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You are not one with yourself as you have dark spirit energy flowing through your veins and you must become pure and go to the mountains of fukijisujakuren and then you will find the waterfall of uchihinneganzukmaki stand under it for 7 days to be pured

Already tried it didn't work

Matthew baldwin says he reckons you would be a good bang in bed but he doubts that you can boogie all night with the bigboys and he thinks your ass is peng

Why did I waste my time reading that

Opinions on Dhruv,Neil,tharidu,Bhavik,Pritesh?

Dhruvs ok he's nice sometimes
Neil's lovely and one of my bests
Tharidus so shy but he's nice
Bhaviks nice
Pritesh is hilarious and can have a good laugh with him

how long is salma hair after the shave

Just below her ears but that's the longest layer,like her hairs in layers atm so it's quite hard to tell really

Do you like dhruv?

I don't really like the way he speaks to Harriet but he's okay at times and is quite nice to me so

What have you done these holidays?

Friday-went shopping with my sisters
Saturday-had a chill day and watch films like the whole day
Sunday-nothing till like 4 then went and met all the lads and Shaesta for Naz's last day
Monday-was with Rosie and Rosie till 5 ish,then went cinema with my sisters
Tuesday-Tuesday was well boring like
Wednesday-was Christmas so spent the day with my family
Thursday-went shopping
Friday-had a chill day with sisters again

Is Rosie bandar your bestest friend?

I don't have a bestest friend but Rosie's like my little sister ya know although she's older than me

opinion on nazim manpreet hassan h charlie l charlie m jack r

Nazim's lovely and his last day was brill like
Manpreet is alright ish now but I'm still not very keen on him
Been through loads with Hassan,literally know everything about eachother,trust him with my life and can always rely on him
Charlie lovelocks nice,used to be well close,can talk to eachother about loads,good looking,decent lad
Charlie Moore's lovely,gotten a lot closer with him recently,hilarious when me and him violate jack in maths like,good looking and can trust him
Jack rees is a decent lad,can trust him and got quite close,lovely boy and good looking

opinions on these jack leatham piotr ellie leah

I don't like jack
Piotr's lovely,have good banter with him,one of my bests even though he pushed me in a bush and made my hand bleed like,good looking and a decent lad
Ellie's one of my bestest friends,like I've been through so much with her in the last year but I don't think we've ever had a proper argument,she's gorgeous and means loads to me
Leah hahaha she's honestly my favourite! The amount of memories I've shared with her are unreal,like this time last year we hated eachother more than anything and now were practically joined at the hip! She's gorgeous and we know eachother inside out! She's always there for me and I can rely on her more than most people tbf

but your gonna have a penis up your vagina once in your life so whats the difference ?

Asking me what the difference is? Well for starters,your tongue is in your mouth and surrounds your teeth,A PLACE YOU EAT FROM but hey there's not a difference
You use your fingers for most things,why would you want vagina germs on them and get them on everything you touch but oh wait there's not a difference

can i please lick you out

Oh my life hold up this question just ew
WHENEVER someone talks about "licking someone out" or "fingering" someone I always rant so prepare yourself
I mean come on why on earth would you want to stick your tongue//finger(s) up someones bloody VAGINA that is 100% disgusting like they bloody WEE from there why oh earth would you do that it's so vile like if you wanna do it FINE BY ME but don't send me dirty shitty questions that are ganna make me gag and throw up in your bloody face


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