

Ask @kylieweaver

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Grace p

I love her so much, we have been getting to become great friends. She is so pretty and a wonderful volleyball player. Her and I need to hangout sometime. She is gorgeous and just astonishing. She is just marvelous. I am so glad we are friends again. I know I can trust her. She is such a cutie and Blake and her are such a cute couple. They're so happy together. I hope they last for a long time because they seem like they were meant for each other. Grace is there for me when I need someone and I really appreciate that. I missed being her friend.
Liked by: Grace Parnell

Maya Catherman

I love Maya so much, she is so pretty and shes perfect. She is so nice and I hope her and I hangout soon, we are becoming better friends and I am so thankful for that. She is amazing and just beautiful. She is such a strong girl and is just pure amazing. I love love love her. I would say more but I am like blanking out I apologize:(

Kyle Marsh

*Kylee Marsh, she is so nice. I love her. She's so so nice and I wish her and I were better friends. I don't know why everyone talks about her so badly because she seems like such a nice person and I don't understand why they dislike her. Shes such a sweetheart.

Shelby Hunter

I am almost positive she hates me. She's really pretty though. I wish her and I were better friends. I think she doesn't like me being best friends with Kylie Clark and Nicole Yager... But I just don't know. Oh well.

Tessa g Amy c trinity c ?

Tessa G- OH MY She is the cutest girl ever! She's just adorable!!! She's so perfect! I wish her and I were better friends. She has such a gorgeous smile and a wonderful personality. I love everything about her. She seriously is perfect and is such a happy person. I love it and I love her.
Amy C- I think I already did hers...
Trinity C- She is so nice! Her and I used to be so close and now we aren't that close, I wish we were though. She's a doll. I will NEVER forget the first time I went to her house. Her brother is hilarious. I miss her so much. I love her.

Rosey King

Rozie is swag. She is the swaggiest. She has always been there for me. She's my shoulder to lean on. I can tell her ANYTHING and she's okay with it. I know she doesn't judge me for who I am. She is so pretty and she is starting to actually have tits which is chill. I love her belly. I love her. I can legit tell her whatever and say whatever and she just goes along with it. We were best friends a while back and just went out separate ways you could say, but I've been talking to her more and she understands my situation. It's nice to talk to someone who understands. She has the best intentions. People need to stop bullying her and talking shit about her. I do not care who you are. Do not do it. Don't do it with anyone. You don't know her whole story, you probably don't know her. She is such a strong girl and I am proud of her. I will be by her side when things get rough. I love her. She's an amazing person. ❤️ I'd say more but I can't see cause I am tired. I'm sorry!!!:(

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Amy C

I don't know Amy that well but she is a hottie. I love her Channing Tatum crew neck. Amy is gorgeous. She is so funny and adorable. I wish she still went to tolt so her and I could become closer. Everyone misses her. She seems like an amazing friend and I wish I got to know her before she moved. Anyways, I love her personality and she's adorable. ❤️

Nash m

I don't know Nash but he is adorable. I am like in love with his eyes. They're gorgeous. I don't think I have talked to him before but that should change because he seems like a cool person to be friends with. From what I've heard I think that he's really nice and amazing. Him and I should talk more(:
Liked by: Nash Mccloskey

Kylie C

Awh Kylie Clark is amazing. She's so pretty and funny. I love her. She's so outgoing and I love it. I love how she's just herself around me because she's comfortable. I have bonded so much with her over the year and we are becoming such good friends. I am so thankful. Kylie is just beautiful, tall, tan, slim and has wonderful people in her life. She is just amazing. I have plenty of words running through my head but amazing seems to fit them all okay. I think Shelby hates the fact I'm friends with Nicole and Kylie but I am so thankful to be friends with those two. I love them. They're perfect. ❤️❤️❤️

Nicole Y

Nipple Yogurt❤️ I love her so dang much, she's adorable. I love when she swears because she's like a firecracker. A big one. She's finally a woman now(; I can tell Nicoleee anything and I know she won't judge me. She's just an amazing friend. I consider her one of my best friends. I hope we become even closer, though we already are pretty tight. I just can't explain how thankful I am to be her friend. She's just amazing and so so pretty. She's just perfect. I love her. She has like a 6 pack and it's cool, just like her(; I love her to death and oh dear she's just ASTONISHING. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Liked by: Anna

James M

I love James. He is so nice and "manly" (adorable❤️) I consider him one of my best friends. I can tell him anything and do whatever I want around him and he doesn't give a fuck. He is so funny. He just lives his life like no problem. He makes my day better, seeing that he is happy. I hope his birthday went well and he got all the bitches he wanted. He is an amazing person. He knows a lot and his advice is spot on. I didn't expect that from him. I love him haha. That little guy is all grown up now and one day his life will be just right for him. Just because he wants to be crazy like Manson, I really doubt that will happen because he has such a good heart and great intentions.❤️
Liked by: Raw Buttsex

Cooper F

Cooper is such a strong kid. He's been through so much and doesn't deserve to be treated the way he is by some of his friends. He is amazing. He isn't mean like everyone says he is. He has a soft side and emotions too just like every other human being on this planet. I wish that his friends were better to him. I hear such bad things about him that I know aren't true because he isn't a bad person. He's a truly strong amazing person with a big heart. I wish the best for him.
Liked by: Allie Antoon

Allie Antoon

I love Allie so dang much. She is so strong. She is drop dead gorgeous and deserves the best. She is so cute! She has gone through so much from little to big and I will always be there for her. I am so proud of her. She's amazing. Pure amazing. Allie is one of the bestest (is that a word?) friends someone could ask for. She is just stunning. I hope that she knows it. I will always be there for her. She, I can't even... She's just amazing. She's perfect. I love her dearly and I wish that everything is okay. I am so thankful for her to be in my life and I wish we could make some more memories. I love her and I can't express the love. She's just gah... AMAZING. There's so many words running through my head about how stunning she is and I can't seem to pick some because she is all. I love you Allie. We need to make more memories❤️

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Genni M

Genbug❤️ I love her so much. She is amazing. She's beautiful, stunning, smart, gorgeous, has a nice booty, wonderful heart and a caring personality. She avoids conflict as much as possible and I understand why. She's really good at it too. I love her. I can't stop thinking about her moving. It's killing me. She is such a great friend. I feel like we have been fading apart a little, I'm not sure. I don't know what I would do without her. She's so closed off and it kills me because she has so much she needs to get out, but she doesn't. I can't even explain how upset I am that she's moving. I know it's at the end of the year but it will come faster than we expected, I might never see her again after that... It hurts to think about that. Genevieve Alisha Montes is one of the most amazing people I could ask for in my life. She's so silly. I love that Mexican. She's super hot too. Like damnnnnn sonnnn holla!!!!! #hotmexi but I just I love her so damn much and I don't want to lose her. Ever. :/ I just don't know. I love love love her though. I can't express how much I do. Sorry if I seem annoying to her sometimes it's only because I miss her so dang much and I get so revved up when I see her. I love you Genni❤️ You have a wonderful heart.

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Because I live in a household with ALL boys. I didn't really have a choice and the Ewoks were the cutest things ever soooo I wasnt too upset about it.

Star Wars is for losers lol

Thank You(: Sorry you think that. Sorry you grew up with terrible movies. Sorry. I guess you just don't know what you are missing.
Liked by: Nash Mccloskey

what is that thing?

Are you kidding me. Have you never seen star wars. This is from Star Wars Ewok Adventures and it is one of my favorite movies. I cant believe this. Its a disgrace. Ewoks are seriously the cutest things ever and I am no very upset.


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