
Kay Hayden

Ask @kayhaydennn

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Oh and when does he come out? For dinner at least?

No... he comes out around 10:30 PM every night for a quick snack then goes back up. He sometimes comes out if we have friends over. He'll come down sometimes to talk for a bit and ask how are day was and then leave.

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When he comes home?

He works at home, but he's locked in his room working all day. I don't want to bother him during work.

Woah what about me #forgotten

Bruh... Who cares? Ew.
JK, but they know more about me hahahahaha sorry. You weren't forgotten I promise.
Should I call now or naw?

I don't know Carrie that much but Juliana's a really good friend

Their both great! Haha Juliana is really goofy and Carrie acts like a five year old, but when it comes to secretes their the ones I can count on.

I think ur dads lying and he just doesn't wanna give u it

Most likely, but he does misplace things a lot so I wouldn't be mad if he did sense I'm getting a new one soon anyways.

My dad gets mad if I call him by his name he says it's disrespectful HAHA

Oh geez. Then you might want to call him Dad. Hahahahaha

u call ur dad by his name??

He prefers it. He doesn't like when we call him dad. He says we're mature enough to call him by his name.

U should tell ur dad to give u ur phone back it doesn't matter if u have no service u can still use it with wifi

I did ask him he forgot where he put it. Haha silly Chris

If I hug u and I cry don't think I'm weird I have my reasons

It's completely fine, but will you please just hug me tomorrow?

Because ur step mom is nice probably like a good person mine isn't but the good thing is that I live with my mom so I only see her when I have to go to my dads. Ew

I'm sure it'll get better. I'm here for you. :)

Can I hug u like I need to hug u

Yes! Hug me. Hahaha I love hugs like I don't think anyone understands how much I love hugs! I can't go a day without hugging someone. Hugs are literally amazing. HUGS

My parents divorced when I was like 2 and I HATE my dads wife like she's a bitch to me I just pretend to like her and she pretends to "love me"but she only likes her real sons not me so believe me u are lucky

I'm sorry to hear that. In due time it'll get better. That's how it was with my step mom for a year or two. Me and my brothers hated her and she didn't like kids. Now we can't stand being away from her or not talking to her for more than a day. She says we're the reason she likes kids now. I promise it'll get better. Come to me if you need anything hun.

I'm so sorry I should've asked that I'm so so sorry I can't even explain

Oh gosh no. It's fine. Don't be sorry. I don't mind. Haha don't feel bad. I'm fine.


Language: English