

Ask @kusumandaru

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Menurutmu kapan hujan akan turun?

this year's he El nino is really makes the rainy season comes late. from what I read, the rainy season will start on December.
it's also not gonna help the forest fire problem as the rainy season will start very late.
and from this question, I'm also gonna say much appreciation to the fire men, soldiers, volunteers, and all the people that are actually in the field fighting the fire. though the rainy season hasn't begun yet, but today the level of the smoke in Pekanbaru is already reduced to almost in the healthy level.
Me and my family, can't thank you enough.
May Allah always protects you and your family that you left behind at home.
Menurutmu kapan hujan akan turun

masdok, itu foto jaman kuliah? semua itu teman sejawatmu dok? mahasiswa fk kalo punya banyak tekanan jadi gitu ya dok? trus mereka udah pada nikah? mereka laku kan dok walau alay? *nganga*

itu cuma sebagian kecil dari temen-temenku dulu yang. . . umm, kurang begitu normal. semuanya temen sejawat, tapi ga semua yg udah laku jg.
dibilang ada tekanan, ya kuliah di fakultas mana aja ya pasti ada tekanan. tapi kami menikmati prosesnya. di waktu belajar, kami belajar. di waktu main, ya main. we really did use the term "work hard play hard".
pada akhirnya, kami baik-baik aja kok. ya kan guys, aku orangnya baik-baik dan normal-normal aja kan? ya kan guys? guys? please?. . . GUYS KALIAN MAU KE MANA GUYS?

What is the craziest thing you've done in public?

you know, we all have our alay days. and my alay times was in college. I had shitty friends back then. good old shitty friends. we had done alotta un-normal things. you name it, we did it.
example: when we were going to the movie theater, we dressed up, depends what movie we were going to watch.
just like this one time. we even screamed "ALLAHUAKBAAAR!" while walking from the ground floor up to the top floor.
don't ask why we did this. we were young, wild, free and we had no dignity.
yes, that's @cezalasera in the middle
What is the craziest thing youve done in public

Pagi.. Gw ada rencana mau resign. Di kantor gw kan pembagian THR setiap akhir tahun (natal) tepatnya 10hari sebelum natal. Klo gw ajuin resign letter di tanggal 1 Des-nya (one month notice, per 1 Januari sdh di kantor baru), Apakah gw masih berhak untuk dapet THR? Thanks

menurutku sih masih bisa dipertimbangkan bosmu.
lagian masih lebih berhak kamu, dari pada yang atheis tapi minta THR lebaran dan natal. :)


Language: English