
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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ko aku stres. kok kayaknya skrg yg lebih cepet laku itu cowok sih (ga termasuk km brti ya wkwk), trs jadi sisanya yg single2 itu cuma yg either terlalu baik tp jelek atau terlalu jelek tp baik. aku kudu piye?

kudu turunin standard aja sih, dengan kata lain, pacarin aku.

ka kent apa bedanya investasi dan trading?

sheliza zekki
Hi, Sheliza.
Dalam terminologi saham, investasi itu mengacu ke long-term. Misalnya kamu beli saham Unilever dan disimpen sampe beberapa tahun, itu artinya kamu sedang berinvestasi.
Biasanya saham yang dipilih untuk investasi adalah saham yang fundamentalnya bagus (dianalisis menggunakan laporan keuangannya).
Sedangkan trading itu mengacu ke short-term. Saham yang dibeli untuk trading biasanya cuma disimpen beberapa hari atau mentok beberapa minggu. Biasanya saham yang dipilih adalah saham yang bagus secara analisis teknikal (dianalisis menggunakan grafik dan trend indeks).

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Hi there, Kent! How was ur day? Hope all was good. . Anw, kok sekarang jarang post di blog sih? :( why oh why?

Hi! All is good, all is good.
My day was a roller coaster. I watched Annabelle at Pacific Place, went to Plaza Semanggi to go karaoke and since it was closed, went to Central Park to eat instead. And then I went to Puri Mall to watch Equalizer and now I just got home.
As for the infrequency of my blogging activity, it is mainly due to my novel. Writing, now, has become something that I have to do. So when I want to write, I no longer blog, but write novels.
And I thought no one reads my blog anyway, so I didn't bother updating it. But now that you asked, I'll update it soon. Thanks for asking! :)

gimna film anabellenya ka? seru ga?

Secara objektif, Annabelle itu biasa aja. Bahkan cenderung ke arah nggak serem. Trik-trik yang dipake nakut-nakutin ya itu lagi itu lagi. Basi. Boneka Annabelle-nya juga nggak serem sih, lebih ke arah jorok gitu. Endingnya juga super anti-klimaks. Pokoknya kurang deh.
Secara subjektif SUMPAH GUE TAKUT. gue bahkan sampe bonding sama mas-mas di sebelah gue dan takut barengan. jadi tiap kali ada scene ngagetin bin nyeremin gitu gue sama doi langsung liat-liatan.
"serem ya, mas."
"iya, serem."
lalu hening.
eh si @morastoic malah cekikikan sepanjang filem. kampret.

What are the songs which you love so much that you don't want to listen to them often because you're afraid you might get sick of them?

Hi, Mario.
I wasn't graced with long-term planning, so when I like a particular song, I just repeat the shit out of it.
I think in the past three days I've listened to John Mayer's Slow Dancing in a Burning Room for around 200 times.
My record was at a time when I was super depressed and I listened to a single song non stop for a week, with a grand total of 1,307 repeats.

Halo Ko Kent, #english hour kan sudah ditutup kan, boleh nanya yang lain dong yaa... Ko Kent punya buku bacaan favorit yang ingin sekali diangkat di layar lebar? Share boleh? Sekalian mau nambah referensi bacaan... Terima kasih *Kalau saya inginnya Libri di Luca sama Bartimaeus Trilogy *

Hi, Dian!
Looking for Alaska! Lagi diadaptasikan untuk layar lebar sih, tapi udah ga sabar mau nonton.
Gue juga pingin Bartimaeus Trilogy dimasukkin layar lebar!! ughh
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children juga. Lagi dibikin sih sama Tim Burton.. Tapi kan ga sabar..

Hai! Could you see a good in goodbye? Semoga harimu menyenangkan?

Hi, Chintami!
Did you know that the word "goodbye" doesn't come from "good" and "bye"?
Long long ago, the world wasn't exactly as it is today. The roads weren't paved and a journey between towns was long and dangerous.
This is why when someone was about to leave a town, those who get left behind usually said, "God be with you," to the one who was leaving as a hope that the guy would be safe.
Over time, the phrase dwindled down to, "God b'wy," and ultimately to "good bye."
So, no. I can't see any "good" in the phrase "good bye."

If you could write a poem for your loved ones (be it boyfriends, girlfriends, parents, friends, pets, interests), what would it be? The theme is yours to choose, whether you want it to be dark, cheery, radiant, hopeful etc.

