
megan riordan

Ask @meganriordan

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yeah but who do you think looks cutest with harry? hannah or leah? cos they both like harry but harry doesnt fancy either of them :L x

erm oh well either then if it aint gonna happen dunno why your asking me?hahaha

name 2 boys that will suit her -.- x

hahahah, hmm naa im not saying on here me and nat have our little discussions;)

honestly who do you think makes a better couple wiv harry leah redhouse or hannah stace x

probs leah- they have history dont they xx

where would you hate to go on holiday name 3 places

any 3 places in england- a holiday for me is abroad with a bit of sun!!

thought you would of said harry lawson and charlie haji in them 4 fittest boys thing x

not harry! and yeah haji's good looking, he was probs number 5 haaha

i am not complete without natalie alchin, that should of been your answer meg, let me down x

sorry smelly bum, your in too many of my answers though!hahahah

what do you want for xmas?

hmm,, not sure yet-need to have a little think about it, its getting closer though! so excited for christmas-yayayayayay!

Where is your next vacation? & when?

erm bulgaria next july/aug i think, unless i go to my nans villa in spain before then!

If a vampire bites a zombie, will it turn into a zombie or will the zombie turn into a vampire?

ermm im gonna go with vampire turns into a zombie?

last person you text, facebooked, bbm and twitter

text-james, bbm-owen, facebooked-aaron and i dont have twitter x

Do you think Amanda Todd deserves the attention she is getting? She slept with a guy who had a girlfriend, masturbated on cam, flashed herself to the world and she got teased for something she knew about. Amanda Todd was that 15 year old who killed herself. In case you didn't know.

yeah i know about it, well without sounding harsh she doesntr know any different if poeple are giving her attention or not because shes dead now so its people choice to give her attention or not x

I miss ....... (complete )

someone who used to be my bestest friend, he was like a brother to me and lived with me at one point, i still get upset and i lost contact three years ago, miss him so much

Something makes you different than others ?

say this all the time haha but there aint nothing else- i was born with a twisted stomach

You are at the doctor’s office and he has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? What do you do with your remaining days? Would you be afraid?

i would be so scared words cant describe, yeah i would have to tell my friends and family i would spend the days not doing anything specail or out of the ordionary just with my loved ones

told you i'd keep asking you questions, ill keep going all night if you want?

it is very nice of you, you are keeping me very entertained-thankyou

you cant swallow fizzy drinks wff? LOL

hm bit of an exxageration, i can but it makes me feel sick and i gag eurgh they are horrible

In your opinion, what is the best age to have a child?

hmm, aint got a certain age- people mature at different ages, when you are capable enough to x

6 random facts abouts yourself

im a quarter anglo indian, i was born with a twisted stomach, im left handed, i have a really weird obession about twins, i want to have half cast kids, i cant swallow fizzy drinks: /!

how many boyfriends have you had?xx

aint had a proper serious one so no point in saying-ive 'seen' people but its never worked out xx

Are you good at doing make-up? :P

erm i dont really know, haha youd have to ask someone else-hard to say-i only do it on myself

Which 6 people, that you personally know, would you want to have with you on a deserted island.. 3 girls and 3 boys

nat,mummy and erm probbably kate-shes hilar and will,aaron and some other hot ass mothaafucker!


Language: English