

Ask @naive_1

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Would you ever want to clone yourself?

Nah..... can't let another me "survive"....
Ek hi pr bojh kaafi h

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Tell us what do you think about yourself

Me to myself:
"Why the hell are u still smiling?....stop pretending to be okay"

اپنی ہر بوند میں تیری یاد کی لذت لے کر بارشیں آگ لگانے کا ہنر لائی ہیں۔👓🔥♥️

واہ واہ

How did you become a strong personality? Tell the weak about it

Just started to pretend to be someone else... and hid the real me beneath

What are your recently played songs?

Naa ji naa by Hardy Sandhu
Humraah by Asim Azhar
Aisa koi zindagi mein aye ~ old

When did you feel that you matured ️️️️? ..

When i started to pretend that "I am okay"..... i felt matured =)

If there is a difficulty, who is the first person to whom you are going?

To my best friends....from school


Language: English