

Ask @kulssss

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are you ganna start I Courtney

Ok basically
Cos Bennett gave a shit report about me to hazelwick,I have a six week trial first
I start on Tuesday and for those six weeks,I have to be good and my behaviour has to be perf
No arguments etc,hand my phone in at the beginning of everyday raaaah
But yeah anyway,if I'm shit in the first 6 weeks,they'll kick me out,and cos it was a managed move,they can kicker out whenever
Uhm yeah so I can't basically,I'm not fucking up anything for myself,as hard as it'll be I can't say anything to Courtney,or I'll get kicked out and then I won't be in any school lol mooodyyyyy

Omg ur not popular no one even likes u! I bet you any money that one of these boys has given u hate on here before since u r one of the most hated and ugliest girl

I have never called myself popular
I know I'm disliked by many people but I'm also liked lol
They're all nice to me and have no reason to give me shit on here lol
I've done nothing to be "hated" upon you fag
Are you calling me ugly to make yourself feel better lol ya dick

brad fucked marni vim can't fight dan ferguson has a big nose ayoub is fat Luis's nose is demented Dinesh is black chase is spotty loooooooool

You're so mother f vile
Why are you making it out like its bad that brad had sex with her? Sex bought you into this world son,so don't bad mouth it
You obv haven't seen vim fight then have you ya twat
Why are you pointing out dans nose lol,surely he's better looking than you bbe
I don't know what you think fat is lol but ayoub Defoe isn't it
There's nothing wrong with Luis' nose either ya cunt
So mother effin racist you are idec,there's nothing wrong with Dinesh's skin colour oh my
Everyone gets spots,it's something you get when you start puberty,clearly you haven't hit it yet have u bbe
"Loooool" srsly
The only funny thing here is the fact that you're sitting behind a little screen on anon,trying to insult them when in reality they wouldn't care unless its coming from someone who's big enough to get off anon
Lol they're all lovely boys and so nice to me so idc what u say ok
Bye dickhead

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Liked by: Dan Ferguson

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What time you gonna be in school tomorrow and you gonna be in lessons

12 and getting my time table

What would your ideal boys' dress sense be?

Ok uhm drain washed jeans,rolled up a bit higher than your ankle
Huff socks
Air max
White baggy too with the sleeves rolled up

You coming tomorrow to hazelwick to take your uniform or something?

No I bought my uniform from broad bridges or whatever it is today
I'm getting my timetable I think

when did you and Michael start speaking?

We're not speaking in that way,but I think the beginning or middle of march

Moody leaving Aaron for Michael

When me and michael started speaking,I didn't even know Aaron so I haven't left him for anyone

anyone you want to get closer with?

Uhm Id want to get closer with Ellie wells,Alice,summer again,wanna be close with Elese again,uhm probs Kiran seeing as I hardly speak to him now,Leah and Lucy again oh and miss ayoub so yeah him too


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