
megan riordan

Ask @meganriordan

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Who were you best primary school boy and girl friends?

becca bryant, evie, sam wells, lj, josh inkpen, brandon berry,hannah wheeler
dunna there was loads, i used to bully nat tho, we didnt get on at all

whre the hells sare? looking forward to going? who with? how long for?:)

south of france! and yeah going with my nan for 10 days to see me little cousins x

How long do you need to sleep to be in good shape? how long do you usually sleep for?

dunno, aint you meant to have like 8 hours sleep or something? on like a week day i ussualy goo bed at like 12 and get up at 7 so thats like 7 hours

What do you think of tattoos?

hmm, some are alright! depends if theyre meaningful to the person and look nice, otherwise theyre just tacky

Do you find black guys attractive? hottest black guy you know?

some, just like anyone thoo
temis hot

i'm not confident at all around guys i get all nervous:/ everyone tells me to be confident but idk how

theyre only people, just act as if theyre your mates

nat always says treacle what do you say?x

she dont actually say it that much anymore, i dunno really dont say anything like that x

why not? you look so natural and beautiful, should put it up:)x

aww thats nice, ill think about it x

hair looks nice curly xxx

aw thank you, i always seem to curl it if im going to a party or out somewhere nice x

you should make that pic you have up there your profile pic on facebookx

might doo, dont like it that much though x

who do you walk with to and from school x

mum usually gives me and nat a lift to school or me and nat will walk and on way home, nat kate and evie x

why don't you post much on fb? you should put more pics up and stuff

i never really go on it anymore, might start going on it again

my bestfriend has became a slut and got a new bestfriend, like we still talk and stuff but me:/(

leave her too it, not worth it

plans for weekend?X

friday might be going to a gathering, might be going bowling and seeing my grandad before he goes on holiday and sleeping at nats x

wuu2 today and tonight

was meant to be going jogging with the girls but cba now and it keeps raining, might watch a film with dad later and today ive just been at school

I know you get these all the time but: last person you 1. spoke to 2. hugged 3. held hands with 4. spoke to on bbm. 5. messaged on facebook 6. dm'd on twitter . 7. text 8. had a phonecall with.

1- dad
5- will
6- boston
7- heather
8- mum

you have gotten so pretty!! not that you weren't pretty before but you know wot I mean xx

aha, aww thank you x

Would you ever try anal?

I'm sure there will come a time in my whole life that I will experience the joys of anal

Hey meganim the one who send you the link....no hate please:) you're beautiful

Aw that was cute, thank you


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