
Henry Manampiring

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Om, berapa sih persentase jumlah yg sepantasnya disisihkan untuk orangtua dari gaji kita? Saya tau berapapun ga akan bisa ngebales mereka sih. Cuma bingung nih om, baru terima gaji pertama blm pengalaman hehe

Apakah ada ekspektasi eksplisit dari ortu? Kalo gak ada seikhlas kamu dong. Itu kan sifatnya hanya simbolis.
Kecuali kamu menang harus membantu menyokong ortu, itu beda lagi. Pokoknya utamakan dulu tabungan (min 30%), sisanya utk kamu dan ortu.

What's the worst experience you've ever had concerning health care professionals/service in Indonesia?

Oline Sirait
1. Indonesian internist diagnosed me with colon problem, prescribed me with expensive imported medicine from German. Went to Singapore for second opinion. Singaporean doctor said: you are fine, drink Yakult. I'm fine until now.
2. Indonesian surgeon diagnosed me with post surgery fluid build up in testicles. Recommend fluid extraction by NEEDLE INTO MY BALLS. Went to Singapore for second opinion. Singaporean doctor said: you are fine, it's normal post operation thing, wait for a year. A year later: I'm fine. Until now.
If you were in my position, would you still trust Indonesian specialist for serious illnesses?

Om, dalam rangka bermeditasi menghadapi hari senin besok, saya ada pertanyaan ga penting tapi penasaran sama jawabannya nih, Om. Pertanyaannya adalah, istri om piring tingginya semananya Om Piring? Dulu tinggi badan jadi preferensi penting ga utk mencari pasangan?

Tinggi istri 167 cm, saya 180 cm.
Penting banget sih nggak, but of course I'm naturally attracted to tall women. Supaya pas ciuman gw gak harus membungkuk X)

om aku punya temen, imajinasinya tinggi bgt (khayalan sih maksudnya) sampe dia tenggelem di dunia khayalnya itu. Kaya punya dunia kedua yg lebih menyenangkan buat dia, sampe bisa bayangin every single details di dunia keduanya itu. Itu bisa dibilang freak ga sih? Atau itu penyakit?

Tell her to write them down. She might get rich like J. K. Rowling.

Om, kerja di advertising yang lingkungan kerjanya asyik buat feshgrad apa yah?

Jangan hanya cari asik, tapi cari belajar. Coba Lowe, JWT, Leo Burnett deh.
Liked by: Nara Puti K.

Om tipsnya dong buat yang pengen berkarir di PR buat freshgrad kayak saya. Enaknya apply di perusahaan seperti apa dulu ya? Thaaanks!

Sebaiknya coba PR consultant asing dulu. Misalnya Edelman, Burson-Marsteller, dll. Umumnya mereka punya framework kerja yang bagus dipelajari fresh grad. Selain itu, CV kamu terlihat bagus jika diawali di multinational company.

om, I just checked your goodreads account and found many interesting books. May I know where do you usually buy your books? I've been to several bookstores in jakarta recently and I find their selections are rather limited. thanks

Most of them from Periplus. Recently I bought a few from Google Play.
Liked by: Safira Nys C H A

I just received some homophobic questions and it really drives me nuts. In your opinion, why there are still a lot of homophobics out there?

Several factors can be at play:
1. Human's natural fear of the unknown. Humans tend to suspect and fear the unknown first, part of defense mechanism. Since homosexuality is not the norm, majority of people will find the concept 'alien' (to them)
2. Religious teaching. Many religions' "official" teaching still condemn homosexuality. Note that even within one religion, different interpretations exist. Within Protestantism alone, there are denominations that already accept homosexuality, there are those that don't.
3. Ignorance. Those who don't read science obviously do not know that homosexuality is common phenomenon in nature (even among animals), or that it is not a choice to many, but brain wiring since born.
4. Fear of contagion. Related to no. 1, many still think homosexuality is contagious like disease.
5. The homophobes are homosexual themselves. There have been many reported cases where homophobes actually try to suppress their own homosexuality by displaying overt hatred. Because their conscious mind refused homosexuality, it conflicts their innate desire. Hence hatred and violence is a mechanism to compensate that. This is the saddest situation.

