
Jahanzeb Rehman

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A cure for sadness?

Taehunghh’s Profile PhotoLasagna
Being sad does comes with wishful thinking, so you have to decide whether the things you wish are achievable or not, if yes then start taking action in that direction ASAP, you won't be sad anymore, if not, then let go of them or you'll end up being miserable
Second, if being sad/upset came from someone else's action, then realize that you have no power over someone, so you have no power over their actions, so there is no reason to get upset over something you don't control. Period

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If you wait for motivation you'll be waiting forever.

Motivation only works when it's from within i.e; maybe you grew up struggling, you saw your parents work from paycheck to paycheck, and you don't want to live like that, your childhood was fucked and you want your latter life to be good
Otherwise motivation only lasts as long as that song at the back
+1 answer in: “Short story😊”

What will the future be like?

Multiplanetary Species, Electric/Autonomous Cars, Electric Planes, Brain-Machine Interface to the point that the whole internet will be in your brain, no need to learn anything, just think about it and you'll know, also could control various gadgets which you already can will cellphone, Bio-Engineering; hook up Monkeys/Meerkats with Bio-Engineeried limbs to give them super animal abilities; lift heavy weights, add a super generator next to heart for power, hook up an antenna where the tail is, for connectivity, Genome-Editing; CRISPR/Super-Human, Quantum Computing; there's no limit to what could be possible in that arena
Work is being done on reversing aging/slow down aging process, but honestly I don't believe in that
The most scariest, and the likeliest to happen is Artificial Intelligence; we're building something that is smarter than us by order of magnitude, we humans are smarter than the rest, and look what we did/do, use animals for our benefits, nothing wrong with that, but we certainly do cross the line in many cases, and who to say that Artificial Intelligence won't do something similar, or maybe just kill us all if we're in it's way to something??...
It's just like a fire "It's a good Servant, but a bad Master".

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