

Ask @kylieweaver

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If you were going to be stuck on an island with three celebrities, which three would you choose?

CHANNING TATUM. ZAC EFFRON. JENNA MARBLES;D if she counts but I would still take her.

Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?

Kinda depends on how long you are talkin' bro.

your so pretty..:) and im so jealous...:(

Awh thank you! You're really pretty too! Don't be jealous sweetheart!(:

Did you and Cooper breakup!?!?!?!:'(((((

Oh god no! No we are completely fine:) Don't worry we are still together<3

Can I get you anything? You seemed really sad today and you looked super pale:(

No im good! Yeah I know..:/

Would you ever get freaky in the bed with Cooper;)

I don't know! Why are you asking me this stuff!


No. Go away.

Do you want me to tell Cooper to help you like what I mean by that is tell him to do those things?

Uhm I don't know.. I don't... I don't know why? I don't even know you..

Why don't you and Cooper do cute things together!!!:(

I don't know ask him that, he's the guy so he should know.

Why are you so quite? You don't talk to many people and I have never ever heard you talk about your personal life ever.

I don't know I don't like to talk about stuff like that because I feel like im bothering people with my stupid problems and its my personal life and I don't like to share it with other people...

So uh why don't you and Cooper hang out huh? You to scared!(;

Why would I be scared? I don't know. He's never asked me to hang out.. Why do you guys care so much about Cooper and I?

Kylie, you're supppper gorgeous! We used to hang out in elementary school& on the bus with Addie and Other people. I wish that we talked more. You're really nice! Even though we only have 2 classes together, I still wish we were better friends. in 1st period we hang out with some of the same people.

Awh thank you! I am so sorry and I feel like a horrible person for asking because I should know this but I am blanking out and I cant remember, who are you? Im so sorry I shouldn't have to ask that and I feel like a total dick for not knowing. We should talk more if you would like that! You're so sweet thank you!:) I apologize again! Sorry!:/


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