

Ask @kylieweaver

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What cup size are you?

Oh haha uh... Do you really want me to say it and have people say shit about me or should I not give a shit and say it?

Jealous*** Ftwww it said walrus?!?! Hahaha

Hahaha I just kinda went along with it!! I was like oh goodness Kylee, you silly goose!!(: makes more sense now haha

Would legalizing marijuana be a good thing or bad thing?

Um I'm not exactly sure. There's pros and cons. I'm too lazy to do pros and cons.... Maybe a different time.

Kylie, you are so fucking beautiful your like perf. And you have a great name ;-) don't listen to those bitches who are so walrus of you! Love you girlly!

Awh thank Kylee!! Love you too!(:

Imitation of Kylie- "You're a doll(;" *says the nicest sweetest most innocent things* "FUCK THAT PUSSY" *does a sexual dance* I haven't hungout with you in forever I MISS YOU! I need to know more things you say(;

Hahaha that's perfect❤ I miss you too(; haha we shall hangout sometime soonish, okay?

I'm sorry that person is being mean to you. You're not ugly your gorgeous and good for you for standing up for yourself. No one should be treated like that and definitely not be told to kill themselves. I'm on your side. :)

Thank you!!(:

You know what I'm gonna go find that bitch and teach them a damn lesson. You NEVER tell someone to die. NEVER. Especially someone like you! Seriously come on! They need to get their eyes checked cause you're no where near ugly. And people do love you.

Thank you Anna! Love you:* I don't understand why people are so mean... There's no reason to do that. It's terrible they need to stop. It's getting out of control... They don't understand what it means to someone when they say that. It hurts so bad. I don't know. Sorry this just fucking upsets me so much. They really need to take a step back and see how it feels.


Language: English