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opinions on Pauline vismanos, Megan Saunders, Megan cole, Paris ghanbari, Beccy nunes, Rosie sired, Chloe arnott, Sophie Tullett and Lauren turner:*

Long haha but I'll do them cos I'm bored:)))) and this is so funny cos I was with all of them at different points yesterday hahahahhaha
Pauline- omfg I laaaaav her,I was only with her yesterday,she's so beautiful,so so so funny hahaha oh god, her party on Wednesday,she's always there for me like I am for her,I can talk to her about anything,one of my besties
Megan Saunders- aaaaah fack,one of the funniest girls I have ever met! She keeps me so entertained in town haha,she's so beautiful,always there for me like I am for her,love her
Megan Cole- only met her a few times but were quite close already haha,she's beautiful,always there for me like I am for her,so funny haha,love her
Paris Ghanbari- omfg were like best friends ok,our heart to hearts are the best and they're so decking cute you don't understand omfg,she's stunning! We're there for each other through everything,she's amazing,like my sister tbh,I can talk to her about everything and anything! She knows like everything about me haha,omfg our phone calls are the best too,I love her so much yay
Beccy Nunes- awh she's stunning,always been so close,she's so lovely,always there for me like I am for her,love her
Rosie Sired- I've always been so close with Rosie omfg and yesterday was the first time I properly met her,she's so stunning,always there for me like I am for her,she's proper cute haha,always there for me like I am for her,she's amazing,laaaav her
Chloe Arnott- met her yesterday,she acc really nice tbh,she's pretty and so funny haha,need to speak more tho
Sophie Tullett- ok Soph treats me like her little sister,she's so feckin stunning and so funny haha,she's there for me through everything and anything! I can talk to her about everything and the same for her,she's beautiful and her hair is amazing,she's like my older sister tbh,we're so close and I love her so much x
Lauren Turner- omfg ok she treats me like her little sister too,she's so amazing,so beautiful, I can talk to her about soooo much,we're there for each other through everything,she's so funny,always makes me laugh,like my older sister,love her so much x

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Liked by: Mark Phillip

do you like Melissa sidibeh

A hahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha oh my god ahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahaha I feckin hate her hahaha
What even is she
Liked by: Mark Phillip

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How is Jazz changing? X

Well she's getting some mates back and she's just changing, that time when no one liked her because of what went on, I was there for her and that's how we became bestfriends,I got told not to get close with her cos she'll leave me once she gets some friends back and tbh that's what I think is ganna happen,we're just drifting apart and I hate it,the fact that we haven't spoken for a few days doesn't help either ffs
Liked by: Mark Phillip

who are you closest to in year 10 and 11 in hazelwick?xx

Year 10,uhm used to be really close with Sophie Tullett and Lauren Turner but now I'm probably closest to Emily Robinson awh
And year 11,probably Chase tbh
Liked by: Mark Phillip

who do you miss being close to in year 9 boy and girls

Uhm probably Farhan,even though we hate each other,I miss telling him and talking to him about everything
There's a few girls,uhm Ellie Wells,Shae Spencer,Summer,Imzy
Liked by: Mark Phillip

People laugh at you, you get bullied in our school haha oh god where are all your 'mates' at then hmm

I don't get bullied,my school life is perfectly fine, I don't need some anon bastard telling me I apparently "get bullied" when I don't
Do you see people come up to me and say shit? No
Do you see people shout at me? No
Do you see people coming over and hitting me? No
I don't get bullied at all and I never have so stfu
Liked by: Mark Phillip

i dont see why anyone would go near you,you have changed so much,you think your some big girl,i remember in year 7 you used to get bullied haha

Liked by: Mark Phillip

Chase or Decarrey, salma or jazz, Emily or Lucy, Elese or rhea, chase or Elese, Leah or Lucy, Michael or chase, Decarrey or Michael h, Leon or chase, chase or jazz, salma or Elese, chase or Pauline, Emily or chase, Elese or Emily, Lucy or Elese, Lucy or jazz, Emily or jazz? Xx

Long but cos I'm bored I'll do it okkkk:-)))
Liked by: Mark Phillip

why are you going to the London meet up?and who are you going with xx

I'm going there cos I wanna meet Kell so bad omfg
I need like a picture with him and that'll be it
Omfg I would die like
Oooo and I'm going with Ems and Luce
Liked by: Mark Phillip


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