
• Mallory •

Ask @screwyoumario

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What's your favorite party game?

anything involving alcohol, primarily Kings, Down the River or Flip Cup

are you scared of anything irrational?

I don't think any of my fears are irrational, no.
my biggest fears are heights, burning alive, and sexual assault. I've been burned and sexual assaulted, so I know what those are like.

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What is your favorite memory from growing up? Whats the worst? Why? Who was your best friend? Who was your worst enemy? are you still friends and enemies?

favorite memory was going to the summer cabin on the lake every summer with the family.
worst memory was probably going to Virginia with the family, being left behind in the condo when they went to a park, chasing after the van before they actually left the plaza, and falling, scraping my hands and knees.
my best friends were Stephanie Lynch and Dawn Perry. no, we're not friends anymore.
I didn't really have an enemy.

Do you prefer to answer questions or ask them?

answer. I actually don't know if I've personally ask someone a question on these sites

What was the last concert you went to?

the last concert I went to was the University of Rhode Island Concert Band concert. though technically, I was performing in it.

Can you recommend anything to read?

Th "Percy Jackson" series. I just finished it and it is great.

What was the last song you heard?

Listening to "A Little Fall of Rain" from Les Miserables right now

When was the last time you hugged someone?

Sunday night when Shaun dropped me back off at the apartment. I'll get to again tonight when he picks me up :)

If you could leave tomorrow with a one-way ticket, where would you go?

honestly, I wouldn't go anywhere. I have too many obligations here to take care of. I'm applying for jobs, it's exam week, and I have things to do this weekend.
Next week, though, things calm down and Ireland with my babe would be awesome

What are you busy with today?

school work. its the end of the school year, so all the last minute work and things are coming up.

What did you dream about last night?

Last night I had a dream that my hometown was having a community service project to clean up a local pool that I was helping with, and Hayley Williams came to help out too. I met her and it was great and now I'm jealous of my dream-self

What's your favorite thing about where you live?

at school, I'm surrounded by friends.
at home, my boyfriend only lives 5 minutes away.

Do you prefer chicken, beef or pork meat?

either chicken or beef. I'll eat pork, but I just prefer the other two

What's on your to-do list this weekend?

Tomorrow is working on a project with Katie, Jane's birthday for a bit, then laser tag lockin with KKPsi from 11pm-7am.
Saturday is Welcome Day on campus for pep band, then some sleep, then project work again.
Sunday will probably be more project work.
I also have to find time in there to write my speeches for upcoming KKPsi elections.


Language: English