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50 posts


Happy birthday Yentl! May your day be full of warmth, joy, and good things! 😁✨

hellojonesymo’s Profile PhotoJo
Hi Jo, thank you so much! 🥰🥳 so sweet of you to say that 🥺
Yesterday my friends and I managed to escape an escape room in time. We went there for my birthday. Today I went to the Efteling (theme park) with my boyfriend. I had a birthday button and lots of people and staff congratulated me, so sweet! 🥺
We’re now on our way home to celebrate my birthday with my parents. ☺️
Happy birthday Yentl May your day be full of warmth joy and good things

You look so beautiful

I'm gonna do the biggest appreciation post I guess.
1. @quarterofblackpink Excuse me miss, but you're the most important thing in my life. You're my best friend, my sister , my one and only. And I'm so happy to have you by my side for almost 3 years. I love you mama.
2 . @dontaei you're weirdo, just weirdo, but i love you.
3 . @bangchaan what bout you ? bruh my b**t is still bigger than yours.
4 . @jiminzjam youuu... You're my number one no matter what . even though you so far away right now. you're still in my heart . you're not just a boyfriend - you're the part of me, my family and my world. you're the only one who showed me what real love actually is. And I'm so thankful for that . Thank you for being with me no matter what. Supporting me.. Talking to me for hours . Thank you for making me yours and being the best boyfriend ( hubby) . I'll never get tired of telling how much I love you. happy 2 , 5 years baby. I miss you. 💋🐾

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Have you ever dealt with a significant other or friend who was controlling? What did you do?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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Yes, I've dealt with someone like that before and I've always been careful to point out his toxic behaviour to my best friend. In the end, she only really noticed when her boyfriend became very toxic and abusive towards her. Luckily she listened to me later on, it just took a lot of time and encouragement for her to realize it herself.

Do you like to go to restaurants or do you respect home cooking?

AlexeyAntonovT101’s Profile PhotoАлексей Владимирович
I prefer to eat out at restaurants. It's pretty much my favourite hobby. 😅. I love trying new places to eat and old favourites. My boyfriend and I are visiting a Chinese restaurant this weekend and I can't wait to taste the food! I quite like cooking for myself at home, but I'm no chef! I can only really make pretty basic stuff. I definitely prefer to eat out. It's a nice way to spend time with friends/family, too.

It is nice to see that you are still here. I hope that you are doing well

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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Hey Bella! It's nice to see you again here!
I am well, a little busy because I am currently doing my bachelor's degree but I am fine and I hope you, your boyfriend and your dogs are well too!

2024 in your life. Anything big? New this year or anything bug happening soon?

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
I went to Krakow with my boyfriend and two friends. That was an amazing experience and we all had such a good time! I'm also going to Costa Del Sol, Spain and Barcelona, Spain in the coming months. I'm especially looking forward to Barcelona. I'm a bit nervous as well, but I'm sure it'll all work out. Other than travelling, not much else to report! I've made a couple new friends this year, I suppose. That's another positive. 🙂

Jaka pogoda odpowiada Ci najbardziej? ☀️☁️

paulinarutecka’s Profile PhotoPaulinaa❤️
PL: Około 20°C, ciepło, ale nie za ciepło, najlepiej bez deszczu i bez upału, takie coś pomiędzy. 😌
Dzisiejsza pogoda u mnie byłaby spoko, gdyby nie deszcz.
Zabawne, bo mój Chłopak wymyślił sobie na dzisiaj grilla, i nawet zaprosił naszych znajomych. 😆
ENG: About 20°C, warm, but not too warm, preferably no rain and no heat, something in between. 😌
Today's weather would be fine for me if it weren't raining.
It's funny because my Boyfriend decided to have a barbecue today, and He even invited our friends. 😆

Are you a middle child, first child, or the youngest? Has that influenced your personality?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
I’m a first child and I can be quite bossy towards my siblings.
Outside of the house I’m not bossy at all, but I’m also not afraid to speak up to other people that are close to me. For example, my boyfriend is quite silent when his older brother is doing something that affects him in a negative way, I basically call him out for it. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Do you prefer to cook or eat out?

