

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Ah, terima kasih, Kinan! Tapi, mau nanya sekali lagi maaf, apakah bisa orgasme dengan kaya gitu? 😅

Do you know that women can reach orgasm without even touching herself :>
Liked by: tira Dora Loka Pamarta

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Halo, Kinan. Kalau boleh tau kemarin kamu beli domain untuk blog di mana? Dan berapakah harganya per tahun? Terima kasih.

Hello, drop me your email address and I'll send you the details.

Why do some people spend so much time writing long answers in this platform? Do they actually have a life or is it Ask fm their life?

All I know is their life is none of your business.
Liked by: Arisya

Kak Kinan aku nanya serius tolong dijawab ya :( kalau beli bra dimana ya? Apa di tempat seperti Matahari Dept. Store atau dimana? Aku selama ini pakai miniset aja,thank you kak Kinan

Basically every place who sells bra, obviously. If you see bra on display, then they sell it.
They are everywhere, honey. But if you want to get measured properly, don't go to tempat grosiran because they only know size S, M, L or only judging from how big your boobs look outside.
Pro tip: measure yourself, the internet is real good shit, then go to the mall because I bet there is no mall in here who doesn't sell bra.

Kinan, share your thought dong definisi selingkuh menurut kamu dan batas batas apa yang bisa dikatakan sebagai perselingkuhan? Thank you.

Irana Gunadi
Hi baby. Cheating for me is the meeting you try to hide, the chat you always delete, the phone call you answer quietly, the pictures you cover, the ring you put off, and the lies you told.
TL;DR cheating is when you hide something from your partner.

kinan, setelah lulus ada rencana buat s2 ga? kalo ada, ambil apa dan kemana? maaf ya kalo udah pernah ditanyain hehe.

Hahaha yes, been planning on taking social science in Japan but haven't decided which uni.
Liked by: Pam

kangen kak kinan di tl deh.. how u doin?

Hi I'm doing super fine, thank you for asking. I'm having my graduation next week and I can't wait for that.
Also I've been having fun social interaction with 5 of my colleagues. We came from many different backgrounds yet we seem to get along really well. We did a fun photoshoot last week and I've posted the pics on my blog http://www.kinankawuryan.com/2016/07/part-time-companion.html
And I'm looking forward for our next project at work!

Yang ngeask pake nama Tiara tari tarasudirman itu fake account. Jadi salah banget kalo kamu bilang dia 2 faced. (sorry cuma mau kasih informasi aja) :)

I know but it doesn't mean there is no one responsible for that freaking fake account, right?

kalo kamu lagi kesel dan butuh sansak hidup buat dipukul, di tendang, atau diinjek...aku siap kak

Send your cv right away to kinankawuryan@gmail.com and tell me how experienced you are to be someone's living sand sack.


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