

Ask @kulssss

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Plans for tomorrow and next week?

Uhm tomorrow,I'm going Starbucks with the girls and having a cute catch up then Pauline's coming over
I'm seeing Chloe sometime next week
Seeing angel at one point and then abbey
Uhm going Croydon with Pauline and her dad-think that's next week not sure

What's going to happen with you and Michael at the party?

Doubt I'll even speak to him on the night it's just awkward

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Funny becos Michael said to me and a few others that you deserve a slap round the face

This is Charlie 100% and I know but that was before the messages I just screen print
And he said that when we stopped talking whatsoever and heard that I said something about soph
And the after arguing etc he believed me so Charlie,mind your own business haha fucking hell you're hilarious

What nickname did you and Michael give each other? Just curious because I think I might speak to him

Change ya name to kulsum and you'll be fine
Liked by: Hi I'm Ellie

Tell me the story of when you got pulled out of school?

I didn't even know I was getting pulled out that day till my mum stormed into school,signed the papers etc and I got called out of pe hahah fgs but yeah uhm got pulled out on the 18th of April,started home school on the 21st and was home schooled for like 3 weeks,then started hazelwick on the 14th of may lol

How you feeling about your party? Feeling excited?

20% filled with excitement and the rest I'm getting pissed off just thinking about that night

What are they dressing up as????

Not really dressing up I guess but they're wearing this thing which I can't say hehe


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