I do like to cook, but eating out is my favourite! If I'm allowed to class it as a hobby, it's probably one of my favourite ones. I love trying new foods and places to eat, as well as visiting old favourites. I'm looking forward to my birthday because my boyfriend is taking me out to an Indian restaurant which I haven't been to in a while. I can't wait! 😁

*Vio isn't sure what to do right now, there isn't exactly an escape route, and nothing in this dimensional aberration has followed rules of reality as he understands them.* "Where IS Shadow? The Real Shadow?" *Where the others would have asked about everyone, Vio's far more. . . narrow focused*

Stoicviolet’s Profile PhotoVio
"Concerned about-a your boyfriend, eh ?? No need to be afraid . He's right here !!"
On cue, the enormous teeth around them lift up to reveal dozens of the imposter Shadows, watching Vio's struggles eagerly .
"No more questions ? Good !! LETS-A GO‼️"
It pounced, those crooked fingers grasping upon empty air, the bodily fluids not sticking, as if he wasn't even there though the flesh compressed from his weight .
The ordeal was far from over .
Liked by: Green Red Blue Shadow Vio

When cooking, how much do you usually make? 🍲

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It really depends. I usually make for two people and a little extra when I make. It all depends on if it’s possible though. For example: I was cooking a lot when my boyfriend had his own little student studio. We only had two small pits in his kitchen, so that made preparing larger meals a bit harder.

Opalałaś się już w tym roku?widać efekty?

ktwar’s Profile PhotoKinga Twar
PL: Nie opalałam się, nie lubię się opalać.
Osobiście na sobie wolę efekt bladej skóry aniżeli opalenizny.
Jestem trochę jak śmietana - biała, tłusta, ale dla mojego Chłopaka słodka. 🥹❤️
ENG: I haven't sunbathe this year, I don't like sunbathing.
Personally, I prefer the effect of pale skin rather than tanned one.
I'm a bit like cream - white, fat, but sweet for my Boyfriend. 🥹❤️

Maksymalna dopuszczalna różnica wieku w związku to?

PL: Między mną a moim chłopakiem są 2 lata i 4 miesiące różnicy i dla nas jest to ok, a różnica wieku w związkach innych ludzi mnie nie interesuje.
ENG: There are 2 years and 4 months difference between me and my boyfriend and for us it's ok, and the age difference in other people's relationships doesn't interest me.

czy cofnął byś czas?🤷🏼‍♀️

wiksa_piksa’s Profile Photowiktoria ✨
PL: Może tylko w jednej kwestii, mój Chłopak jest dla mnie naprawdę idealny i gdybym wiedziała, że Go spotkam, to nie marnowałabym tyle czasu na innych frajerów, i nie zwlekałabym z zapytaniem się Go o chodzenie.
Dosłownie, gdybym wiedziała, że ten Człowiek jest tak rewelacyjny pod każdym względem, od razu przeprowadziłabym się do Jego miasta.
Nawet wczoraj mi powiedział, że On czuje, że jestem tą ostatnią. 🥹❤️
ENG: Maybe just one thing, my Boyfriend is really perfect for me and if I had known that I would meet Him, I wouldn't have wasted so much time on other losers and I wouldn't have waited to ask Him out.
Literally, if I had known that this Man was so amazing in every way, I would have moved to His city immediately.
Even yesterday He told me that He feels that I am the last one. 🥹❤️

Umiesz tańczyć Belgijkę? 🍓😏

dulce_fresa_’s Profile PhotoDulce_Fresa
PL: Umiem, i szczerze mówiąc bardzo lubię, chętnie bym sobie zatańczyła.
Muszę zapytać mojego Chłopaka, czy umie tańczyć Belgijkę, to nawet przy dzieciakach byśmy sobie zatańczyli. 🥹❤️
ENG: I can, and to be honest, I really like it, I would love to dance this dance.
I have to ask my Boyfriend if he can dance Belgijka, so we could dance together even in front of the kids. 🥹❤️

