

Ask @kylieweaver

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Do you still like Claire?

You are in no position to ask me about Claire, especially over a social website and on anon. If you really want to know do not do it over this. Besides, why do you care?

tbh your really pretty! I love that your at my lunch toooo(: but we never talk! I see ou in the halls when you TA all the time though(: so let's talk more like we used toooooo! anyway love ya:*

Thanks Trin yes we should talk more bc we see each other all the time!!(: I love you too!!

Everyone's givin you shit on here; so I want to make your day. Well. You moved into my old house(: haha. And you're pretty(: you were a grade below me. You were always nice when we talked. You are a strong girl judging by how much you put up with. Everyone leave her alone she isn't lesbian haha(;

Caleb Ronning
Awh Caleb that was really sweet of you(: thank you, I really appreciate it!!(:
Liked by: Caleb Ronning

tbh youd be a hot lesbian

take your filthy little hands off that keyboard of yours and pls don't everrrr say id be a hot lesbian again. Thank you<3

whoever that anon is needs to shut the hell up. youre being rude as fuck as kylie is in no place to deserve any shit you're saying. honestly hoe the hell can someone be so mean like that, its pathetic and odds are you wont ever have the guts to say it to her face.

Yeah, thanks Ros. They are poopy dicks.

Are you a lesbian?

wtf... No I like boys. I just love everybody so sorry if it seems I am a fucking lesbian when I just actually have a lot of respect and love for everyone even if they do have an iffy background.

youre a cry baby

You know what I hardly ever cry. The only times I cry is bc ive had enough bullshit and I cant keep it all bubbled up inside anymore or someone mentions how close Claire and I were. So please stfu bc ever since I was young I was told don't cry its annoying shut up don't cry so don't call me a cry baby when I hardly ever cry.
Liked by: Ashley Vega


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