
megan riordan

Ask @meganriordan

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thats so nice i love all the vclothes you wear!! what else you gonna buy?

well im giving mum the money tomorrow and shes gonna go and buy me these shorts ive seen!

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where is it al from and whats the top like ?

topshop and office and ask me again and ill put a pic up

do you prefer leah redhouse hair now or before?

it looks nice now, shes natural blonde aswell so suits her

history is so hard to remember man

haha i know, medicine was soo hard! germany was easy tho i thought

I'm not in your school haha x

na in all schools muggins the governemnet have stopped all other exams

what happens if you fail the exams or a few of them???

well maths i can do this year, all the rest im buggered and just lost a gcse really

i have to do the 7 exams at beginning of september haha

theyve stopped all other exams, the only exams you can do are in june now?

the positive and negative bit confuses me when it comes to like negative 6 plus positive 7 minus negative 9 for example ._.

ohh na that aint even integers, integers is when you draw the clase thing out and do the line with one end having a shaded in circle and the other just a cricle

what exams you got?

ive taken them all, getting resuslts for - maths, english, science, child development and history

could you explain it pls? like even just a little, i really dont get integer and i got a exam coming up on it:/

i aint a maths teacher, go on internet

If you were stranded on a tropical island what 4 things would you want with you?

people, music, tv and food

gotta pass 7 exams in september ahh, well only have to get a 5 so not hard tbh

ahh same, role on results day

yeah do you understand integer? i dont understand it, its like thos epositive and negative numbers etc

yeah thats one of the things i understand most in maths

did you do the topic Integer in maths

yeah thats the number scale and like the top number it could be or something like that aint it

the guy i like asked me to have sex with him n i am close with him but im a virgin n idk what to do n tht

if you wanna loose it to him then go ahead but only if you really want to, otherwise id wait

best ways to revise? what helps when revising? apparantly music helps

dont help me, when i teach someone or tell someone something thats how i remember it

any exciting things coming upthis year?

erm well holiday, nats sisters wedding, going rudimental with nat i dunno probs more just can think at the moment

lmao when did u n beccs start getting on with nat then? and what did nat do when you-s used to bully her x

well shes in my form so year 7 we became friends again, we was friends before nayway it was only year 5 and 6 we hated eachother x

aww i love that pic ! should make it your profile pic, you look beautiful hunny x

ill consider it, thank you x


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