

Ask @rockprincess87

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Q4 - what's the most valuable piece of information you've learned from being on ask.fm? is there anything you've been taught that you were previously unaware?

i realized i can answer questions based on my own opinion & it doesnt bother anyone

Q3 - what is the climate usually like where you live? would you rather live in a place where it's a certain climate yearlong or do you prefer four distinct seasons?

rainy & sunny! ~oh anyone dreams of having fun with those 4 seasons!: )

Q4 - Is there a field of study or discipline you've always wanted to study intensively, but never had the chance to do so? What was it, and what stopped you from delving into its depths?

when i was so young im bit weird!~i love those science thingy & i go out locating stars & stuff like that.unfortunately, i grew up so focus with work that i got no time with such things anymore. when u grow...u found out u prioritize more on what ur life would be that on that searchin curious stage

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Q3 - Are there any conspiracy theories which you subscribe to? Conversely, which theories do you find particularly ridiculous?

i did followed one in twitter & i was...o.O oh my! well the only ridiculous thing is if it doesnt show much proofs. i like readin those conspiracy theory...possibly..they did or didnt happen..its still is interesting

Q2 - In the show, the writers discussed a theory that they believed extraterrestrial life aided the ancient Egyptians in building the Great Pyramids, as it was practically impossible for them to accomplish that seemingly on their own in the time they were given. What do you think of this theory?

i wasnt born way back past in this time... but anything is possible! ~

Q1 - are there any herbal remedies or alternative medicines you use in lieu of prescription medication or OTC remedies? what are they? do you believe they're just as effective as their pharmaceutical counterparts? (if you're uncomfortable with the question, no need to answer.)

oh we lived in a hilltop..when i got wounded or my family, i go with herbs i found at home.fast remedy..i learned from my dad...& when i got a high grade fever...aside from medications..i took herbs just to rub or tie in my head..dunno but it helps.

how many different usernames have you cycled through throughout your entire life (I'm talking about all kinds of websites)? what was your favorite username that you could remember, and what was the meaning behind it?

rockprincess-coz i love listenin to ear shaking music!!!~i play guitar & really love vkei sooo damn much
baby87-coz most people say im young lookin & it goes with baby maknae kim hyung jun of ss501..

Q2 - What do you think of games like the Assassin's Creed series that include a lot of historical subtext into its plot? Are you a fan or do you prefer more fantasy-like settings?

im into games...but when i grew up...i play less

Hey everyone! I've been watching a show called Ancient Aliens lately, which led me to these questions: Q1 - Do you believe in extraterrestrial life? Do you believe they have capabilities of being more technologically advanced than our species?

i do believe in aliens...the universe is sooo vast to say they dont exist....

What is the longest you've ever gone without any sleep?

42hours...i was the night supervisor 12hours & i was awake in the morning before i had my duty....then after duty i was wide awake coz DOH inspection came...alive til afternoon of 6pm

?Q5: Regardless of your stance on love, what is the most inspirational or moving love story you've ever heard (whether it's fiction or nonfiction)? What makes their relationship stand out to you?

the notebook i guess

? Q4: If you could indulge in any sinful activity (sinful being used loosely, obviously) without punishment or harmful side effects, which activities would you indulge in?

is too much sleeping a sinful activity? wehehehe

? Q3: What materialistic goods are necessary to live a fulfilled life? Conversely, what materialistic goods do you use on a daily basis that aren't necessary survival but fundamental to your current lifestyle?

phone, tabs,laptop...its essential to my work! ~used for research..relay & refer lab results to attending physicians...communicate with staffs...☺

? Q2: Do you have kids and/or plan on having kids in the future? If so, what is your and/or your partner's birth plan? Do you believe in natural births with a doula, or would you/your partner feel more comfortable in a hospital setting?

i do have plans argh wehehehe 2-3 babies maybe... im in the medical field... so ill be comfortable with hospital settings hehehehe

Hope everyone has been taking care of themselves this weekend. ? Q1: Is there a book/fanfiction/magazine/etc you're currently reading? What is it about the story that draws you in?

gee none at the moment really! ~i think i miss readin a lot.lately im too indulge with work?

Q2: What do you believe defines intelligence? Are there different types of intelligence? What kind of intelligence do you possess?

arent intelligence categorized in so many levels?~
witty is intelligent for me...u maybe know why..
uhmmmm i can write..read..& rational... what human being possessed....so im human afterallhehe

Q1: Have you ever taken an IQ test (either professionally or over the Internet)? If so, what is your IQ? Do you believe that IQ tests online are accurate?

yeah..160 is my score...& i dunno wahahaha ive got so much to learn


Language: English