
• Mallory •

Ask @screwyoumario

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what is your opinion on terrorism, ISIS and what the US is doing to prevent or stop this? IF you live out of the US, what is your opinion on how your government handles terroristic threats? are we doing all we can to keep citizens safe?

I honestly don't know much about the ISIS group and what's going on with the situation. I only know about the execution videos of the American reporters, which are obviously very cruel. But since I don't know anything about the topic, I don't have an opinion on any of this.
Liked by: anime queen

should Creationism be allowed to be taught in school like evolution is? why or why not?

I think it should be recognized as a theory in school, but as creationism is a religious idea, I don't believe it should be taught in detail. Briefly discussed and recognized, yes. Taught, no.

should a father get paternity leave from work? why or why not? what is an appropriate "leave" time in your opinion?

if he is involved in the child's life, and will actually be helping out with the baby, then yes. mother's need a break every now and then. I don't think paternity leave should be as long as maternity leave, but I think it should last at least a few weeks.

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How did you meet your best friend?

originally met Shaun in junior high school/church, but we reconnected again through Facebook.
both Katie and Leigh-Ann, I met through school. our friend Tim introduced us to Katie, and Leigh-Ann was one of my freshman when I was section leader of the flute section in the marching band.

What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid?

Boy Meets World, Doug, Rugrats, Hey Arnold, Zoom, Sailor Moon.

How would you explain color to a blind man?

by comparing each color to an emotion
ex. red is anger, yellow is happiness, blue is sadness.

What do you look for in a guy? Apart from a great personality and a huge cock

Don't be gross and vulgar. I'm ignoring that last part.
But personality is key. Sense of humor, honest, trustworthy, respectful, supportive. And he has to have either athletic and/or musical talent.
Which describes my boyfriend perfectly.

1st liker of this question gets- 50 likes and the rest get 3 likes each - till you want please gorgeous


Is their anybody (besides your children if you have any) that you would be willing to die for?

Cheyenne 
I don't have children.
so my boyfriend, my friends, and some of my family members.

you HAVE to change one thing about your past, what would you change?

Cheyenne 
I wouldn't have gotten back together with Devan after I broke up with him the first time.
he was mentally and emotionally abusive, and I was kind of using him (though I didn't realize it at the time). Our relationship was toxic and I would have been much happier and confident without him those last 3 months of our relationship.

pap of the most beautiful thing in the world (in your opinion)

Cheyenne 
the first thought I had was of my boyfriend's niece.
she's a little over 2 months old and she's perfect. she's such a good baby.
but since she's not my child, it's not my place to post her adorable pictures online.

would you rather fall in love, but be guarenteed to get your heart broken or never be able to fall in love?

Cheyenne 
fall in love, but get my heart broken.
your heart needs to break a few times before you can find the one who won't break it.

what is your favorite holiday, and why?

Cheyenne 
I love the food, the colors, the smells, the football, and I think Thanksgiving has more of a "family" feel than any other holiday.


screwyoumario’s Profile Photo• Mallory •
I do not understand why randoms or anons feel it's okay to ask invasive questions on these kinds of site. It annoys me even more how they act like you're a bad person just because you don't answer their questions exactly how they want.
just because I say I don't want to answer your sex questions doesn't mean I'm "bitter" or "angry." it means I don't want to answer those kinds of questions. simple as that.


Language: English