Hi, Tada!
I'm writing this to someone who currently lives in the future.
Dear No One
My lips would arch every time I see your dimple.
And don't even start about the butterflies in my bowel.
Your eyes would be my third and fourth favorite things in this whole world.
I would fix mine on yours when you talk and it would stay that way even when we get old.
We would read books comfortably in silence and drink our tea.
And I would snatch your cold hands and put them into mine when we're watching a movie.
Or maybe I would bring you a box of tissues when you're watching your stupid drama
and bring us a blanket while you fall asleep in the sofa. 
You would be my sleeping aid, my caffeine,
and everything in between.
I could have a very bad day,
and a kiss from you would shoo everything away.
Dear no one,
We could be the couple every single person is jealous of. 
Dear no one,
This is your love letter.
Dear no one,
Hurry up and come.

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Kak, ada main saham? Ada tips milih sekuritas untuk anak kuliahan ngaaa, soalnya pemula :D

Halo, dulu gue trading sih.
Hmm. You need to know kalo securities itu macem2. Ada yang murah tapi servisnya super basic, dan ada yang lebih mahal tapi fiturnya macem2.
Terus kamu juga harus tentuin maunya invest sendiri atau lewat reksadana. Selain itu juga harus tentuin kamu niatnya investasi atau trading.
Setelah itu baru bisa tentuin sekuritas mana yang cocok.
Good luck!

kak what would you do if someone criticizes your english? how would you respond?

Eunice Elson
Hi, Eunice!
I've been criticized once before here on ask.fm. He said that my English was (and here I directly quote what he said) "fucking terrible" and that I should "just use Indonesian" if I can't even fucking speak English properly.
I just thanked him for his suggestion and told him that I'd try to speak English better.
I'm very well aware that my English is fine. Heck, I speak English WAY better than most native English speakers do.
Just remember that,

kent, gmn caranya membedakan penggunaan the dan a? ex : in the community/in a community

The itu digunakan jika kita sedang mengacu pada sesuatu yang spesifik. The Sun, the Moon, the Earth. (karena sun moon earth cuma ada satu) Mungkin kalo mau ditranslate, "the" itu bisa ditranslate menjadi "tersebut."
"A" itu untuk sesuatu yang lebih umum. A star, a planet.
"A" bisa ditranslate menjadi "sebuah."
"Communipet is a community that is based on people who have pet. The community has been established since 1990..."
Kenapa yang pertama pake "a community"? Karena kita sedang membicarakan komunitas yang belum ditentukan dalam bacaan.
Kenapa yang kedua pake "the community"? Karena sudah jelas bahwa komunitas yang kita bicarakan itu adalah komunitas communipet.
Kalo ditranslate, bacaan di atas menjadi:
"Communipet adalah /sebuah/ komunitas yang.... Komunitas /tersebut/..."
Phew. semoga cukup jelas!

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kent bisa jago bahasa inggris gitu karna emg dari kecil suka les khusus,belajar sendiri atau kluarga ada yg kturunan luar? aku lumayan jago sih kent tapi kurang dalam grammar :') mnurut kent better say grammar be yourself aja or learn like british people say?? thanks :)

dari maen game sih sbenernya. gue les cuma pernah setaon di smp, sisanya gue belajar sendiri dari baca buku dan game hueheuhue
Liked by: Natasha - @natshs

Kakak mau nanya yg bener educate yourself atau educating yourself?

I assume ini adalah kalimat perintah? Kalimat perintah nggak mungkin pake verb-ing. Jadi, educate yourself.

kak kalo 'nor' itu artinya apa? kyk misalkan "nor do i" itu artinya sm ga kyk either/neither. thanks kak

First of all, "nor me" itu salah. Yang bener itu "neither do I."
Kamu ngerti cara menggunakan "either... or..." ga?
"Either or" ini kalo diterjemahkan tuh jadi "kalo ngga ini ya itu."
"Either John or Ken will win the game," -> yang akan memenangkan permainan ini kalo bukan John ya Ken.
Nah either or ini sifatnya positif. Versi negatifnya itu namanya neither nor.
"Neither John nor Ken will win the game," -> John dan Ken dua-duanya tidak akan memenangkan permainan ini.
Gitu. Nangkep ga?

Ka, aku mau nanya tentang future perfect tense (eh bener kan gini?) dong.. soalnya aku diajarin sama guruku belum paham.. semoga dibalas ^^

Silmi Gika
Hai sgn,
Future perfect tense itu tense yang aneh banget. Tense ini dipake untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang /akan sudah/ kita lakukan di masa depan.
S + will have + v3
Pasti bingung. Langsung contoh aja ya.
Misalnya gue mulai jadi vegetarian di tahun 2013. Nah tahun 2014 gue bisa ngomong, "By 2015, I will have become a vegetarian for two years."

