

Ask @kulssss

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do your opinions on hassan haider ?

he's one of the loveliest boys in the year,his personality is fab,it's wierd to think that at this time a few months ago,we hates each other and now were this close! he's so down to earth,I can talk to him loads,he's always there for me and listens to my problems,he's good looking and is fab

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i only asked a question why u ona hype

couldn't you be more polite about it? what if your mum had breast cancer and I asked you if she still had "tit cancer" it's not a pissy little joke you cunt,it's a disease and it's serious
it's funny because you're being the big man behind anon right but you probably wouldn't say that to me without hiding your identity would you

Girl with the best dress sense and a boy?

not sure about a girl but a boy defo Aaron dale idec his dress sense is perfect

You and Hassan Haider are so close now :)

I know,quite happy we are tbf he always listens to my problems and manages to cheer me up so hehe

How ya feelin?

I was feeling so shit like an hour ago but my fave boys cheered me up and so did Soph so I'm ye happiest girl yay
Liked by: Sophie

Opionions on Hassan Haider, HASSAN KHAN, Charlie lovelock xx

they're all the cutest and my faves,good looking and have the best personalities ever, love them x

Nicest thing someone has said to you today?

loads but both Hassans are being really cute to me tonight so probably something that one of them have said:)) oh and Gregors said cute things too ofc

Favourite year 11 st.wilfrids, tbcc, hazelwick and oriel?

st.wilfrids uhm Alois:-))
thomas bennett-Shannon hill
hazelwick- oo I've got loads
and fern for oriel
Liked by: Jack Leatham

opinions on tayla Randall

the one who punched Soph right?
er what a disgrace I really really really dislike her
sorry if you read this darling but you are generally a really disgusting person xoxox
Liked by: Jack Leatham

Name them, and name the hottest boy in oriel yr 9

name who lol
and idk there's a few but probs cal,Connor,eth and max


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