
Kay Hayden

Ask @kayhaydennn

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I need the history homework. r u done yet?

I dunno you. And I haven't even touched my homework yet. People keep interrupting me on ask and texting me.

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should i be worried if ur mean to me

It depends on how I'm being mean. I'm not really mean to a lot of people so it's chill. Like if I am being mean it's probs a joke... unless I like start yelling and saying shit about you to your face. I have only done that like twice though so don't worry.

whoever this is leave Kaylie alone im sure she doesnt want you asking all this personal stuff EVEN THOUGH SHES SAID SHE DOESNT CUT IDK A BILLION TIMES so yeah leave her alone : )

Hi Kathryn. :) Thank you so very much.

i know y u would show ur arms! u dont cut ur arms so theres nothing to hide u cut ur thighs

Oh man! You just get dumber. You can check my thighs too, but don't touch mister. I assure you though all you'll see are stretch marks and probably bunch of little people running away yelling "Earthquake! Evacuate! Evacuate!".

I need advice for falling on my face. what did u tell him

Well I laughed then said "Listen kid. I don't care if you run in the halls, but at least tie your shoes first."
Nah just kidding. I just laughed at him.

I almost said it but then u would know my name nice try

I was close. Anyway I bet you're a random sixth grader trying to make friends. I opened 7 kids lockers today and gave one kid advice about running in the hall when he fell on his face.

Come to bk!!

No, last time I walked by someone was in there that I'm trying to avoid cuz when I see them I feel like I'm getting punched in the stomach. I'm busy doing homework anyway.

What happen to your friends that were in eighth grade? Now at whs

I don't know exactly what happen with some of them, but I guess I'm still chill with some of them.
Like Greg P, he's pretty chill and funny.
And and Sophie is soooo nice and trustworthy.
Uhhh there's more, but I dunno. I guess it's cuz they don't go to my school anymore. Haha I don't know.

Don't cut please ur beautiful and worth so much please stay strong I believe in u

Thanks hun, but I don't cut. ily though :)

How do you surprise other people?

Well I got Carrie a big teddy bear as a surprise, but she made me tell her what I got her soooooooo I'm not good at surprising people. I usually end up telling them if they ask.

what u said about carrie was mean. stop

Ha dude I don't mean it. I love that goober like a sister. Chill man. She knows I don't mean it.


Language: English