hi kent, explain me penggunaan who dan whom untk positive sentence dong, Makasih :)

gue suka banget sama pertanyaan gini yang jelas minta dijelasin apa :') ada pertanyaan masuk minta dijelasin penggunaan kata "have not." gue sampe bingung mesti jelasin gimana..
Oke, whom in positive sentences!
Tadi kan gue udah jelasin tentang "who" sebagai penambah informasi ya. Nah "whom" itu juga penambah info untuk orang. Bedanya, "who" itu untuk subjek sedangkan "whom" untuk objek.
"Joni, who wrote tons of letters to Anna, has died."
(kenapa pake who? karena kita lg menerangkan Joni yang merupakan subjek. Kalo kita menerangkan Anna yang merupakan objek, baru kita pake whom.)
"Anna, whom Joni wrote tons of letter to, is mourning Joni's death."
Phew. Hope this answers your question!

kent kan the only= di (o)nly the end= di (e)nd tapi kenapa the one= de (o)ne? padahal sama2 vokal

good question!
The itu dibacanya tergantung dengan kata yang mengikutinya (it seems like you know this part already, tapi gue ulangin untuk orang2 yang blm tau).
Untuk kata yang diawali dengan huruf vokal, "the" itu dibacanya "di." Kalo diawali dengan huruf konsonan, bacanya "de."
"the end" -> /di/ end
"the bandit" -> /de/ bandit
Loh terus kenapa "the one" dibaca pake /de/? Soalnya "one" itu meskipun dimulai dengan huruf vokal, bacanya /wan/ pake huruf mati w. Makanya kita bilangnya /de wan/.

kak jelasin ttg kata2 u/ menjelaskan kata sebelumnya dong kaya who whose which where dll itu dipakenya untuk kata apa?

Oke gue nggak ngerti cara jelasin secara resminya gimana, tapi gue jelasin menurut gue ya.
Who, whom, which, that, whose, dan where itu, seperti yang kamu bilang, adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menmberikan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai kata yang mendahului mereka.
"Who" digunakan hanya untuk menjelaskan manusia.
"Jessica, who used to be in SM entertainment, has left SNSD."
(Who di sini digunakan untuk menjelaskan Jessica. Kalimat utamanya adalah "Jessica left SNSD," tapi ada kalimat penambah informasi: "Jessica used to be in SM entertainment." Nah, kedua kalimat ini bisa digabungkan menggunakan who.)
"Whom" ini cukup susah. Harus dijelasin pas ketemu ato at least lewat VR. Skip aja ya.
"Which" dan "that" ini mirip. Kalo "who" digunakan untuk manusia, "which" dan "that" ini bisa digunakan lebih luas.
"The dog, which has brown fur, is jumping up and down."
"The clock that has stopped working is being repaired."
"Whose" ini digunakan untuk menandakan kepunyaan.
"Joni, whose car was black, hit a tree on his way home."
(Ini bisa dipecah jadi dua kalimat juga: "Joni has a black car," dan "Joni hit a tree on his way home.")
"Where" digunakan untuk menjelaskan kata tempat.
"Central Park's Gramedia, where they usually sell discounted books, is now under renovation."
Agak ribet ya, emang susah sih bagian ini kalo cuma dijelasin via text.

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kak, yang bener itu ' it seems he loved the girl ' atau 'it seems he loves the girl ' ?

Dua-duanya bener, tapi beda arti aja.
"It seems he loves the girl," -> dari kondisi yang bisa diamati sekarang, kelihatannya dia mencintai perempuan itu.
"It seems he loved the girl," -> dari kondisi yang bisa diamati sekarang, kelihatannya dia /dulu/ mencintai perempuan itu.

kent bedanya /a/ sama /an/ apa? (a book/an apple) sorry gw nanya duluan wkwkwk balesnya pas english hour aja..thaankss

"A" dan "an" itu kalo diartikan sama-sama "sebuah." Yang bikin beda cuma kata setelah kata a/an tersebut.
Kalo katanya diawali dengan huruf vokal, pake "an."
Kalo diawali huruf konsonan, pake "a."
"An orange." (soalnya O itu huruf hidup)
"A house." (soalnya H itu huruf mati)
Oh ada pengecualian, "hour" itu meskipun depannya huruf mati H, tapi disandingkan dengan "an." Kenapa? Soalnya "hour" itu bacanya /auwer/.
"University" juga meskipun depannya huruf hidup U, disandingkannya dengan "a." Kenapa? Soalnya "university" itu bacanya /yuniversiti/.
Semoga menjawab!

Wdyt about women who decide to be in a marriage on their late 20's or early 30's? Cause they've that anxious thoughts about long term commitment.

To be honest I don't understand why our society puts so much stress for women to marry early in their lives.
We live for, what, 60-70 years? Probably longer.
Doesn't it make sense that we get married at around 30? And marriage is arguably a point of no return, anyway. Don't you want to maximize your alone time before actually getting into something so permanent as marriage?

Do you ever hear some lyrics and it feels like someone just stabbed you? What song?