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salah ga sih om menjauhin/ga mau temenan sama orang yg pernah membully kita? Jadi sekarang orang yang bully aku malah baik sama aku, aku sih mau maafin, tapi aku memilih ga mau deket ama dia. Dia kelihatan pengen jadi temen aku, tapi aku sering keinget bully dia dulu jadi aku memilih bikin jarak.

Gak salah. Gw juga begitu kok. Memaafkan is one thing, tapi kalo terus harus temenan is another thing.

Hai omplate, misalnya lo jadi cewe nih ya, dan lo ditaksir ama cowo yg lebih muda dari lo trs doi ngajak kenalan tapi ude lo tolak duluan. Setelah lo pikir" anaknya manis gt. Apa yang bakal lo lakuin?

Nangis jejeritan di bawah pohon jambu, terus loncat ke kali Ciliwung.

hai om. gue cewek. kasih tips buat ngajak mantan balikan dong. gue pengen balikan :3

Tips dari dunia militer: lakukan tiga langkah
1. Intelijen. Cari tahu doi punya pacar ato nggak. Kalo udah, lupakan aja. Kalo masih jomblo, cek ke temen2nya apakah dia pernah bilang kangen sama kamu.
2. Pengintaian (reconnaissance), baik secara real maupun online. Apakah ada tanda2 doi punya gebetan lain?
3. Eksekusi. Kalo dua langkah di atas memberi probabilita keberhasilan di atas 70%, eksekusi. Langsung aja: bawa sebotol Aqua, samperin dia di tempat umum, dan ngomong: "Balikan yuk"
Kalo dia menolak, cepet guyur dia pake Aqua dan menjerit keras2: "AMIT2 GW BALIK KE ELU! NAJIS! CIH!", terus segera cabut.

Untuk kencan pertama, om-om kayak om(?) lebih suka wanitanya dandan kek apa? Apa adanya dengan celana jeans+tee tanpa make up atau midi dress+full make up+heels? Trims :)

Lho, tergantung mau perginya ke mana? Kalo diajak blusukan ke pasar, ya masak pake heel 12 cm?
Jadi tau dulu tempatnya ke mana, biar appropriate dengan tempatnya. Sesudah tau, ANYthing that makes you feel the prettiest and most confident, honey!
(Catatan: itu kan gw. Gak tau kalo ada om2 lain yang doyannya rok super mini)

Here's tips for your askfm's readers : Read all the answers, take notes of what seems important et voila, you got some decent materials to make you look smarter in some random convo you might have! Rite um? ;)

Rite! :)

wdyt abt 'menikah di waktu muda'? *answer pliiiss

Define "usia muda". For women, I'd recommend no younger than 25 yo. Reason? Assuming you graduate at 21-22, you have the opportunity to pursue your career or passion unburdened by spouse/children. After you experience work, career, interests, and all, you might change preference for partner.
Also, you might find better men at work than in college! ;)

Om, mungkin ga sih seorang introvert adalah pribadi yg rame dan dikenal cerewet? Di mata teman2 aku dianggap berisik dan rame bgt, tapi kadang aku butuh waktu bener2 sendiri ga ketemu orang buat kembaliin mood. Aku ngerasa jadi orang aneh yg punya 2 kepribadian nih om jadinya.

Kesalahpahaman tentang introvert-ekstrovert adalah disamakan dengan "pemalu/pendiam vs. berisik". Tidak ada hubungannya sama sekali. Scroll untuk penjelasan.

Kak, jalan2 ke Eropah pake jam tangan yang mana, kak? Dan kenapa pilihnya yang itu? Makasih ya kak..

