
megan riordan

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you used to be uglier then nat and now its the other way round, ur gettin so prettieee xxx

oh cheers, haha nats stil beautiful ffs everyone leave her alone and thanks x

what you doing at the weekend?xx

sat- me and aaron are taking my little brother to the winter wonderland up bluewater
sun- aaron might come mine x

Why do we leave expensive cars in the driveway and useless junk in the garage?

Oh I do not know, waste not want not

Why is it that when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you, but when you take him in a car he sticks his head out of the window?

Hmm good question, my dog shits herself when I blow in her face haha

what do you want them to be about then? like what do you mean mor einteresting?xx

I dunno, anything just not questions about shit I like and that- its boring!xx

well i did tell you i'd ask you oads of questions if you stay on late, they keeping you entertained?:) hagha xxx

Yeah! But the questions are a bit shit man:( make them more interesting! Xx

In which countries have you travelled so far..How was your experience in them!!

erm, most parts of spain, cyprus, florida, ibiza, turkey.. they were family holidays, was good! florida is amazing!

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

well id love to be able to sing but i think youre born a good singer : /

If you were a boy you would (..............................) ?

give myself a litle ride oh and have a wank, would love to see what that feels like

whats you're favourite razor?x did you know using mens shaving cream is so much easier then normal shaving cream for ladies?:) it makes it smoothe haha x

i dont know what its called, and i do that anyway cos mum cba to buy two bottles of shaving cream and ooo did you know conditioner works a treat aswell:')!


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