Another Chance
I think currently only this song could provide me with the sensation of being stabbed. And yet I have no idea why I'm so addicted to the pain.
It's not a silly little moment,
It's not the storm before the calm.
This is the deep and dying breath of
This love that we've been working on.
Can't seem to hold you like I want to
So I can feel you in my arms.
Nobody's gonna come and save you,
We pulled too many false alarms.
We're going down,
And you can see it too.
We're going down,
And you know that we're doomed.
My dear,
We're slow dancing in a burning room.
I was the one you always dreamed of,
You were the one I tried to draw.
How dare you say it's nothing to me?
Baby, you're the only light I ever saw.
I'll make the most of all the sadness,
You'll be a bitch because you can.
You try to hit me just to hurt me
So you leave me feeling dirty
Because you can't understand.
We're going down,
And you can see it too.
We're going down,
And you know that we're doomed.
My dear,
We're slow dancing in a burning room.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfFi4Q7ueA8nyankent’s Video 120549624712 IfFi4Q7ueA8nyankent’s Video 120549624712 IfFi4Q7ueA8

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nyankent’s Video 120549624712 IfFi4Q7ueA8nyankent’s Video 120549624712 IfFi4Q7ueA8

Hi there... Normalnya, bagaimana sikap kamu terhadap seseorang yang mengingkari janjinya kepadamu? Janji yang saya maksud di sini bisa yang sepele maupun yang sudah menjadi semacam komitmen. . Terima kasih. Semoga makin menarik & makin sukses, yah.

Hai, Jawara,
We all have a reason to do something, right? When someone breaks their promises to me, I would at least /try/ to understand why they do it.
Maturity, for me, is when a person hurts you and you try to understand their situation rather than hurting them back.

You are appointed as the first head of intergalactic time travel bureau. Where and which era, will you choose as your first campaign to attract visitors from outer space?

Since we're obviously imagining things, I would turn things up a notch and choose t=0 in our Universe. i.e. the moment Big Bang takes place.
And since we're hundreds or thousand years away from actually creating a time machine, allow me to be your host and draw you a picture using words so you can experience what our grand campaign would feel like.
You're floating amidst nothing. You can't even see your arms even when you're flailing them in front of you. You would expect outer space to be such a cold cold place. But no, you don't feel cold. Or hot. You simply feel nothing.
And then the guide would shout something about getting ready for a really REALLY BIG bang, but you'd hear nothing because the outer space has no air and nothing for voice to travel through.
And then, from nothing, our universe begins.
In a single blinding pulse, our universe starts expanding, creating space at a dazzling expanding rate. In one second (yes, just one second), the universe will produce gravity and other forces that govern physics.
And then in less than one minute, the universe's diameter has become a million billion miles (that's one preceded by 15 zeros, or 1,000,000,000,000,000 miles) and still growing very very fast. Oh, and you might want to remove your sweater since it's become quite hot now, approximately 10 billion degrees of Celsius. Yeah, you might die, but who cares? We are witnessing the birth of our universe right here.
The heat would then begin nuclear reactions that would create lighter elements, mostly hydrogen and helium, with a dash of lithium. And it keeps expanding and expanding.
The rate of expansion is so amazingly rapid that, in just /three minutes/, 98% of all the matter that has ever existed, has been produced. The other two per cent is created in the next 13.8 billions years of our universe history.
And then our campaign would speed up so fast that the rest of billions of years would be traveled in a few minutes, and before you know it, you're back right where you were before you took the tour.
Congratulations! You have just witnessed the birth of our universe. And it was all done in about the time it takes to make an indomie.

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Your brilliant answers are the reason why I chose to follow your ask.fm.But,I'm quite disappointed when your harsh (all of your curses) words are coming.Idek why you should being like a Jerk with that words?It feels like -"Eeeew My God"- is that REAL HIM?But It's okay.Hope finding More ingenious Ans

First of all, I'm glad you find my answers fun to read (sumpah salah fokus banget).
And I'm not telling you this to justify my swearing, but for you to open up your mind. You need to know that there are several kinds of swearing based on the context: the offensive ones, and the expressive ones (the ones most people use but somehow are deemed inappropriate by people like you).
And anyway, why are you so opposed to people swearing? Swearing is beneficial in ways that people may underestimate or take for granted. Swearing often frees us of the feelings of anger or frustration we hold and allows expression for them. It can also be a useful substitute to physical violence.
Moreover, swear words aren't always negative. Imagine when you want to emphasize how great you feel something is, a swear word emphasizes the positive feelings you have for that object, situation, person or event (“This concert is fucking awesome!”). Sure, we could just say, “This concert is awesome,” but the addition of the swear word emphasizes the emotional reaction we have toward it — and easily conveys that emotional reaction to others.
Swearing also has a strong positive correlation with various traits, such as: extraversion, dominance, hostility, and type A personalities.
So yeah, the next time you find someone swearing and before you judge them, at least stop and think whether they actually mean harm or they're just expressing themselves.

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Language: English