Stop calling me "kak" you old geezer.
The choice falls on Hamilton Khaki Field Titanium. Why?
It makes me feel like Jack Ryan. (okay, so Milan has lame-assess bad guys compared to Moscow)
It does not look blingy expensive. (I'm scared of those lame-assess bad guys in Milan. Dude, they all keep beard!)
It is titanium so it's lightweight. (Just in case I need to give tactical response to robbers. Like running while squeaking like a little girl).
In case I suffer tactical setback (robbers catch up with me), and I lose it, I can console my broken ego by saying "Hah it's not that expensive anyway".
Kak jalan2 ke Eropah pake jam tangan yang mana kak Dan kenapa pilihnya yang itu

om piring, aku introvert yang suka menyendiri. Aku juga bersosialisasi, tapi selalu lebih suka menghabiskan waktu menyendiri. Temen2 baruku menganggap hal ini aneh dan ga wajar karena aku seharusnya ikut bergaul setiap waktu sama mereka. Aku memang salah ya om? aku jadi ngerasa minder sendiri

Prinsip introvert adalah: kita butuh recharge energi dengan menyendiri. Kebalikannya, ekstrovert mendapat energi dari keberadaan orang lain. Jadi kamu normal.
Jangan terlalu pusing dengan kata orang lain. Tapi sekali2 mingle around does not harm either.

Hi, So I just recently started my business. Can you recommend where should I learn about internet/ digital marketing if I can not afford an agency? (either books, class, blog, people, or others) Thanks and have fun on your vacation!

Have you tried google? Seriously, so many free articles and case studies from the best digital marketing around the world.

Om, kenapa milih ke como, kayanya jarang liat orang indo tertarik kesana? Do you have any plan to visit cinque terre and siena? They're super gorgeous. Anyway, if you're still in milan, do try luini and cioccolati italiani :)

Sayangnya ini bukan bulan yg tepat ke cinque terre.
Kenapa Como? Pertama, gw suka pemandangan, dan danau kan jarang. Kedua, udah diatur sama istri, hahaha.

om mau nanya, kebetulan saya uda ada budget yg pas untuk membeli sebuah smartphone, ada dua pilihan saya, yaitu samsung galaxy note 3 atau iphone 5s. kl om piring ada di posisi saya, bakal pilih yg mana dan dengan alasan ap? thanks om (semoga di lirik untuk dijawab)

Definitely Note 3, apalagi lawan iPhone 5.
Bigger screen, stylus, better battery, Google ecosystem.

Oom, aku mau merit lusa. Ini enaknya bulu pubic dicukur (tapi abis itu tajem2 bekasnya), apa dirontokin pake Veet (tapi pasti nyisa).. Cowo lebih nyaman yg gimana ya?

Ke salon waxing profesional. It's your big day, be at your BEST!
And congrats! :)

om, i need your advice on how to get out of friendzone. how to tell her that i have feelings for her when she is not into me?

I give you 3 simple, manly steps to get out of the situation:
1. Tell her
2. Wait for response
3. If she reciprocates, congrats. If she turns you down, walk away upright and take it like a man. Remember old men saying: there are plenty of fish in the fish section at Carrefour.
Either way, you are out of friendzone.
Now pay me for my advice.

Did you try escargot while you're in Paris? My friend said it's a must, although his wallet screamed after he looked at the bill. Do you have other Parisian cuisine that you recommend?

Yes. Try to live on Pop Mie when in Paris.
Unless you want to enter retirement broke.

Honestly, do guys share their stories/feelings to each other. "Oh I like this girl and she does bla bla bla." Or is guy's world really as cold and cool as your bestie Viper said? You'd just bump fists and nod. Sniff and spit to express your feelings.

Most of the time, men don't. We just suck it up and act manly. I don't know whether that comes from society's expectation, or genetic.
But occasionally, we do share our feelings. When the drinks are right, the moon is shining, and we share fluffy bed cover. But we share in manly fashion, full with grunts and occasional moans.
Oh, that "fist-and-bump Viper"? After two good gin & tonic, he can turn a Band of Brothers scene into Sex and The City-Pour Homme.


Language: English