
Kay Hayden

Ask @kayhaydennn

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how dou eat ur noooooodals

I put them on my fork then I put them in my mouth. It's a very complicated process. I don't think you'd understand.

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im crying becuz ive seen ur butt grow up so fast from seventh grade ur ass is my goddess and i hope one day u can maybe just let me tap it

<) )>
/ \
Nawwww nigga
Liked by: jada Bobby Hyers

u should delete ask if they are hating on u so much

I've thought about it. There isn't a lot of hate as much anymore.

Whenever i see hate i just feel i need to say they are wrong and give the hated a little more confidence, sorry i can't help it. Even if i know the person isn't bothered by the hate i still do it

Bobby Hyers
That's a great thing to do. Don't be sorry. It's really sweet
Liked by: Bobby Hyers

Tbh, haters are just cowards and idiots. Saying things that aren't true just to make themselves feel mightier but hiding behind anonymous. If they were really as powerful as they think they wouldn't be anon, but they are really just weak and scared

Bobby Hyers
Thanks Bobby :)
Liked by: Bobby Hyers

jonah lied and said ur nice and funny but ur realky mean

Why did you even get him involved? Tbh I am nice to him and I joke around with him a lot. I'm nice to everyone unless they push my buttons like you are. Sorry if you think I'm mean, but that's all up to you. I'm not going to be nice to someone whos goal is to hurt me. I don't care if thats how you feel about me. Okay I can't change your mind, but keep it to yourself and don't get others involved. And if you want to point these things out to me just say it in person. Don't be rude about it though. I am human too.
Liked by: miysun Phillips

ur not funny leave me alone and answer it

I'm not trying to be funny. Leave you alone? Oh ya sorry did you forget YOU'RE THE ONE ON MY ASK.FM?! Sorry I can't answer your questions anymore since you want me to "leave you alone".

u use guys u arent pretty or special

Wanna say it to my face? Nah son. My light up sketcherz are too bright I can't see the haters. Bye.

u use all ur guy friends cuz u like when a bunch of dudes like u cuz u feel pretty and special around them

Say it one more time, nigga.

answer me

No get off my ask. You asked ten times I saw the first time I'm trying to sleep and you're really rude. Stop.


Language: English