
• Mallory •

Ask @screwyoumario

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Do you believe there should be a curfew on juveniles to get them off the streets at a certain time at night? Would it aid in juvenile crime?

I don't think juveniles should be out super late, but a curfew isn't going to stop them. If anything, it would probably just cause them to sneak out and cause more trouble.

What can be done to prevent young people from committing crime at an early age?

good parenting--teaching right from wrong, discipline, giving them love and attention

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What is your opinion or suggestions regarding situations in schools where individuals commit mass murders by shoot outs or bombs? Are there warning signs to look for from the individuals who commit these acts?

obviously these are terrible events. the best way to prevent these events, is to crack down on bullying and reevaluate gun control. I'm sure there are warning signs; teachers and others just need to be more observant.

How do you feel about AIDS education in our schools and should condoms be distributed in schools? What age should such education start?

Education about AIDS and other STDs should start as soon as sex-ed begins (about 5th grade), because STDs are ALWAYS a possible consequence of sex, and it's important that people know the risks. I don't think condoms should be distributed all willy-nilly, but I do think they should be made readily available.

Do you think there is a direct result from taking corporal punishment out of the school and the lack of discipline in children today?

no. I don't agree with corporal punishment in school. A teacher shouldn't be hitting someone else's child.
If the parents properly disciplined the child at home, they would still be respectful at school.

How do you account for the children of the 90’s succumbing to parental pressure to win and excel?

I'm a child of the 90s. I don't think the desire to succeed comes from my parents, it came from me. I WANTED to do well in school, I WANTED to go to college, and I picked the college I WANTED to go to, but of course my parents encouraged me. But my parents didn't force me into anything. My brother, who is also a child of the 90s, doesn't have much motivation and is quite lazy. My parents gave him the same encouragement as they gave me when we were younger. It depends most on the person.
I think the wording "succumbing to parental pressure" is strange, because it makes it seem like a parent wanting their child to succeed and to do well is a bad thing. I know that some parents CAN be controlling and demanding, and that is wrong. But as a child of the 90s myself, that is not what I experienced from my parents.

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How can we handle the dramatic drop-out of high school students? Is there anything preventative that can be done?

I honestly don't know what preventative measures can be taken. I don't know the whole process of withdrawing from school, but I know you have to be 16. If a student wants to drop out of school, there isn't much to stop them. Even if you try to stress the importance of education, school just isn't for everyone.

Is MTV, VH1, etc., partly responsible for the sexual revolution as it were, in young people today in keeping it going? Or what source is responsible?

I don't watch MTV or VH1 or that kind of television, so I don't know what they're showing. But again, I think it has more to do with discipline and attention. Young people today don't have as much discipline as they should and think they can do whatever they want. They want to act like adults and having sex is the easiest way to do that. And I also think it has to do with lack of education of the subject. Young teenagers know what sex is and they think it's all fun, but they don't fully understand the consequences.

How severe should the punishment be for a pregnant woman who abuses drugs?

she should be sent to prison for the drug use, and when her child is born he/she should be taken away from her. if the drug use kills the baby, she should be charged with the child's death.

Is there a tie between our youths’ need for attention and recognition in the latch key child?

I mean, I would suppose so. I could see how a child who is often left at home without any parental supervision would crave attention in some form. But I'm not a child or family psychologist, so I really wouldn't know for certain.

As Miss/Mrs. ________, how will you convince parents to set guidelines for their children?

I don't understand the first part of this question.
I'm not in a position to try to convince parents on how to raise their children. I'm not a parent, so I can't tell a parent the best way to parent their children. All I can do is give my opinion about what guidelines children should have.

How has television influenced drug use?

I think the answer probably has to do with the media focusing on "this celebrity is doing this kind of drug, oh no" but then having the celebrity not face consequences. I think people think "oh, my favorite celebrity is doing this drug. I wanna try it."

Mallory,Your opinion of innovation is very good & also agree with you giving some books/notes to read.This is just useless.Also noted your comments regarding sex-ed.This is well explained.Keep it up Mallory.Really appreciated.

Thanks Anon :)

Do you think rap music is sending the wrong message to the youth?

Depending on the type of rap they're listening to, probably. Some of the "lyrics" to rap songs are atrocious. But I hate most rap anyway, so.

should the private lives of actors/actresses/stars be off limits to paparazzi or do they surrender those rights when they get into the acting business?

As celebrities, they should understand that their lives will be in the spotlight all the time. However, even celebrities deserve some kind of privacy and private life. The paparazzi get far too involved and out of hand. Taking a picture of a celebrity out and about is one thing, but many members of the paparazzi end up being borderline stalkers and that is not okay.

Is drug testing in the workplace a violation of your rights?

