

Ask @kylieweaver

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Don't worry me too. I meant who are your close friends?

Uh let's see. Allie, Rosey, Genni, Grace, James, my cat, my bed, food there's more people but I'm like blanking out so I apologize if you think of someone just let me know...
Liked by: Allie Antoon

U gorgeous lovely(: close friends?

Wait what? Close friends meaning you want to be close friends or close friends meaning who are my close friends. I'm sorry I am so tired.

why do you always like Jameses stuff on ask

Jameses? Im pretty sure it's James' but anyways like let me totally tell you that I AM IN TOTAL LOVE WITH JAMES LIKE OH MY I THINK I HAVE LOVED HIM FOR YEARS AND I JUST DONT KNOW HOW TO TELL HIM OH MY GOSH I HOPE HE DOESNT SEE THIS I JUST I JUST LOVE HIM SO DANG MUCH!!!!<3 Okay stop because I don't like James or anything we don't have a thing its just a friendship. He is like my best guy friend and I can say whatever or do whatever the hell I want around him and I really don't think he gives a shit. Which is nice. So please stop. I can like his answers if I want to.
Liked by: Raw Buttsex

Just bang James and get it over with. What's the down side anyways James would be lucky to score someone as beautiful as you girly.

I don't know how to respond to this because you called me beautiful but I have to say that James and I are just FRIENDS nothing more nothing less. FRIENDS. I don't plan on having sex with my friend haha

then what was the last thing that made you horny

im pretty sure horny and turned on are like the same thing... >>>>> this though like omfg dying

Imitation: "Ew I hate my boobs" *Does that weird thing with the skin* (You know what Im talkin bout(; *Laughs for an hour straight* "I hate you" "You're stupid" "STOP TOUCHING ME!" *Tries to twerk* "I DID IT!" "I can deep throat a banana" *Says something no one understands* Idk im bad at this ily

That's actually really accurate...

Why didn't you play today?:(

I had permission from Mr. O to play and everything and when I got there I felt so so sick I bent over and almost threw up soooo I chose not to play. I felt like I was going to throw up on the court...

I'll hold up your boobs. No need for a bra. ;)

I have to re answer this. Is it free I mean I spend up to like 80 bucks a bra:/ yikessss


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