

Ask @kulssss

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I'm confused, you're friends with Beccy now but not Paris? Sorry I don't mean to be nosey but I thought it was the otherway around?x

Well I'm not friends with either of them but if I had to pick one it would be Beccy x

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give me a reason why don't you like him hes a nice boy you hardly know him

Fgs shut up manpreet I don't like you now leave

seriously who the fuck do you think you are coming to hazelwick just go back to bennet no one likes you at hazelwick and apperently you moved to hazelwick because you got bullied at bennet so fuck off and leave manpreet alone you horrible person fuck off you fake muslim

Just answered this
Your words make no difference to me unless you come off anon or inbox me,I highly doubt that you will so your words don't affect me at all buttercup

seriously who the fuck do you think you are coming to hazelwick just go back to bennet no one likes you at hazelwick and apperently you moved to hazelwick because you got bullied at bennet so fuck off and leave manpreet alone you horrible person fuck off you fake muslim

Well I wasn't bullied at Bennett,my mum pulled me out because of another reason and if you're that interested to know you may aswell inbox me,but seeing as this is manpreet and you've blocked me,you won't be doing that eh
Haha shut up you dog yuck

Why did you choose beccy over Paris? I swear u two are best friends?

Not anymore were not,we genuinely hate eachother and never ever becoming friends again

why did you start on manpreet ?

Because he said I walk around hazelwick like I own it lol what a pleb

Rosie B or S? Ellie W or P? Melissa or Isabella? Hassan H or K? Paris or Beccy?

Both,Ellie W,Melissa,both and uhm probably Beccy idk


Language: English