
Kay Hayden

Ask @kayhaydennn

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no i meant it in a good way like yay it eating food and not starving urself cuz ik u used to and u still do skip meals sometimes and that might be y u cut

I'm sorry, but you don't know me at all. If that's what you think, think again because you're wrong.

so u do eat yay u ate today

What do you mean "so you do eat"? What the hell. I'm tired of people assuming I don't eat just because they think I'm skinny. Yes I eat. If I didn't eat enough it would be obvious. It's so annoying getting these questions because it makes me feel like I'm some kind of little kid that needs to be monitored. I don't mind telling you guys things, but if I'm going to get responses like the one you just had I'll stop answering your questions.

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emily and them went to screamfest together with your brother

I know. The conversation he started when I walked in the door was great.... omg your friends are so funny! In all reality half of them have said they're scared of him. I think its funny that he thinks he knows them after one night. He talked to me about them as if I didn't know them.
Liked by: Abigail Sprague

You and Abby are the cutest best friends I've ever seen. You too are so genuine around eachother and silly too! I love you too together hahah

Hahaha we're laughing too hard to respond like normal human beings.
She just finished that sentence for me.
Thanks Abbs.
Screw you don't predict what I say nigga.
Liked by: Abigail Sprague


Language: English