I don't believe so, no. The company needs to make sure their workers are mentally and physically capable of performing their task, and depending on the drug being used, that may not be the case. That being said, I think these drug tests should vary based on the work being performed and the drugs being tested for. A doctor on meth could have a significantly worse outcome than a fast-food worker smoking pot.
Liked by: Kay ✨ J.

if you are for the death penalty, do you think we should go back to the older ways of being put to death? hung in public, burned at the stake, etc?

honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about the death penalty. However, I don't believe we should revert to old methods. Those were barbaric. The technique used commonly today (legal injection) is chemically arranged so the criminal won't feel pain.

Do schools need a complete revamping? What innovations would you like to see?

I wouldn't say a "complete" revamping, but changes definitely need to be made. Education on some topics is not comprehensive and many important topics are left out (see my answer below about sex-ed).
There is too much focus on learning about The Classics in English classes. Don't get me wrong, I love English and I do believe The Classics are important, but there should be more focus on grammar.
Obviously math is important, but most of the math taught in school isn't used in everyday life. I think calculus and up should only be taught if the student wants to take it, or will need to take it for their intended career or what their intended college requires.
And I think students should be taught techniques on HOW TO STUDY based on how they learn. Teachers encourage students to simply read from their books or notes, and for most students that is completely useless.

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is the practice of female circumcision in Africa torture or culture? If you are for circumcision for males, what is the difference?

Torture. There is a hug difference between male circumcision and female circumcision in Africa.
Yes, in some cultures, only the clitoral hood is removed, which would be the equivalent to male circumcision. However, in other cultures, the entire clitoris is removed. Sometimes the inner and outer folds of the vagina are removed, the vulva is sewn closed with only a small opening to release urine and menstrual blood, and then would have to be re-opened to allow for reproduction. These procedures are not done for hygienic purposes (like some say male circumcision is); they are performed so young girls will not be able to have sex unless their husband/father allows and so the girls will not feel any pleasure from sex. And the procedure is performed without any anesthesia.
Liked by: Becca Winn Ham

opinions on arranged marriages? do you think this practice should be outlawed everywhere or do you think there are benefits to this?

I do not like the idea of an arranged marriage and I would be furious if my parents tried to set one up. I don't think they should be legal here in the US.
However, I know in other countries it is part of their culture and that is acceptable. Usually arranged marriages are set up to connect families of powers or different lands, for money (since dowries are sometimes involved), or to ensure that the couple will produce offspring.

at what age(or what grade) should schools begin teaching sex ed? Should sex ed be a required class in school?

Sex-ed should be required in school, and should begin around the time puberty hits. I think it should begin in 4th grade (around age 10). I agree with how my elementary school went about it; the boys and girls were split up for sex-ed in 4th and 5th grade. 4th grade was for learning about yourself and how puberty works for your gender (ie. girls learned about periods). 5th grade I think was for learning about the other gender, but still keeping them separate. then 6th grade was for covering everything together, with boys and girls in the same room. But after 6th grade, though, the quality of sex-ed dropped. The focus seemed to be on the male anatomy and how sex worked for guys. Everyone knew how a guy had sex and what a male orgasm was. But we weren't taught about how sex worked for females, past the fact that a penis enters the vagina and the female can get pregnant.
I was never taught that a girl should not bleed when she first has sex and if she does, her body was not properly prepared for penetration. I was never taught that the hymen only covered part of the opening to the vagina and that it stretches. My first boyfriend thought I was lying about losing my virginity to him because even after having sex a few times, I was never in pain and I didn't bleed.
We were never taught what the function of the clitoris was.
I've even experienced a few guys being totally shocked that girls have a separate opening for peeing, and that we don't pee from our vaginas.
Some people still don't understand that the vagina is INSIDE the body; what you see when a girl opens her legs is her vulva, not the vagina.
Some guys don't even understand the differences between testes and the scrotum, or sperm and semen.
Sorry, a bit off topic, but sex-ed should be required because of these reasons, but it's obvious the curriculum needs to cover these topics better. It's scary how uneducated people are about something they have been taught about THEIR OWN BODIES. Parents should also take some responsibility for teaching their children, but most parents don't and that is why sex-ed should be required. the only "sex talk" I got from my mother was "I'll be damned if my 14 year old daughter ends up pregnant." I was still a virgin at the age of 14.

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Liked by: Katie

The topic of pro-choice and pro life has been brought up a million times, but for those who ARE for abortion, what about partial birth abortions?

Partial birth abortion isn't even an abortion, it's murder. That baby is being born and is killed in the process. One more good push, and the baby would be out into this world, alive. That is not an abortion, that is forcing a baby to be born still-born.


Language: English