want to be right now

What is your favorite hobby?

The most fun activity in the world, reading the Daily Mail! None of that filthy dirty business for me!
(Please note that this picture dates from 2009 and unfortunately I no longer look like that, but still)
What is your favorite hobby

What's your dreamtime like? Do you dream regularly, or have nightmares, or Lucid Dream? What importance, if any, do you attach to your dreams?

CactusDoug’s Profile PhotoDoug
I don't remember most of my dreams, but I have tried lucid dreaming at about that 4-5am time. It's remarkable, isn't it?
Though that comes more from the time when I was ill with my thyroid, since my recovery I've slept less (to a fault!) and it's less common now.
I've had a dream, though not for some time, where I don't like a situation so I fly away from it. I move my arms up and down in a certain way and that enables me to fly like a bird. But I'm not that much of a dreamer in general.
Liked by: Doug

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What is your favorite restaurant? Where is it located?

This one, in Birmingham! I go there with my girlfriend. Special mention to Malaysian Delight whih is only a stone's throw from this. Not everything in Chinatown is god, but when the chefs in certain places are on form they're unstoppable :)
What is your favorite restaurant Where is it located

If you could eliminate any word from the dictionary, meaning no one can ever use it again, what word would you choose?

Probably, "inappropriate". It's just the most finger-wagging, censorious, IRRITATING word that I imagine coming out of the mouths of vaguely left-liberal, public sector workers, mostly women. The sort who, to stereotype further, have children that support Jeremy Corbyn but are for Yvette Cooper themselves. Who think one day the whole world will have to come round to their way of thinking, and they can bring this about by disapproving of anyone who isn't exactly like themselves.

What is your favorite kind of cocktail?

A proper Singapore Sling (beware of imitations, there are many). It's like a silent killer, you actually enjoy drinking them, which is why you get drunk unexpectedly :)

Have you ever been called up for Jury Duty? If so what were your feelings about it? I was once called up but was working abroad and so couldn't do it.

CactusDoug’s Profile PhotoDoug
No, I've never got the call. I don't know whether I'd like it or not, how could I when I know so little?
I shouldn't like to have a different opinion to the majority, especially when someone big wants to railroad a suspect through or let one of their friends/family off, which I'm told happens.
Hello, btw :)
Liked by: Doug

It's Relaxation Day. How will you unwind?

I won't actually be drinking cocktails, but here's a picture of me doing that in 2013. I was starting to get ill with my thyroid, but didn't know it, so I look healthier now. Howbeit, it's a great picture of me having a nice time. And sorry boys, but despite appearances I'm still not gay :)
Its Relaxation Day How will you unwind

Do you prefer to ask questions or answer them?

I like to ask questions as I can think about them and compose them, whereas when it's a question coming from someone else I might not be able to think of a clever response (QED).

What's your favorite saying?

I've just discovered, from 17th-century books, the word "howbeit". Don't know why people stopped using it. Howbeit.

If you could live on another planet, which would you choose?

I'd live on the planet Kolob, it's mentioned in Mormon scriptures so it must exist! I WANT TO BELIEVE!

Do you pick and choose your friends?

I have a simple method of choosing friends. In the words of A. Samuels, "I ask them this question: are they livin de life?"


Yeah, I saw a horse with a large penis on my walk this morning. Especially admirable, given that (as you might be able to tell) he's quite young.
Yeah I saw a horse with a large penis on my walk this morning Especially

Have you ever broken any bones? If so, how many and which ones?

No, BUT I have got a picture of just after the Last Post at the Menin Gate.
Have you ever broken any bones If so how many and which ones

Would you consider yourself good at giving advice?

Yes, you have only to do the exact opposite of what I do and you won't go wrong :)

What is one incredibly common thing in life that you find scary?

Driving cars or any kind of vehicle. I dread to imagine what I'd be like behind the wheel!

Why is your walking buddy scared of cows? I'm a little frightened of them, too, although I have no idea why.

Because she and another friend of mine that I walk with got chased by a herd of cows when they were out with some other people (I wasn't there). Another person in my group avoids cows because they bother his dog, so we just avoid them in general. They can apparently be quite nasty.


Language: English