🌸hanafubuki🌸 hach, die Liebe! 😽 Wie könnte man euren OC am ehesten beeindrucken bzw. herumkriegen? 👀 Und nenne jeweils drei Green & Red Flags eures OC🚩

tashirojima’s Profile Phototashirojima
ich komme aus der versenkung zurück, wenn auch erstmal nur für die frage. der rest folgt. irgendwann. aber man muss sich ja bei so angeregten diskussionen auch mal melden und so :’D
tsuya ist ein schwieriger fall, weil sie sich ihr ganzes leben lang weigert, romantische gefühle auch nur in betracht zu ziehen. wer braucht schon liebe und so. rumkriegen ist entsprechend schwierig. das haben schon viele versucht und niemand geschafft (und das bleibt auch so, wenn es nach tsuya geht! leider hat sie da kein mitspracherecht und ich als oc-mama will einen boyfriend oder girlfriend oder beides für sie. bitte danke). trotzdem kann sie natürlich beauty appreciaten. und leute, die kämpfen können.
💚 treu ❀ wenn es soweit kommt, dass sich jemand in tsuyas herz schleicht, dann kommt dieser jemand da nicht mehr so leicht raus. obwohl tsuya in vielen aspekten ihres lebens durchaus egoistisch und nur aus eigenem interesse handelt, würde sie für ihre*n partner*in mindestens genauso viel tun.
💚 schönheit ❀ hey, wenn tsuya eins kann, ist es gut aussehen - und in jedem schönheit zu finden. ihre love language ist nicht umsonst haare frisieren, schminken, outfits zusammenstellen und dich dann stolz zur schau zu stellen (à la “look, i pulled that baddie”)
💚 tee ❀ mir gehen die greenflags aus :') spaß beiseite, tsuya macht den besten tee auf ganz wano kuni. ihre teezeremonien sind berühmt. und als ihr*e partner*in bekommt man sie gratis und als einzelvorstellung. wow.
❤️ hot & cold ❀ tsuya ist grade erst auf den geschmack der freiheit gekommen und wird beim ausblick auf eine beziehung (und in der beziehung) wahrscheinlich oft sehr ambivalent reagieren. sprich im einen moment komplett clingy und in love und im nächsten kapselt sie sich ab, weil sie schiss kriegt. sie ist ziemlich überfordert von den eigenen gefühlen und weiß selbst nicht, was sie will - und wie sie es kommunizieren kann.
❤️ sich öffnen/zeigen ❀ tsuya ist ziemlich gut darin, dir etwas vorzuspielen und sich als etwas auszugeben, dass sie gar nicht ist. ob sie das in einer beziehung ablegen kann?
❤️ fehler eingestehen ❀ tsuya macht nichts falsch. und wenn, dann war es nicht ihre schuld. und wenn doch, kann sie nicht damit umgehen und wird sich auch nicht damit auseinandersetzen, wenn man sie nicht dazu zwingt.

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What are her intentions? She says she still loves me, but she has a boyfriend and does not want to talk to me.

Don’t waste your time honestly. If she has a boyfriend and is telling you this.. what makes you think she won’t do that if you two were together.
You need someone who is loyal to you and is actually single, might I add lol. Run for the hills! 🙊

🌸hanafubuki🌸 hach, die Liebe! 😽 Wie könnte man euren OC am ehesten beeindrucken bzw. herumkriegen? 👀 Und nenne jeweils drei Green & Red Flags eures OC🚩

