
megan riordan

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what you doing now?x

right now im in bed but im about go downstairs and watch yesterday celeb juice, got my baby in it yayayaay

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para on kelsey white x

one of my girls, used to go infant school with her then we both moved schools but we arde in the same form now and we are so close had so many memories with her and shes so preety and i actually think shes amazing at singing but she dont belive me, love her lots xxx

para on aaron phagura x

ah man, where do i start! believe it or not, hes one of the cutest people ever hes so sweet to me its unreal! he makes me smile all the time and when we went cinema i just kept looking at him a smiling! i have the longest and best phonecalls with him ever, didnt go to bed till like 1 last night and i was shattered today:( but oh well! i didnt think anyone could actuasllt get so funny, hes abvsoloutely hilarious and hes so quick:O hes quite bitchy aswell tbh and we have our bitches about people, i love it! hes such a lovely boy though, ah love him xxx
Liked by: Aaron Phagura

what is your favee alcoholic drink? and non alcoholic?

erm archers and orange juice! and probably orange capri sun!

whats 1 of the weirdest things you've gone threw with nat x

hmm i dunno i think theres just too much stuff ive been through with her that i can think of any!

"we had a great time at my party" you and char. what happened?xx

haha aw thats for us to know im afraid smelly xxx

what do you do to handle stress ?

erm there isnt anything really usually i just cry to nat or my mum if i get really stressed

para on charlie hem x

ah charlies a lovely boy and he used to crack me up so much! at one point i was really close to him, we had a great time at my party haha, aw bless- not close to him anymore but see him now and again- love char xxxx

para on evie luckhurst x

known her since like year 2, been close to her for years! been through a lot with this girl- shes put me through so much worry! but shes worth it i love her lots and my life would be boring without her, love her millions xxxx

para on ben coumbe x

goodlooking boy, never used to be close with him until he came to my party then started to see him a lot at gills, hes a nice boy- dished out a lot of shit and taken it aswell so fair play to him! havent seen him in ages though!xxxx

para on kate mcquaid

could go on forever about kate- shes one of the funniest people i know! she has the biggest obsession ever with jedward and she met them, i was so happy for her!! shes very preety and shes one of my bestfriends i love her millions xxx

para on poppy hyland x

beautiful girl, and shes got a lovely personality- speak to her at parties and she makes me laugh. love pops xxxx

para on char plummer

aw char, my step mum used to look after him at play school and she always tells me little funny stories about him, what a cutie! hes a funny kid and goodlooking aswell, used to be close to him and see him all the time but havent spoke to him in ages and only see him at parties! love char tho xxxxx

para on beth cooper x

dont actually know her so cant really do this, met her recently though and she seemed like a lovely girl! and shes preety:')xxx

para on riannah vick x

mine and nats little triplet, beautiful girl that i love to pieces. weve been through so much and in year 7 i used to asslick the shit out of her cos i thought she was so cool omg- what was i thinking? hahaha shes hilar, and cracks me up all the time- love narna!!xxxx

para on leah sigston x

one of my girlies, shes one of the loveliest girls i know, shes so funny and makes my child devlopment lessons so funny! ive grown really close to her recently and she tells me lots of stuff and i tell her stuff i trust her with! im so jealous of her hair, it always looks good-_- oh and she gave me so good tips recently to do with baby powder so i was happy! yayaya love leah xxxxx

para un lucy marie x

nice girl, speak to her a lot more now- she gives me lots of goss and i love it!:') preety and funny, aw love luc xxxxx

para on hannah stace x

such a little rat! shes such a funny girl, makes me laugh all the time, really close to her, had so many memories that i wont forget, shes given me quite a bit of grief before but weve sorted it and ill tell her anything! love her millions xxxxx

para on chloe ellis?

grown so close to her, omg shes so preeety and a lovely girl! shes in all of my lessons and she always has me in stitches! we are little belly piercing buddies and always compare our belly bars haha! love her lots xoxoxox

para on Leilah Vandepeer x

preety girl! always see her around school:'), shes like completely different to jordan though?:O havent actually spoke to her but im sure shes lovely:')xxx

para on harry lawson x

good looking boy, amazing body! used to speak to him quite a bit-then shit went down and i was a bit pissed off with him cos i took most of the shit and he didnt really seem bothered, there always seems to be arguements over him so he must be doing something right to get all the girlies! aha erm dont speak to him now but i have nothing against him, i think its a bit akward tho but yeah, nice boy:')xxxx

do you want para questions like what nat is getting? entertaining aha x

yeah dont mind, gives me something to do xx

para on ella mckenzie

such a beatiful girl!!! she looks good in all her pictures man:( she gets so much shit for no reason at all, shes so lovely! shes a funny gal aswell:') quite close to her now which is good, always here for her, love her lots!xoxoxoxox

Aw meg!!! Made me smile so much and was pissing myself about the chicken hahaha, love you xxxx

haha, cutie pie! and omg i know ill never get over it!hahah ly2 xxx

give a paragraph on natalie alchin x

aw she means so much to me, shes the closest thing ive got to a sister,shes part of my family, she came on holiday with all of us last yearl! shes the funniest person ever, omg i could be put infront of a comedian but somehow nat would still make me laugh more- she does the most stupidest things! once we had kfc and i went to go for a piss and i came backl and i was eating away on my chicken and felt something in there and it was a hair grip and i was going on a sick one saying i was gonna sew kfc and all this and nat kept it going then evetually i fdound out she put the hair grip in my chicken , i mean c'mon who does that?ahahah shes such a beatiful girl and shes been through so much and ill always be here for her like i know shes there for me, weve planned all our life out together like when we are older we are gonna get a little beach hut in dymchurch together and every night when we are like 60 odd sit together with our tea's and watch the sea, we;re too cute! haha i used to bully nat in primary school, i use to make her cry and that, i feel bad now:( but ive kinda made up for it, we are so close, no ones knows me better than she does- she can tell what mood im in instantly! ah i could say so much more but its long enough as it is! love that girl to pieces, mwahx xxxxx

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Who was some of your primary school friends?

infants, kelsey,frankie, jack knowles and brandon ablitt- juniors- natalie, becca, josh inkpen, brandon berry,lj, vinnie, evie, sam wells, dunna theres loads!


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