
megan riordan

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that werent me, and omg check your bbm im pissing haaaaa, got something to show you xxxx

omg cant breathe im actually wetting myself that is tooo funny!! what an absoloute wanker! hahaahahahahahahahahaha

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Not to Fear GEEZAH IS HERE!!!!!! so sup? noticed some twat asking stuff and bieng quite rude :P nosey twats :)

Yeah I know, its not on is it geezah!:(

Ok add me on Facebook babe its Ryan grist and I am the one who is playing archery in the profile picture babe xx

erm okay x

Why were on it whos this Geezah person? someone your messing aound with behind brandons back?

yeah i fuck him when brandon gets boring

no Its because you know im right haha

no not at all, your more interested in whats going on between me and him than we are ourselves, we've both made mistakes, and weve both moved on.. corr someone cares about him a little more than they should!

Well i want an apology and i want an apology now if im honest! thats why i have been seeing him aswell so have that! far from the truth i know the whole situation.. your fucking him about why? answer the question... admiting your faults is the best way

oh my, when he see's this hes actually gonna be cracking up!

haha why is that idiot pretending there in a 3 way thing with you and brandon, why are they so uptight about it hahaha?

haha you tell me, if they dont know about anything hes done and anything ive done and what we speak about they aint got a clue whats going on, for all they know nothing might be going on between us anymore- makes me chuckle, there more interested in us two than we actually are, hahahahah!

Like i find that quite offensive the swearing and stuff could i have a apoligy? u mad bro? you seem to be getting quite annoyed is it because you know its true and you cant face facts? you shouldnt be messing him around

no you cant have an apology cos your a little twat that thinks there clever pretending they actually know what there talking about over anon,hahah- and sorry who has brandon been talking to and meeting- me or you? yeah me so leave it to me and him:L and really your far from the truth and it is quite obvious who this is so seriously grow up hhahahah

funny thing is he doesnt know your fucking him around

cos im not? if i was you id actually be quite embaressed cos me and him both know whats going on and no ones fucked anyone around,so stay the fuck out of my business you little mug

Why are you messing Brandon about then you havnt answerd it have you

ive answered all the questions about me fucking him around, in like ive sai di am not fucking him around, whoever you are you odnt know whats going on between us and quite frankly your making yourself look like a mug

Why are you messing Brandon about? i was told you were seeing other people behind his back

hahaha,your a bit stupid to belive that shit then aint you

What u doing sexy xx

waiting for my brother to get back from football so we can give my step dad his bday prezzies, you?x

whats upset you the most today?

the word cancer, its such a big word that means so much-_- my heart goes out to my step grandad<3

you are so beautiful, have you ever thought about modelling?

thankyou, and omg no way! have you seen the beautiful girls out there?xxx

don't worry about them dinny little anons, they know nothing and need to grow a pair and confront ya if they have an issue about something that aint even their problem omg ha, love you beautiful x x x

aww love you too nats, it makes me laugh cos they act like they know brandon really well and they know whats going on, if they knew omg theyd be so embaressed, and quick to be quiet! haha- big up the anon warriors!xxxxx

Geezah does approve of sprite its the best drink anyone who disagrees they can suck a coke ice cream aint it babes

hmm, thing is geezah, i dont like fizzy drinks:(


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