
rin softoxic

Ask @r_softoxic

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What qualities do you value the most in your friends?

I only need to trust that my friends know I care about them, and that I will be there for them. I think kindness and empathy are important, but it's knowing that you will be there for them, and believing that they will be there for you. Even if they never need to be.
Liked by: damian222x

What is a primary fear that is holding you back?

That nothing I do will be good enough to be successful in the long run. And that I have to try to decide everyday if what I'm doing is still worth that or if I need to change my path.
Liked by: damian222x

What does "feeling high" mean to you????

If it isn't related to drugs, feeling high is like a feeling of powerful confidence/happiness of the moment. Or, they're actually high and describing that (;ŏ﹏ŏ)
Liked by: damian222x

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What inspires you the most?

I am most inspired by people who are really amazing at anything and haven't become assholes because of it. And especially people who are inconceivably talented at being kind, loving and forgiving.
Liked by: damian222x

Do u work better under stress ?

I don't think anyone works better under stress, some people are just better at working under stress than others. I don't work well when I am not invested in my project in a meaningful way. If I am, no amount of stress really pulls me down. (*´ω`*)
Liked by: damian222x

Do you use planner to keep yourself or your days organised?

I've made countless planners and plans to keep myself organized but it is very difficult to keep up with it. (●´⌓`●) I suggest you and everyone else including me keeps trying to because it really helps.
Liked by: damian222x

Why society needs you?

Society doesn't need me specifically, but society needs more people who care about the individuals within society. Society itself doesn't have one great need. People individually have many complex needs and no one person can solve it or answer all of them. I think people caring about one another is definitely something we need though.
Liked by: damian222x

Do you bake around the holidays?(example:halloween, Thanksgiving, christmas, birthdays, easter, vanletines day)

I like to bake in general, I don't celebrate many holidays but baking is a great hobby in general and I think everyone should try a little bit!
Liked by: damian222x

Who had the biggest influence on you as a kid?

Jim Carrey was my biggest personal hero from childhood was when I saw ace Ventura pet detective, but not only for his wonderful acting but for the endlessly talented and amazing person I think he is. Being so kind, silly, funny, smart, and capable of communicating with so many people those values and still being successful in Hollywood is something you admire deeply still, especially knowing how much he himself struggles with depression just like other people. Most of these same words apply very much to Robin Williams who will have a place in my heart forever.
Liked by: damian222x

How Good do you have to be to be considered a "Good Person"?

I think a good person is defined both by their actions, the things they do, and by the things they say. I think only you get to decide if you're a good person from your own perspective. You must also consider what the world considers to be a good person. Which is sometimes very different. You have to decide the balance you want to have.
Liked by: damian222x

Why is it so hard for ppl to apologize?

Apologizing is admitting you have done something wrong, it can be a shameful and humiliating feeling for some, who would rather burn a bridge with someone than let themselves feel. Ultimately it is better to apologize because you should feel bad for what you've done wrong, you're saying sorry to let the person know that you are, and your punishment for that is the emotional pain you feel, to hopefully make you not want to do it again.
Liked by: damian222x

Are you a forgiving person?

I am forgiving person, I think sometimes to a degree that I get hurt in the process. I think that intentions matter a lot, but that I am not one for unconditional anything.
However, there is a limit to every persons desire to keep forgiving you.
Liked by: damian222x

a quote that you associate with yourself?

I have a quote tattooed on my inner wrists that says: "The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it." Please always believe in yourself.
Liked by: damian222x

An original way to attract a guy's attention?

Compliment them for something that they are that they rarely acknowledge or won't acknowledge.
Liked by: damian222x

Which do you think is more important: following the dreams your parents want for you or following your own dreams?

It's important to do what you think will make you the happiest overall. Overall being the decision that includes considering the relationship with your family and how you'd feel about the impact being in line or not in line with their expectations. You have to weigh that against if you'll be happy in that life or if you'd really find a happier life doing something else and trying to actually reason with your family. Effective communication is the key that unlocks everything.
Liked by: damian222x

What are your further expectations from life , would it be easy or hard ?

I expect only what I earn. I expect every single step to be difficult until I learn how to make it less difficult.
Liked by: damian222x

What do you fear?

I fear failure. To fail to live, fail to succeed, fear that my fear will make me fail to try, fail to get back up when I do inevitably fail. It's the fear that I want to brave the most and the one that holds everyone back.
Liked by: damian222x

What matters to you most - money, good looks or attitude?

Money is a huge important part of life, it doesn't matter the most because then I would have no reason to have money other than to have it. If having good looks mattered the most to me, id be a lot better looking lol. So, by order of elimination and because you can't do anything without a good attitude, it's really not a question at all.
Liked by: damian222x

Did you see yourself pursuing the things you do now when you were younger?

When I was a teenager and found out I could not afford the school I wanted to go to, I figured it was unlikely that i would be able to have a career in art. Just like anything that is effort based, it certainly isn't the case.
If you commit the time and energy to doing anything correctly, you can succeed at it. The key word is doing it the right way. Which is usually the hard way. And the only way.

What things you want to do, but you can't?

Travel mainly, I would love to be able to see so many places in the world and meet so many of my friends. I also wish very much that I had more means to help my friends in pursuits of their dreams.
Liked by: damian222x

How much of a mess is your room?

My room is really rarely a mess. It's super important to your mental health to keep a clean space around you. Try just making your bed for a week and see how good you feel when you walk in and see it. (*´ω`*)
Liked by: damian222x


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