tashirojima’s Profile Phototashirojima
🔮 Um Nehro rumzukriegen hilft es, wenn man intelligent und leicht zu unterschätzen ist, aber eigentlich jemand ist, den man nicht unterschätzen sollte. Fang am besten an, darüber zu philosophieren, wie du die Welt siehst du und stelle dann eine Menge Fragen, die du dir im besten Fall auch gleich selbst beantwortest - oder zumindest hat das bei seinen letzten beiden Exes funktioniert :'D
Letztendlich muss man es ihm aber einfach sagen, wenn man etwas von ihm will. Er versteht zwar dein flirten und die hints, aber er wird nie selbst den nächsten Schritt machen.
Green flags:
1) Er kann super gut zuhören und gibt dir dabei das Gefühl die interessanteste Person auf der ganzen Welt zu sein.
2) Wer macht dir ständig Komplimente, mit denen du oft nicht rechnest und ohne, dass er dafür in irgendeiner Weise eine Gegenleistung will.
3) Er ist einfach so sweet und treu und trägt dich auf Händen und ist der Golden Retriever Boyfriend of your dreams.
Red flags:
1) Eigeninitiative ist etwas das Nehro nicht wirklich an den Tag legt, wenn man etwas von ihm will muss man ihm das explizit sagen. Jedes mal.
2) Er wird sich nicht an euren Jahrestag erinnern oder deinen Geburtstag oder dein Lieblingsessen oder wann euer Date geplant war oder, wenn du Pech hast, deinen Namen.
3) Er hängt immer noch an seiner Ex, die sowas wie seine Seelenverwandte war und ihn verstanden hat wie niemand vorher oder seitdem und an die er sich kaum noch erinnern kann, weswegen er manchmal am frühen Morgen daliegt, sich an halb vergessene Erinnerungen klammert und jemand vermisst, von der er sich nicht komplett sicher ist, ob sie überhaupt jemals wirklich existiert hat.

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Podobają Ci się wydziarane/wydziarani kobiety/mężczyźni? *Mrówka :)*

brzooskwinkaaa’s Profile PhotoMróweczka :)
PL: Mój chłopak ma tatuaż na ręce, tak samo jak ja na kręgosłupie, i oboje planujemy zrobić ich więcej.
Inni faceci mnie nie interesują.
ENG: My boyfriend has a tattoo on his arm, as I have on my spine, and we both plan on getting more of them.
I'm not interested in other guys.

Is it normal for men to give their moms money? Me and my boyfriend are of different cultures and his mom asked him for money. I thought it was rude of her to ask. Obviously he is just a boyfriend and he has his place- I won’t say anything she didn’t need it just wanted.Won’t tolerate when we marry.

Mom is entitled to her son's money. Since his mother carried him for nine months, the relationship between your boyfriend and her is far more significant than the one between the two of you.

What would you do with an extra £1000 a month?

I'd definitely put a lot of it in my savings. My boyfriend and I are currently saving up to go to Las Vegas, so that extra money would come in handy. I'd also start giving to charity again. I had to stop due to the cost of living, so a bit of extra money would allow me to continue giving. 🙂

Maybe he's still hygienic even when he doesn't change every day.Shut up and mind your own business.Hes not your property.

My boyfriend is my business, what he's not is YOUR business😂 I never claimed he was my property? Once again he is a grown man capable of performing basic hygiene without being told to....Sucks for you that you're not but gd does it explain a lot.

I'm sorry, Rachel. Will u be my girlfriend now? I never met a real girlfriend before. Or ever had one. Girlfriends or relationship? I don't care what people think about other people in relationships. What do u like about having a boyfriend? Call me if u wanna start a dating service. -Sage

Dating service for breadsticks and zucchini? 🤔 You may be on to something. $7.99 - No coupons accepted!

Jak Samopoczucie? 👻✌️🥰

PL: Dzień dobry, wstałam, czekam na wypłatę i powoli zaczynam ogarniać wszystko, żeby móc się wyprowadzić.
Terapia, prawko i mnie nie ma.
A dzisiaj przy okazji kupię sobie Buldaka, bo od tygodnia chyba mówię o niej swojemu chłopakowi. XD
ENG: Hi, I got up, I'm waiting for my paycheck and I'm slowly starting to do everything to move out.
Therapy, driving license and I'm gone.
And today, by the way, I'll buy Buldak, because I think I've been talking about it to my boyfriend for a week. 😆

Wish I wasn’t suffering. Wish I wasn’t fat. Wish I had a boyfriend. Ugh 😩. Mood

PrincessTami29’s Profile PhotoPrincess
I understand that you're going through a difficult time and feeling low about yourself. It's important to remember that everyone goes through tough moments, and it's okay to feel down sometimes.
Feeling unhappy about your weight is common, but it's important to remember that your worth as a person is not defined by your weight or size. It's also okay to want a relationship and to feel lonely without one, but try not to focus solely on that.
Things can and will get better, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. Hang in there!

Language: English