
Kay Hayden

Ask @kayhaydennn

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thats an effing lie because you are perfect. perfect means "Lacking nothing essential to the whole; complete of its nature or kind." and you are not lacking anything essential. so what if your hair isn't always perfect (rare)- your flaws are part of your whole complete nature. you are perfect.

That was really inspirational and sweet. Thank you so much

Do you sleep in the dark or with some light on?

I'm still scared of the dark. Usually I leave some light on. Its embarassing to admit that.

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Im a november baby to high five

1. Jacobi wasn't a planned baby.
2. Chris was planned, but my parents wanted a girl.
3. I wasn't planned, but when they found out my mom was pregnant they wanted a girl and planned an abortion if I was a boy.
4. And I was either my dads birthday sex OR Valentines Day sex.

stop. sorry, but your effing perfect, so stop effing saying that people hate you or what effing ever. maybe you feel confident in the way you tie your shirts. it doesn't effing matter what others say. why can't you effing understand that? people effing use ask to understand people, including you.

Wait...thanks? Sorry I'm trying to understand this, but the "effing" makes it seem like you're mad.
Liked by: Kelley Ciotti

stop judging kaylie. shes beautiful and kind and nice and funny and better then u will ever be. why does everyone have to be so mean to her. she didnt do anything to u guys. she actually helped me out alot when i was going through a hard time and she saved my life. leave her alone. give her a break

I'm speechless. Wow this is really sweet. Thank you so so much.

you still tied your shirt today thot

I did that to prove a point. Your hate isn't going to stop me from being myself and doing what I do. Thanks for helping me realize that I don't need other people to change me.

I tie my sweatshirts sometimes too haha

Yea, but people tend to judge everything I do and I'm hated by many. So apparently it's only wrong when I do it. Cool that you do it without getting judged though. :)

You tie your sweatshirts in the back so people state at your ass.. No one likes that

I tie them up because some of them are too big for me. I don't really give a shit what people think of my ass. You can think what you like. I don't care. You aren't me so I'm not gonna get mad at you because you don't understand me and way I do things. Or why I do them. But at least show some respect and don't make negative assumptions about someone you don't know. Thank you.


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