

Ask @kylieweaver

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Can you take a picture of Cooper your cousin?

That was him like a year ago because when I came back from my walk they left. Sorry if he was still here I would get one of him now. He hit puberty lol. Thank god he's Gone though!

Were you making him say that mean stuff to Claire?

Wtf... No. I would never make someone do that. If I had something to say to Claire I would say it To her.

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which cousin? and how is he on your ask? Hahaha

Genevieve_Alisha’s Profile PhotoGenevieve Alisha Montes
Cooper and he's at my house and he is on my computer and he is being a little shit and he dropped my computer off the bed!!! Like seriously do you have to be so stupid?!?! And he is making it look like I'm talking to myself!!! I'm not I swear. He's being a little shit and if I touch him he's going to tell my grandma and I will get in trouble! So I locked him in the bathroom.

Just say if he has an ask then. Please I don't want to text you because I don't have your number and I don't like to text just say if they have an ask.

4256479437 do it. No they don't. I hardly like them that much.


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