
megan riordan

Ask @meganriordan

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on fri you could have a movie night with a friend? natalie or someone and she could help u organize stuff for ur bday x

Yeah think nat might stay friday night anyway!:)

5 girls you know with really nice figures x

Hmm.. Not really sure tbh! Love nats legs thoo, and riannahs bum!

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ive never seen a gcse whats it like, how many pages usually etc?

All different depending on what exam it is!

have you got your results yet from gcses?x

Only ones I did last year, the other exams I'm still doing or only just done so won't get results till augaust! All the courses I've done this year I've got A* in the coursework tho apart from english and I got a B

on friday why don't you go up london with the girls or something x

No money:( I'd rather just stay in and sort out stuff for my birthday tbh

small tits is a good thing and so's wide hips

They're really small tho, and they're really wide! I just hate them

what famous ppl have u met xxx

Max from the wanted, frankie cocozza, mk1, I've probably missed someone

plans for fri sat sun?

Not sure about friday, sat having people over for a bbq for my bday, and sunday ITS MY BIRTHDAY!, going down the star for a meal I think

want questions tonight? if u stay up late hehe

Yeah, aint gonna be on here till too late tho, got history exam tomorrow:(

ill ask you the questions tomos its cos i thought you was watching films all night x

Silly willy x

You're the perfect height for a girl, love tall girls! Mmm

I quite like my height too actually, although it means I always have to find a tall boy especially when wearing heels

last girl you had a proper argument with?x

I dunno, I don't really argue with people, mum tho!

what do you love about natalie,name a few things

Well she's my best mate, love how close we are and that she's like family and we treat her like family, she's absoloutely hilarious and I know even if I'm in the wrong shell always be there for me and help me get thorugh whatever it is

you look older then natalie alchin x

Do you really think? Haha I think she looks older than me x


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